CGO 2019
2019 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)
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2019 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), February 16–20, 2019, Washington, DC, USA

CGO 2019 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aga, Misiker Tadesse CGO '19: "Smokestack: Thwarting DOP ..."
Ahrens, Peter CGO '19: "Tensor Algebra Compilation ..."
Akkas, Abdurrahman CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Amarasinghe, Saman CGO '19: "Tensor Algebra Compilation ..." CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Ancourt, Corinne CGO '19: "Locus: A System and a Language ..."
Auler, Rafael CGO '19: "BOLT: A Practical Binary Optimizer ..."
Austin, Todd CGO '19: "Smokestack: Thwarting DOP ..."
Baghdadi, Riyadh CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Banerjee, Ansuman CGO '19: "A Shared BTB Design for Multicore ..."
Baunach, Marcel CGO '19: "Code Generation from Formal ..."
Binder, Walter CGO '19: "Reasoning about the Node.js ..."
Bonetta, Daniele CGO '19: "Reasoning about the Node.js ..."
Brevnov, Evgueni CGO '19: "Super-Node SLP: Optimized ..."
Castro-Lopez, Oscar CGO '19: "Multi-target Compiler for ..."
Chandrasekhar, Anupama CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Chapman, Barbara CGO '19: "Kernel Fusion/Decomposition ..."
Chen, Gang CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Chen, Po-Yu CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Chen, Wei-Yu CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Chen, Yanhao CGO '19: "Decoding CUDA Binary ..."
Choi, Hongjun CGO '19: "White-Box Program Tuning ..."
Cole, Murray CGO '19: "Function Merging by Sequence ..."
Das, Moumita CGO '19: "A Shared BTB Design for Multicore ..."
De Gonzalo, Simon Garcia CGO '19: "Automatic Generation of Warp-Level ..."
Del Sozzo, Emanuele CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Duan, Lide CGO '19: "CSOD: Context-Sensitive Overflow ..."
Duboscq, Gilles CGO '19: "An Optimization-Driven Incremental ..."
Feng, Xiaobing CGO '19: "Accelerating GPU Computing ..."
Fu, Sheng-Yu CGO '19: "Translating Traditional SIMD ..."
Gavrilovska, Ada CGO '19: "Quantifying and Reducing Execution ..."
Góes, Luís F. W. CGO '19: "Super-Node SLP: Optimized ..."
Gomes, Renata Martins CGO '19: "Code Generation from Formal ..."
Gómez-Luna, Juan CGO '19: "Automatic Generation of Warp-Level ..."
Gropp, William CGO '19: "Locus: A System and a Language ..."
Gu, Junjie CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Guimarães, Breno CGO '19: "Generation of In-Bounds Inputs ..."
Guo, Peng CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Gupta, Rajiv CGO '19: "White-Box Program Tuning ..."
Hammond, Simon CGO '19: "Automatic Generation of Warp-Level ..."
Hannig, Frank CGO '19: "From Loop Fusion to Kernel ..."
Hayes, Ari B. CGO '19: "Decoding CUDA Binary ..."
Hsu, Wei-Chung CGO '19: "Translating Traditional SIMD ..."
Hua, Fei CGO '19: "Decoding CUDA Binary ..."
Huang, Jin CGO '19: "Decoding CUDA Binary ..."
Huang, Sitao CGO '19: "Automatic Generation of Warp-Level ..."
Hwu, Wen-mei CGO '19: "Automatic Generation of Warp-Level ..."
Jones, Timothy M. CGO '19: "Janus: Statically-Driven and ..."
Kamil, Shoaib CGO '19: "Tensor Algebra Compilation ..." CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Kim, Hyesoon CGO '19: "Translating CUDA to OpenCL ..."
Kim, Jinsung CGO '19: "A Code Generator for High-Performance ..."
Kim, Yonghae CGO '19: "Translating CUDA to OpenCL ..."
Kjolstad, Fredrik CGO '19: "Tensor Algebra Compilation ..."
Koch, Andreas CGO '19: "Extending LLVM for Lightweight ..."
Kong, Martin CGO '19: "Kernel Fusion/Decomposition ..."
Krishnamoorthy, Sriram CGO '19: "A Code Generator for High-Performance ..."
Kruppe, Robin CGO '19: "Extending LLVM for Lightweight ..."
Kumar, Shruthi Hebbur Prasanna CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Leather, Hugh CGO '19: "Function Merging by Sequence ..."
Lee, Wen-Chuan CGO '19: "White-Box Program Tuning ..."
Leopoldseder, David CGO '19: "An Optimization-Driven Incremental ..."
Li, Guangli CGO '19: "Accelerating GPU Computing ..."
Lim, Jay P. CGO '19: "Automatic Equivalence Checking ..."
Liu, Hongyu CGO '19: "CSOD: Context-Sensitive Overflow ..."
Liu, Lei CGO '19: "Accelerating GPU Computing ..."
Liu, Peng CGO '19: "White-Box Program Tuning ..."
Liu, Tongping CGO '19: "CSOD: Context-Sensitive Overflow ..."
Liu, Xu CGO '19: "Transforming Query Sequences ..."
Liu, Yingqi CGO '19: "White-Box Program Tuning ..."
Lueh, Guei-Yuan CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Ma, Shiqing CGO '19: "White-Box Program Tuning ..."
Mattson, Timothy CGO '19: "Super-Node SLP: Optimized ..."
Mellor-Crummey, John CGO '19: "A Tool for Performance Analysis ..."
Mishra, Alok CGO '19: "Kernel Fusion/Decomposition ..."
Mistry, Pankaj CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Mururu, Girish CGO '19: "Quantifying and Reducing Execution ..."
Mutlu, Onur CGO '19: "Automatic Generation of Warp-Level ..."
Nagarakatte, Santosh CGO '19: "Automatic Equivalence Checking ..."
Nell, Bill CGO '19: "BOLT: A Practical Binary Optimizer ..."
Nelson, Jacob CGO '19: "Understanding RDMA Behavior ..."
Neth, Brandon CGO '19: "Automatic Parallelization ..."
O'Boyle, Michael CGO '19: "Rethinking Compilation in ..."
Oppermann, Julian CGO '19: "Extending LLVM for Lightweight ..."
Ottoni, Guilherme CGO '19: "BOLT: A Practical Binary Optimizer ..."
Padua, David CGO '19: "Locus: A System and a Language ..."
Palmieri, Roberto CGO '19: "Understanding RDMA Behavior ..."
Pan, Wei CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Panchenko, Maksim CGO '19: "BOLT: A Practical Binary Optimizer ..."
Pande, Santosh CGO '19: "Quantifying and Reducing Execution ..."
Panyala, Ajay CGO '19: "A Code Generator for High-Performance ..."
Pereira, Fernando Magno Quintão CGO '19: "Generation of In-Bounds Inputs ..."
Petoumenos, Pavlos CGO '19: "Function Merging by Sequence ..."
Porpodas, Vasileios CGO '19: "Super-Node SLP: Optimized ..."
Pouchet, Louis-Noël CGO '19: "A Code Generator for High-Performance ..."
Prokopec, Aleksandar CGO '19: "An Optimization-Driven Incremental ..."
Qiao, Bo CGO '19: "From Loop Fusion to Kernel ..."
Qiu, Junqiao CGO '19: "Transforming Query Sequences ..."
Raoux, Thomas CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Ray, Jessica CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Reiche, Oliver CGO '19: "From Loop Fusion to Kernel ..."
Ren, Bin CGO '19: "Transforming Query Sequences ..."
Rocha, Rodrigo C. O. CGO '19: "Function Merging by Sequence ..." CGO '19: "Super-Node SLP: Optimized ..."
Rodrigues, Marcus CGO '19: "Generation of In-Bounds Inputs ..."
Romdhane, Malek Ben CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Rountev, Atanas CGO '19: "A Code Generator for High-Performance ..."
Sadayappan, P. CGO '19: "A Code Generator for High-Performance ..."
Sardar, Bhaskar CGO '19: "A Shared BTB Design for Multicore ..."
Schiavio, Filippo CGO '19: "Reasoning about the Node.js ..."
Silvestro, Sam CGO '19: "CSOD: Context-Sensitive Overflow ..."
Sommer, Lukas CGO '19: "Extending LLVM for Lightweight ..."
Strout, Michelle Mills CGO '19: "Automatic Parallelization ..."
Sukumaran-Rajam, Aravind CGO '19: "A Code Generator for High-Performance ..."
Sun, Haiyang CGO '19: "Reasoning about the Node.js ..."
Suriana, Patricia CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Teich, Jürgen CGO '19: "From Loop Fusion to Kernel ..."
Teixeira, Thiago S. F. X. CGO '19: "Locus: A System and a Language ..."
Thumma, Vineeth CGO '19: "A Code Generator for High-Performance ..."
Tian, Ruiqin CGO '19: "Transforming Query Sequences ..."
Trifunovic, Konrad CGO '19: "IGC: The Open Source Intel ..."
Varadarajan, Swetha CGO '19: "Optimizing RNA-RNA Interaction ..."
Vega-Lopez, Ines F. CGO '19: "Multi-target Compiler for ..."
Wang, Xiaoyin CGO '19: "CSOD: Context-Sensitive Overflow ..."
Wang, Zheng CGO '19: "Function Merging by Sequence ..."
Würthinger, Thomas CGO '19: "An Optimization-Driven Incremental ..."
Zhang, Eddy Z. CGO '19: "Decoding CUDA Binary ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu CGO '19: "White-Box Program Tuning ..."
Zhang, Yunming CGO '19: "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler ..."
Zhao, Zhijia CGO '19: "Transforming Query Sequences ..."
Zhou, Keren CGO '19: "A Tool for Performance Analysis ..."
Zhou, Ruoyu CGO '19: "Janus: Statically-Driven and ..."

132 authors

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