28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 3 (ASPLOS 2023)
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28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 3 (ASPLOS 2023), March 25–29, 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada

ASPLOS 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abellán, José L. ASPLOS '23: "Flexagon: A Multi-dataflow ..."
Aboulnaga, Ashraf ASPLOS '23: "Persistent Memory Disaggregation ..."
Acacio, Manuel E. ASPLOS '23: "Flexagon: A Multi-dataflow ..."
Acun, Bilge ASPLOS '23: "MP-Rec: Hardware-Software ..."
Agarwal, Niket ASPLOS '23: "TPP: Transparent Page Placement ..."
Ajdari, Mohammadamin ASPLOS '23: "Re-architecting I/O Caches ..."
Akram, Shoaib ASPLOS '23: "TeraHeap: Reducing Memory ..."
Alzammar, Fadi ASPLOS '23: "Skybox: Open-Source Graphic ..."
Andersen, Garrett ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Ardalani, Newsha ASPLOS '23: "MP-Rec: Hardware-Software ..."
Arora, Aman ASPLOS '23: "Infinity Stream: Portable ..."
Asadi, Hossein ASPLOS '23: "Re-architecting I/O Caches ..."
Asghari-Moghaddam, Hadi ASPLOS '23: "Accelerating Sparse Data Orchestration ..."
Aublin, Pierre-Louis ASPLOS '23: "Exit-Less, Isolated, and Shared ..."
August, David I. ASPLOS '23: "SPLENDID: Supporting Parallel ..."
Bachrach, Jonathan ASPLOS '23: "Simulator Independent Coverage ..."
Bai, YanXu ASPLOS '23: "LEGO: Empowering Chip-Level ..."
Balkind, Jonathan ASPLOS '23: "Cohort: Software-Oriented ..."
Bansal, Chetan ASPLOS '23: "Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost ..."
Barrett, Clark ASPLOS '23: "APEX: A Framework for Automated ..."
Batten, Christopher ASPLOS '23: "Beyond Static Parallel Loops: ..."
Bazkhanei, Amir Hossein ASPLOS '23: "Re-architecting I/O Caches ..."
Beamer, Scott ASPLOS '23: "RepCut: Superlinear Parallel ..."
Bender, Michael A. ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Bhattacharjee, Abhishek ASPLOS '23: "Direct Mind-Machine Teaming ..." ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Bhattacharya, Pallab ASPLOS '23: "TPP: Transparent Page Placement ..."
Bi, Chao ASPLOS '23: "Persistent Memory Disaggregation ..."
Bi, Jun ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Biancolin, David ASPLOS '23: "Simulator Independent Coverage ..."
Bifulco, Roberto ASPLOS '23: "eHDL: Turning eBPF/XDP Programs ..."
Bilas, Angelos ASPLOS '23: "TeraHeap: Reducing Memory ..."
Bishop, Lev S. ASPLOS '23: "CaQR: A Compiler-Assisted ..."
Bonola, Marco ASPLOS '23: "eHDL: Turning eBPF/XDP Programs ..."
Bronstein, Alex ASPLOS '23: "GRACE: A Scalable Graph-Based ..."
Brooks, David ASPLOS '23: "MP-Rec: Hardware-Software ..."
Campanoni, Simone ASPLOS '23: "SPLENDID: Supporting Parallel ..."
Canini, Marco ASPLOS '23: "In-Network Aggregation with ..."
Catanzaro, Bryan ASPLOS '23: "Language Models: The Most ..."
Cecka, Cris ASPLOS '23: "Graphene: An IR for Optimized ..."
Ceze, Luis ASPLOS '23: "SparseTIR: Composable Abstractions ..."
Chandra, Ranveer ASPLOS '23: "Kodan: Addressing the Computational ..."
Chauhan, Prakash ASPLOS '23: "TPP: Transparent Page Placement ..."
Chen, Hanfeng ASPLOS '23: "Graphene: An IR for Optimized ..."
Chen, Hao ASPLOS '23: "Persistent Memory Disaggregation ..."
Chen, Huaping ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Chen, Kang ASPLOS '23: "NosWalker: A Decoupled Architecture ..."
Chen, Minghua ASPLOS '23: "LEGO: Empowering Chip-Level ..."
Chen, Qihang ASPLOS '23: "ABNDP: Co-optimizing Data ..."
Chen, Quan ASPLOS '23: "Efficient Scheduler Live Update ..."
Chen, Shanpei ASPLOS '23: "Efficient Scheduler Live Update ..."
Chen, Tao ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Chen, Tianqi ASPLOS '23: "SparseTIR: Composable Abstractions ..."
Chen, Tianshi ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Chen, Yanhao ASPLOS '23: "CaQR: A Compiler-Assisted ..."
Chen, Yiran ASPLOS '23: "DefT: Boosting Scalability ..."
Chen, Yuhan ASPLOS '23: "GRACE: A Scalable Graph-Based ..."
Chen, Zizhan ASPLOS '23: "Transparent Runtime Change ..."
Cheng, Lin ASPLOS '23: "Beyond Static Parallel Loops: ..."
Cheng, Liqun ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Cheung, Ray C. C. ASPLOS '23: "In-Network Aggregation with ..."
Chintalapudi, Krishna ASPLOS '23: "Kodan: Addressing the Computational ..."
Chon, Yebin ASPLOS '23: "SPLENDID: Supporting Parallel ..."
Chowdhury, Mosharaf ASPLOS '23: "TPP: Transparent Page Placement ..."
Cidon, Asaf ASPLOS '23: "Efficient Compactions between ..."
Conway, Alex ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Cooper, Liam ASPLOS '23: "Skybox: Open-Source Graphic ..."
Cortez, Eli ASPLOS '23: "Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost ..."
Couturier, Camille ASPLOS '23: "Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost ..."
Crago, Neal C. ASPLOS '23: "Accelerating Sparse Data Orchestration ..."
Cui, Huimin ASPLOS '23: "Occamy: Elastically Sharing ..."
Culler, David ASPLOS '23: "Towards an Adaptable Systems ..."
Daly, Ross ASPLOS '23: "APEX: A Framework for Automated ..."
Denby, Bradley ASPLOS '23: "Kodan: Addressing the Computational ..."
Deng, Erwei ASPLOS '23: "Efficient Scheduler Live Update ..."
Deng, Shuiguang ASPLOS '23: "Mapping Very Large Scale Spiking ..."
Dhanotia, Abhishek ASPLOS '23: "TPP: Transparent Page Placement ..."
Doerfert, Johannes ASPLOS '23: "SPLENDID: Supporting Parallel ..."
Donovick, Caleb ASPLOS '23: "APEX: A Framework for Automated ..."
Dreslinski, Ronald ASPLOS '23: "GRACE: A Scalable Graph-Based ..."
Du, Xiaoyong ASPLOS '23: "Space-Efficient TREC for Enabling ..."
Du, Zidong ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Duraisamy, Padmapriya ASPLOS '23: "Towards an Adaptable Systems ..."
Emer, Joel S. ASPLOS '23: "Accelerating Sparse Data Orchestration ..." ASPLOS '23: "The Sparse Abstract Machine ..."
Evdorou, Giannos ASPLOS '23: "TeraHeap: Reducing Memory ..."
Fallin, Chris ASPLOS '23: "Going beyond the Limits of ..."
Fan, Bin ASPLOS '23: "Graphene: An IR for Optimized ..."
Fan, Jianing ASPLOS '23: "Towards an Adaptable Systems ..."
Fang, Ruijie ASPLOS '23: "CaT: A Solver-Aided Compiler ..."
Farach-Colton, Martin ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Feng, Kathleen ASPLOS '23: "APEX: A Framework for Automated ..."
Feng, Xiaobing ASPLOS '23: "Occamy: Elastically Sharing ..."
Feng, Yuan ASPLOS '23: "Verification of Nondeterministic ..."
Fletcher, Christopher W. ASPLOS '23: "Accelerating Sparse Data Orchestration ..." ASPLOS '23: "Untangle: A Principled Framework ..."
Forencich, Alex ASPLOS '23: "Rosebud: Making FPGA-Accelerated ..."
Freedman, Michael J. ASPLOS '23: "Efficient Compactions between ..."
Gandhi, Jayneel ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Gao, Mingyu ASPLOS '23: "ABNDP: Co-optimizing Data ..."
Gao, Xiangyu ASPLOS '23: "CaT: A Solver-Aided Compiler ..."
Garfinkel, Tal ASPLOS '23: "Going beyond the Limits of ..."
Garg, Raveesh ASPLOS '23: "Flexagon: A Multi-dataflow ..."
Garg, Siddharth ASPLOS '23: "Characterizing and Optimizing ..."
Garimella, Karthik ASPLOS '23: "Characterizing and Optimizing ..."
Garland, Michael ASPLOS '23: "Graphene: An IR for Optimized ..."
Ghodsi, Zahra ASPLOS '23: "Characterizing and Optimizing ..."
Giordano, Matthew ASPLOS '23: "Reconfigurable Virtual Memory ..."
Godbole, Adwait ASPLOS '23: "PipeSynth: Automated Synthesis ..."
Goiri, Íñigo ASPLOS '23: "Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost ..."
Gosakan, Krishnan ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Grady, Julian ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Grover, Vinod ASPLOS '23: "Graphene: An IR for Optimized ..."
Guan, Jiawei ASPLOS '23: "Space-Efficient TREC for Enabling ..."
Guo, Minyi ASPLOS '23: "Efficient Scheduler Live Update ..."
Guo, Qi ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Guo, Xiaoguang ASPLOS '23: "Space-Efficient TREC for Enabling ..."
Guo, Yuxuan ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Gupta, Aarti ASPLOS '23: "CaT: A Solver-Aided Compiler ..."
Gupta, Udit ASPLOS '23: "MP-Rec: Hardware-Software ..."
Hagedorn, Bastian ASPLOS '23: "Graphene: An IR for Optimized ..."
Han, Jaehyun ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Hanrahan, Pat ASPLOS '23: "APEX: A Framework for Automated ..."
Hanson, Edward ASPLOS '23: "DefT: Boosting Scalability ..."
Hare, Scott ASPLOS '23: "Towards an Adaptable Systems ..."
He, Jianfei ASPLOS '23: "In-Network Aggregation with ..."
He, Shuibing ASPLOS '23: "Mapping Very Large Scale Spiking ..."
Hegde, Kartik ASPLOS '23: "Accelerating Sparse Data Orchestration ..."
Homerding, Brian ASPLOS '23: "SPLENDID: Supporting Parallel ..."
Horowitz, Mark A. ASPLOS '23: "APEX: A Framework for Automated ..." ASPLOS '23: "The Sparse Abstract Machine ..."
Horton, Mark ASPLOS '23: "DefT: Boosting Scalability ..."
Hsia, Samuel ASPLOS '23: "MP-Rec: Hardware-Software ..."
Hsu, Olivia ASPLOS '23: "The Sparse Abstract Machine ..."
Hu, Xing ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Hua, Fei ASPLOS '23: "CaQR: A Compiler-Assisted ..."
Huang, Da ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Huang, Gang ASPLOS '23: "Disaggregated RAID Storage ..."
Ismail, Mohannad ASPLOS '23: "Protect the System Call, Protect ..."
Iyer, Vighnesh ASPLOS '23: "Simulator Independent Coverage ..."
Jaleel, Aamer ASPLOS '23: "Accelerating Sparse Data Orchestration ..."
Jang, Yeongjin ASPLOS '23: "Protect the System Call, Protect ..."
Javadi-Abhari, Ali ASPLOS '23: "CaQR: A Compiler-Assisted ..."
Jelesnianski, Christopher ASPLOS '23: "Protect the System Call, Protect ..."
Jha, Nandan Kumar ASPLOS '23: "Characterizing and Optimizing ..."
Jiang, Jinlei ASPLOS '23: "NosWalker: A Decoupled Architecture ..."
Jin, Ouwen ASPLOS '23: "Mapping Very Large Scale Spiking ..."
Jin, Xin ASPLOS '23: "Disaggregated RAID Storage ..."
Jin, Yuwei ASPLOS '23: "CaQR: A Compiler-Assisted ..."
John, Lizy ASPLOS '23: "Infinity Stream: Portable ..."
Johnson, Evan ASPLOS '23: "Going beyond the Limits of ..."
Johnson, Rob ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Jouppi, Norman P. ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Jung, Dai Cheol ASPLOS '23: "Beyond Static Parallel Loops: ..."
Kanaujia, Shobhit ASPLOS '23: "TPP: Transparent Page Placement ..."
Kannan, Sudarsun ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Kasikci, Baris ASPLOS '23: "Vidi: Record Replay for Reconfigurable ..."
Kennelly, Christopher ASPLOS '23: "Towards an Adaptable Systems ..."
Khanalizadeh Imani, Masoud ASPLOS '23: "Re-architecting I/O Caches ..."
Khazraee, Moein ASPLOS '23: "Rosebud: Making FPGA-Accelerated ..."
Kim, Hyesoon ASPLOS '23: "Skybox: Open-Source Graphic ..."
Kjølstad, Fredrik ASPLOS '23: "The Sparse Abstract Machine ..."
Kolokasis, Iacovos G. ASPLOS '23: "TeraHeap: Reducing Memory ..."
Kozanitis, Christos ASPLOS '23: "TeraHeap: Reducing Memory ..."
Krishna, Tushar ASPLOS '23: "Flexagon: A Multi-dataflow ..."
Krsulich, Kevin ASPLOS '23: "CaQR: A Compiler-Assisted ..."
Kruse, Michael ASPLOS '23: "SPLENDID: Supporting Parallel ..."
Kulkarni, Milind ASPLOS '23: "Coyote: A Compiler for Vectorizing ..."
Kuszmaul, William ASPLOS '23: "Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach ..."
Laeufer, Kevin ASPLOS '23: "Simulator Independent Coverage ..."
Lai, Ruihang ASPLOS '23: "SparseTIR: Composable Abstractions ..."
Landgraf, Joshua ASPLOS '23: "Reconfigurable Virtual Memory ..."
Lapeyre, John ASPLOS '23: "CaQR: A Compiler-Assisted ..."
Le, Quoc V. ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
LeMay, Michael ASPLOS '23: "Going beyond the Limits of ..."
Li, Andrew ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Li, Cheng ASPLOS '23: "Persistent Memory Disaggregation ..."
Li, Feifei ASPLOS '23: "Persistent Memory Disaggregation ..."
Li, Hai (Helen) ASPLOS '23: "DefT: Boosting Scalability ..."
Li, Ling ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Li, Liqun ASPLOS '23: "Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost ..."
Li, Shaohua ASPLOS '23: "Finding Unstable Code via ..."
Li, Sheng ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Li, Songfan ASPLOS '23: "LEGO: Empowering Chip-Level ..."
Li, Xiaqing ASPLOS '23: "Heron: Automatically Constrained ..."
Li, Xin ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Li, Yang ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Li, Ying ASPLOS '23: "Mapping Very Large Scale Spiking ..."
Liang, Chen ASPLOS '23: "Hyperscale Hardware Optimized ..."
Lin, Mao ASPLOS '23: "DrGPUM: Guiding Memory Optimization ..."
Lin, Qingwei ASPLOS '23: "Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost ..."
Lin, Qinliang ASPLOS '23: "In-Network Aggregation with ..."
Liu, Christopher ASPLOS '23: "Infinity Stream: Portable ..."
Liu, Jiesong ASPLOS '23: "Space-Efficient TREC for Enabling ..."
Liu, Shuo ASPLOS '23: "In-Network Aggregation with ..."
Liu, Xuanzhe ASPLOS '23: "Disaggregated RAID Storage ..."
Liu, Yao ASPLOS '23: "In-Network Aggregation with ..."
Liu, Ying ASPLOS '23: "Occamy: Elastically Sharing ..."
Lonkar, Omkar ASPLOS '23: "Cohort: Software-Oriented ..."
Lu, Jianan ASPLOS '23: "Efficient Compactions between ..."
Lu, Li ASPLOS '23: "LEGO: Empowering Chip-Level ..."