CGO 2021
2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)
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2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), February 27 – March 3, 2021, Virtual, Republic of Korea

CGO 2021 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Alappat, Christie L. CGO '21: "YaskSite: Stencil Optimization ..."
Amaral, José Nelson CGO '21: "Vulkan Vision: Ray Tracing ..."
Amarasinghe, Saman CGO '21: "Compiling Graph Applications ..." CGO '21: "BuildIt: A Type-Based Multi-stage ..."
Amini, Mehdi CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."
Arif, Mahwish CGO '21: "Cinnamon: A Domain-Specific ..."
Barbar, Mohamad CGO '21: "Object Versioning for Flow-Sensitive ..."
Barik, Raj CGO '21: "An Experience with Code-Size ..."
Bello, Luciano CGO '21: "Relaxed Peephole Optimization: ..."
Ben-Nun, Tal CGO '21: "StencilFlow: Mapping Large ..."
Bondhugula, Uday CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."
Brahmakshatriya, Ajay CGO '21: "Compiling Graph Applications ..." CGO '21: "BuildIt: A Type-Based Multi-stage ..."
Cao, Liqing CGO '21: "Scaling Up the IFDS Algorithm ..."
Carlson, Trevor E. CGO '21: "ELFies: Executable Region ..."
Chabbi, Milind CGO '21: "An Experience with Code-Size ..."
Chelini, Lorenzo CGO '21: "Progressive Raising in Multi-level ..."
Chen, Gang CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Chen, Kaiyu CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Chen, Shiping CGO '21: "Object Versioning for Flow-Sensitive ..."
Chen, Wei-Yu CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Chen, Ying CGO '21: "Enhancing Atomic Instruction ..."
Cho, Sungjun CGO '21: "Thread-Aware Area-Efficient ..."
Choi, Heelim CGO '21: "Fine-Grained Pipeline Parallelization ..."
Cohen, Albert CGO '21: "Progressive Raising in Multi-level ..." CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..." CGO '21: "Seamless Compiler Integration ..."
Cole, Murray CGO '21: "Loop Parallelization using ..."
Corporaal, Henk CGO '21: "Progressive Raising in Multi-level ..."
Da Silva, Anderson Faustino CGO '21: "AnghaBench: A Suite with One ..."
Davis, Andy CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."
De Fine Licht, Johannes CGO '21: "StencilFlow: Mapping Large ..."
De Matteis, Tiziano CGO '21: "StencilFlow: Mapping Large ..."
Dong, Xiao CGO '21: "Unleashing the Low-Precision ..."
Drebes, Andi CGO '21: "Progressive Raising in Multi-level ..."
Durand, Yves CGO '21: "Seamless Compiler Integration ..."
Eltantawy, Ahmed CGO '21: "Vulkan Vision: Ray Tracing ..."
Fabre, Christian CGO '21: "Seamless Compiler Integration ..."
Feng, Xiaobing CGO '21: "Unleashing the Low-Precision ..."
Franchetti, Franz CGO '21: "An Interval Compiler for Sound ..."
Franke, Björn CGO '21: "Loop Parallelization using ..."
Fu, Fangwen CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Fuentes, Joel CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Gao, Lin CGO '21: "Scaling Up the IFDS Algorithm ..."
Gong, Xiaoli CGO '21: "Enhancing Atomic Instruction ..."
Grosser, Tobias CGO '21: "Progressive Raising in Multi-level ..."
Guimarães, Breno Campos Ferreira CGO '21: "AnghaBench: A Suite with One ..."
Hager, Georg CGO '21: "YaskSite: Stencil Optimization ..."
Hajiabadi, Ali CGO '21: "ELFies: Executable Region ..."
Hall, Mary CGO '21: "Data Layout and Data Representation ..."
Heirman, Wim CGO '21: "ELFies: Executable Region ..."
Hendren, Laurie CGO '21: "r3d3: Optimized Query Compilation ..."
Ho, Hsi-Ming CGO '21: "Cinnamon: A Domain-Specific ..."
Hoefler, Torsten CGO '21: "StencilFlow: Mapping Large ..."
Hofer, Dominic CGO '21: "StencilFlow: Mapping Large ..."
Hong, Changwan CGO '21: "Compiling Graph Applications ..."
Isaev, Alexander CGO '21: "ELFies: Executable Region ..."
Jain, Animesh CGO '21: "UNIT: Unifying Tensorized ..."
Jeong, Shinnung CGO '21: "Thread-Aware Area-Efficient ..."
Jiang, Hong CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Jiang, Zhang CGO '21: "Enhancing Atomic Instruction ..."
Jones, Timothy M. CGO '21: "Cinnamon: A Domain-Specific ..."
Kamil, Shoaib CGO '21: "Compiling Graph Applications ..."
Kim, Changsu CGO '21: "Thread-Aware Area-Efficient ..."
Kim, Hanjun CGO '21: "Fine-Grained Pipeline Parallelization ..." CGO '21: "Thread-Aware Area-Efficient ..."
Kim, Youngsok CGO '21: "Thread-Aware Area-Efficient ..."
Kind, Bruno Conde CGO '21: "AnghaBench: A Suite with One ..."
Koehler, Thomas CGO '21: "Towards a Domain-Extensible ..."
Korch, Matthias CGO '21: "YaskSite: Stencil Optimization ..."
Krolik, Alexander CGO '21: "r3d3: Optimized Query Compilation ..."
Kuster, Andreas CGO '21: "StencilFlow: Mapping Large ..."
Lattner, Chris CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."
Lee, Yongwoo CGO '21: "Thread-Aware Area-Efficient ..."
Li, Guangli CGO '21: "Unleashing the Low-Precision ..."
Li, Guangwei CGO '21: "GoBench: A Benchmark Suite ..."
Li, Haofeng CGO '21: "Scaling Up the IFDS Algorithm ..."
Li, Hongzheng CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Li, Jiansong CGO '21: "Unleashing the Low-Precision ..."
Li, Lian CGO '21: "GoBench: A Benchmark Suite ..." CGO '21: "Scaling Up the IFDS Algorithm ..."
Lin, Jin CGO '21: "An Experience with Code-Size ..."
Liu, Bin CGO '21: "HHVM Jump-Start: Boosting ..."
Liu, Chen CGO '21: "GoBench: A Benchmark Suite ..."
Liu, Ji CGO '21: "Relaxed Peephole Optimization: ..."
Liu, Lei CGO '21: "Unleashing the Low-Precision ..."
Lozano, Roberto Castañeda CGO '21: "Loop Parallelization using ..."
Lu, Jie CGO '21: "GoBench: A Benchmark Suite ..." CGO '21: "Scaling Up the IFDS Algorithm ..."
Lueh, Guei-Yuan CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Ma, Xiu CGO '21: "Unleashing the Low-Precision ..."
Magalhães, José Wesley de Souza CGO '21: "AnghaBench: A Suite with One ..."
Mehta, Sanyam CGO '21: "Variable-Sized Blocks for ..."
Mellor-Crummey, John CGO '21: "GPA: A GPU Performance Advisor ..."
Meng, Haining CGO '21: "Scaling Up the IFDS Algorithm ..."
Meng, Xiaozhu CGO '21: "GPA: A GPU Performance Advisor ..."
Namashivayam, Naveen CGO '21: "Variable-Sized Blocks for ..."
Nowatzki, Tony CGO '21: "UNIT: Unifying Tensorized ..."
Nowicki, Tyler CGO '21: "Vulkan Vision: Ray Tracing ..."
Ottoni, Guilherme CGO '21: "HHVM Jump-Start: Boosting ..."
Pai, Sreepathi CGO '21: "Efficient Execution of Graph ..."
Pankratz, David CGO '21: "Vulkan Vision: Ray Tracing ..."
Patil, Harish CGO '21: "ELFies: Executable Region ..."
Pereira, Fernando Magno Quintão CGO '21: "Memory-Safe Elimination of ..." CGO '21: "AnghaBench: A Suite with One ..."
Pétrot, Frédéric CGO '21: "Seamless Compiler Integration ..."
Pienaar, Jacques CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."
Püschel, Markus CGO '21: "An Interval Compiler for Sound ..."
Rauber, Thomas CGO '21: "YaskSite: Stencil Optimization ..."
Rhee, Daniel CGO '21: "C-for-Metal: High Performance ..."
Riddle, River CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."
Rivera, Joao CGO '21: "An Interval Compiler for Sound ..."
Rocha, Jerônimo Nunes CGO '21: "AnghaBench: A Suite with One ..."
Sabu, Alen CGO '21: "ELFies: Executable Region ..."
Sai, Ryuichi CGO '21: "GPA: A GPU Performance Advisor ..."
Seiferth, Johannes CGO '21: "YaskSite: Stencil Optimization ..."
Shpeisman, Tatiana CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."
Shun, Julian CGO '21: "Compiling Graph Applications ..."
Soares, Luigi CGO '21: "Memory-Safe Elimination of ..."
Song, Seungbin CGO '21: "Fine-Grained Pipeline Parallelization ..."
Song, William CGO '21: "Thread-Aware Area-Efficient ..."
Steuwer, Michel CGO '21: "Towards a Domain-Extensible ..."
Sui, Yulei CGO '21: "Object Versioning for Flow-Sensitive ..."
Trevisan Jost, Tiago CGO '21: "Seamless Compiler Integration ..."
Vasilache, Nicolas CGO '21: "Progressive Raising in Multi-level ..." CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."
Vasiladiotis, Christos CGO '21: "Loop Parallelization using ..."
Verbrugge, Clark CGO '21: "r3d3: Optimized Query Compilation ..."
Wang, Jie CGO '21: "UNIT: Unifying Tensorized ..."
Wang, Leyuan CGO '21: "UNIT: Unifying Tensorized ..."
Wang, Wenwen CGO '21: "Enhancing Atomic Instruction ..."
Wang, Xueying CGO '21: "Unleashing the Low-Precision ..."
Wang, Yida CGO '21: "UNIT: Unifying Tensorized ..."
Wellein, Gerhard CGO '21: "YaskSite: Stencil Optimization ..."
Weng, Jian CGO '21: "UNIT: Unifying Tensorized ..."
Xue, Jingling CGO '21: "GoBench: A Benchmark Suite ..." CGO '21: "Unleashing the Low-Precision ..."
Yew, Pen-Chung CGO '21: "Variable-Sized Blocks for ..." CGO '21: "Enhancing Atomic Instruction ..."
Yuan, Ting CGO '21: "GoBench: A Benchmark Suite ..."
Zhang, Yunming CGO '21: "Compiling Graph Applications ..."
Zhao, Ziyi CGO '21: "Enhancing Atomic Instruction ..."
Zheng, Hengjie CGO '21: "Scaling Up the IFDS Algorithm ..."
Zheng, Ruohuang CGO '21: "Efficient Execution of Graph ..."
Zhou, Huiyang CGO '21: "Relaxed Peephole Optimization: ..."
Zhou, Keren CGO '21: "GPA: A GPU Performance Advisor ..."
Zhou, Ruoyu CGO '21: "Cinnamon: A Domain-Specific ..."
Zinenko, Oleksandr CGO '21: "Progressive Raising in Multi-level ..." CGO '21: "MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure ..."

149 authors

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