ASE 2018
33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2018)
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33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2018), September 3–7, 2018, Montpellier, France

ASE 2018 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aafer, Yousra ASE '18: "Dual-Force: Understanding ..."
Abdessalem, Raja Ben ASE '18: "Testing Autonomous Cars for ..."
Abreu, Rui ASE '18: "Lightweight Source Code Monitoring ..."
Abubakar, Muhammad ASE '18: "TRIMMER: Application Specialization ..."
Accioly, Paola ASE '18: "Understanding Semi-structured ..."
Aguirre, Nazareno ASE '18: "A Genetic Algorithm for Goal-Conflict ..."
Alizadeh, Vahid ASE '18: "Reducing Interactive Refactoring ..."
Almasri, Nada ASE '18: "Automatically Quantifying ..."
Arora, Nipun ASE '18: "Replay without Recording of ..."
Arora, Pryanshu ASE '18: "Automated Directed Fairness ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto ASE '18: "Continuous Code Quality: Are ..." ASE '18: "Mining File Histories: Should ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ASE '18: "An Evolutionary Approach for ..."
Bai, Guangdong ASE '18: "Break the Dead End of Dynamic ..."
Bajammal, Mohammad ASE '18: "Generating Reusable Web Components ..."
Bao, Liang ASE '18: "AutoConfig: Automatic Configuration ..."
Baudry, Benoit ASE '18: "Descartes: A PITest Engine ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ASE '18: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Bell, Jonathan ASE '18: "Replay without Recording of ..." ASE '18: "A Large-Scale Study of Test ..."
Ben Fadhel, Ameni ASE '18: "Model-Driven Run-Time Enforcement ..."
Berger, Thorsten ASE '18: "Tackling Combinatorial Explosion: ..."
Beyer, Dirk ASE '18: "Domain-Independent Multi-threaded ..." ASE '18: "CPA-SymExec: Efficient Symbolic ..."
Bianculli, Domenico ASE '18: "Model-Driven Run-Time Enforcement ..."
Blanc, Xavier ASE '18: "On Adopting Linters to Deal ..."
Borba, Paulo ASE '18: "Understanding Semi-structured ..."
Borges Jr., Nataniel P. ASE '18: "DroidMate-2: A Platform for ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ASE '18: "Testing Autonomous Cars for ..." ASE '18: "Model-Driven Run-Time Enforcement ..."
Brunel, Julien ASE '18: "The Electrum Analyzer: Model ..."
Bugariu, Alexandra ASE '18: "Automatically Testing Implementations ..."
Cadar, Cristian ASE '18: "PARTI: A Multi-interval Theory ..."
Cai, Yuanfang ASE '18: "Experiences Applying Automated ..."
Canfora, Gerardo ASE '18: "Estimating the Number of Remaining ..."
Cantone, Giovanni ASE '18: "Estimating the Number of Remaining ..."
Cao, Jialun ASE '18: "L-CMP: An Automatic Learning-Based ..."
Cao, Yurui ASE '18: "An Empirical Study of Android ..."
Cashman, Mikaela ASE '18: "Navigating the Maze: The Impact ..."
Cavalcanti, Guilherme ASE '18: "Understanding Semi-structured ..."
Cha, Sooyoung ASE '18: "Template-Guided Concolic Testing ..."
Chan, W. K. ASE '18: "ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart ..."
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan ASE '18: "Safe Stream-Based Programming ..."
Chattopadhyay, Sudipta ASE '18: "Automated Directed Fairness ..."
Chechik, Marsha ASE '18: "Client-Specific Equivalence ..."
Chemouil, David ASE '18: "The Electrum Analyzer: Model ..."
Chen, Bihuan ASE '18: "ClDiff: Generating Concise ..."
Chen, Boyuan ASE '18: "An Automated Approach to Estimating ..."
Chen, Chunyang ASE '18: "DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity ..." ASE '18: "Tell Them Apart: Distilling ..."
Chen, Jianhui ASE '18: "Control Flow-Guided SMT Solving ..."
Chen, Qingying ASE '18: "A Neural Framework for Retrieval ..."
Chen, Sen ASE '18: "Efficiently Manifesting Asynchronous ..."
Chen, Shih-Yu ASE '18: "A Symbolic Model Checking ..."
Chen, Zhuangbin ASE '18: "Characterizing the Natural ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi ASE '18: "Understanding and Detecting ..." ASE '18: "A Tale of Two Cities: How ..."
Chi, Jianlei ASE '18: "node2defect: Using Network ..."
Christakis, Maria ASE '18: "Automatically Testing Implementations ..."
Clapp, Lazaro ASE '18: "Safe Stream-Based Programming ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ASE '18: "Automated Requirements Engineering ..."
Cohen, Myra B. ASE '18: "Navigating the Maze: The Impact ..." ASE '18: "An Evolutionary Approach for ..."
Cordeiro, Lucas C. ASE '18: "Bounded Model Checking of ..." ASE '18: "ESBMC 5.0: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Cottingham, Robert W. ASE '18: "Navigating the Maze: The Impact ..."
Cui, Di ASE '18: "node2defect: Using Network ..."
Cunha, Alcino ASE '18: "The Electrum Analyzer: Model ..."
Cunha, Jácome ASE '18: "jStanley: Placing a Green ..."
Degiovanni, Renzo ASE '18: "A Genetic Algorithm for Goal-Conflict ..."
De Lima Filho, Eddie B. ASE '18: "Bounded Model Checking of ..."
Delplanque, Julien ASE '18: "Software Engineering Techniques ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ASE '18: "OCELOT: A Search-Based Test-Data ..."
Deng, Xi ASE '18: "Characterizing and Identifying ..."
Deng, Yuetang ASE '18: "An Empirical Study of Android ..."
Detweiler, Carrick ASE '18: "Assessing the Type Annotation ..."
Diarra, Rokiatou ASE '18: "Towards Automatic Restrictification ..."
Di Cosmo, Roberto ASE '18: "Software Heritage: Collecting, ..."
Ding, Dan ASE '18: "Delta Debugging Microservice ..."
Di Nucci, Dario ASE '18: "OCELOT: A Search-Based Test-Data ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ASE '18: "An Empirical Investigation ..." ASE '18: "Estimating the Number of Remaining ..."
Dong, Jinsong ASE '18: "Break the Dead End of Dynamic ..."
Dong, Wei ASE '18: "Scheduling Constraint Based ..."
Dong, Zhen ASE '18: "Android Testing via Synthetic ..."
Dou, Wensheng ASE '18: "Expandable Group Identification ..."
Dustmann, Oscar Soria ASE '18: "PARTI: A Multi-interval Theory ..."
Eichberg, Michael ASE '18: "A Unified Lattice Model and ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ASE '18: "Assessing the Type Annotation ..."
Enea, Constantin ASE '18: "Datalog-Based Scalable Semantic ..."
Erdogmus, Hakan ASE '18: "Lightweight Source Code Monitoring ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian ASE '18: "Scalable Incremental Building ..."
Falessi, Davide ASE '18: "Estimating the Number of Remaining ..."
Fan, Lingling ASE '18: "Efficiently Manifesting Asynchronous ..."
Fang, Baoyin ASE '18: "AutoConfig: Automatic Configuration ..."
Fischer, Bernd ASE '18: "ESBMC 5.0: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Friedberger, Karlheinz ASE '18: "Domain-Independent Multi-threaded ..."
Fu, Ying ASE '18: "VulSeeker: A Semantic Learning ..."
Gadelha, Mikhail R. ASE '18: "ESBMC 5.0: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Gafurov, Davrondzhon ASE '18: "Achieving Test Automation ..."
Galinier, Florian ASE '18: "A DSL for Requirements in ..."
Gall, Harald C. ASE '18: "Continuous Code Quality: Are ..." ASE '18: "OCELOT: A Search-Based Test-Data ..."
Gallaba, Keheliya ASE '18: "Noise and Heterogeneity in ..."
Gao, Jian ASE '18: "VulSeeker: A Semantic Learning ..."
Gao, Jianxiong ASE '18: "Loop Path Reduction by State ..."
Gao, Xiang ASE '18: "Android Testing via Synthetic ..."
Garcia, Joshua ASE '18: "Self-Protection of Android ..."
Garcia, Mário A. P. ASE '18: "Bounded Model Checking of ..."
Gardey, Juan Cruz ASE '18: "Live Versioning of Web Applications ..."
Garrido, Alejandra ASE '18: "Live Versioning of Web Applications ..."
Gehani, Ashish ASE '18: "TRIMMER: Application Specialization ..."
Ghaisas, Smita ASE '18: "Towards Automating Disambiguation ..."
Gharibi, Gharib ASE '18: "Code2graph: Automatic Generation ..."
Grano, Giovanni ASE '18: "OCELOT: A Search-Based Test-Data ..."
Grigera, Julián ASE '18: "Live Versioning of Web Applications ..."
Guerra, Michele ASE '18: "OCELOT: A Search-Based Test-Data ..."
Habchi, Sarra ASE '18: "On Adopting Linters to Deal ..."
Habib, Andrew ASE '18: "How Many of All Bugs Do We ..." ASE '18: "Is This Class Thread-Safe? ..."
Haindl, Philipp ASE '18: "Assessing and Evaluating Functional ..."
Hammad, Mahmoud ASE '18: "Self-Protection of Android ..."
Han, Shi ASE '18: "Expandable Group Identification ..."
Han, Xue ASE '18: "PerfLearner: Learning from ..."
Hariri, Farah ASE '18: "SRCIROR: A Toolset for Mutation ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. ASE '18: "Neural-Machine-Translation-Based ..."
Hassan, Foyzul ASE '18: "RUDSEA: Recommending Updates ..."
He, Ancheng ASE '18: "node2defect: Using Network ..."
He, Dongjie ASE '18: "Understanding and Detecting ..."
He, Fei ASE '18: "Control Flow-Guided SMT Solving ..."
He, Pinjia ASE '18: "Characterizing the Natural ..."
He, Shilin ASE '18: "Characterizing the Natural ..."
He, Yilun ASE '18: "PaMpeR: Proof Method Recommendation ..."
Helm, Dominik ASE '18: "A Unified Lattice Model and ..."
Herckis, Lauren ASE '18: "Implementation Science for ..."
Hilton, Michael ASE '18: "A Large-Scale Study of Test ..."
Hoskins, John ASE '18: "Detecting and Summarizing ..."
Hotzkow, Jenny ASE '18: "DroidMate-2: A Platform for ..."
Hu, Jiajun ASE '18: "A Tale of Two Cities: How ..."
Hu, Xing ASE '18: "An Automated Approach to Estimating ..."
Huang, Huaxun ASE '18: "Understanding and Detecting ..." ASE '18: "A Tale of Two Cities: How ..."
Huang, Jeff ASE '18: "SEEDE: Simultaneous Execution ..."
Huang, Kaifeng ASE '18: "ClDiff: Generating Concise ..."
Huang, LiGuo ASE '18: "Effective API Recommendation ..."
Huang, Qiao ASE '18: "API Method Recommendation ..."
Huang, Xiaowei ASE '18: "Concolic Testing for Deep ..."
Huang, Yi ASE '18: "Tell Them Apart: Distilling ..."
Huo, Wei ASE '18: "αDiff: Cross-Version Binary ..."
Hurum, Arne Erik ASE '18: "Achieving Test Automation ..."
Ivančić, Franjo ASE '18: "Replay without Recording of ..."
Janes, Andrea ASE '18: "code_call_lens: Raising the ..."
Ji, Chao ASE '18: "Delta Debugging Microservice ..."
Jiang, Bo ASE '18: "ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart ..."
Jiang, Jie-Hong R. ASE '18: "A Symbolic Model Checking ..."
Jiang, Yanyan ASE '18: "ReScue: Crafting Regular Expression ..."
Jiang, Yu ASE '18: "S-gram: Towards Semantic-Aware ..." ASE '18: "VulSeeker: A Semantic Learning ..."
Jiang, Zhen Ming (Jack) ASE '18: "An Automated Approach to Estimating ..."
Jin, Yangxu ASE '18: "node2defect: Using Network ..."
Juefei-Xu, Felix ASE '18: "DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity ..."
Kaiser, Gail ASE '18: "Replay without Recording of ..."
Karande, Shirish ASE '18: "Towards Automating Disambiguation ..."
Karkazis, Lambros ASE '18: "Assessing the Type Annotation ..."
Kazman, Rick ASE '18: "Experiences Applying Automated ..."
Kessentini, Marouane ASE '18: "Reducing Interactive Refactoring ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ASE '18: "DeepRoad: GAN-Based Metamorphic ..." ASE '18: "Automated Model Repair for ..."
Konat, Gabriël ASE '18: "Scalable Incremental Building ..."
Korel, Bogdan ASE '18: "Automatically Quantifying ..."
Kotheimer, John ASE '18: "Semantic Crash Bucketing ..."
Kovalenko, Vladimir ASE '18: "Mining File Histories: Should ..."
Krismayer, Thomas ASE '18: "Automatic Mining of Constraints ..."
Kroening, Daniel ASE '18: "Concolic Testing for Deep ..."
Kübler, Florian ASE '18: "A Unified Lattice Model and ..."
Kulkarni, Sandeep ASE '18: "DKVF: A Framework for Rapid ..."
Kwiatkowska, Marta ASE '18: "Concolic Testing for Deep ..."
Lahiri, Shuvendu K. ASE '18: "Datalog-Based Scalable Semantic ..."
Laser, Marcelo Schmitt ASE '18: "Empirically Assessing Opportunities ..."
Lee, Seonho ASE '18: "Template-Guided Concolic Testing ..."
Lee, Yugyung ASE '18: "Code2graph: Automatic Generation ..."
Le Goues, Claire ASE '18: "Semantic Crash Bucketing ..."
Lemberger, Thomas ASE '18: "CPA-SymExec: Efficient Symbolic ..."
Lemieux, Caroline ASE '18: "FairFuzz: A Targeted Mutation ..."
Li, Bo ASE '18: "DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity ..."
Li, Dengfeng ASE '18: "An Empirical Study of Android ..."
Li, Feng ASE '18: "αDiff: Cross-Version Binary ..."
Li, Guangwei ASE '18: "Understanding and Detecting ..."
Li, Li ASE '18: "DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity ..."
Li, Lian ASE '18: "Understanding and Detecting ..."
Li, Wenchao ASE '18: "αDiff: Cross-Version Binary ..."
Li, Wenhai ASE '18: "Delta Debugging Microservice ..."
Li, Yi ASE '18: "Client-Specific Equivalence ..."
Li, Yongjian ASE '18: "L-CMP: An Automatic Learning-Based ..."
Lin, Huarui ASE '18: "PFix: Fixing Concurrency Bugs ..."
Lin, Tian ASE '18: "Tell Them Apart: Distilling ..."
Lin, Yun ASE '18: "Break the Dead End of Dynamic ..."
Liu, Bingchang ASE '18: "αDiff: Cross-Version Binary ..."
Liu, Chao ASE '18: "S-gram: Towards Semantic-Aware ..."
Liu, Cong ASE '18: "DeepRoad: GAN-Based Metamorphic ..."
Liu, Han ASE '18: "S-gram: Towards Semantic-Aware ..."
Liu, Hui ASE '18: "Deep Learning Based Feature ..."
Liu, Jie ASE '18: "TDroid: Exposing App Switching ..."
Liu, Shuang ASE '18: "PFix: Fixing Concurrency Bugs ..."
Liu, Ting ASE '18: "node2defect: Using Network ..."
Liu, Wanwei ASE '18: "Scheduling Constraint Based ..."
Liu, Xiaoyu ASE '18: "Effective API Recommendation ..."
Liu, Xin ASE '18: "AutoConfig: Automatic Configuration ..."
Liu, Yang ASE '18: "DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity ..." ASE '18: "Tell Them Apart: Distilling ..." ASE '18: "Efficiently Manifesting Asynchronous ..." ASE '18: "ClDiff: Generating Concise ..."
Liu, Ye ASE '18: "ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart ..."
Liu, Yepang ASE '18: "Understanding and Detecting ..." ASE '18: "A Tale of Two Cities: How ..."
Liu, Zhongxin ASE '18: "Neural-Machine-Translation-Based ..."
Lo, David ASE '18: "PerfLearner: Learning from ..." ASE '18: "API Method Recommendation ..." ASE '18: "Neural-Machine-Translation-Based ..."
Lu, Jian ASE '18: "ReScue: Crafting Regular Expression ..."
Lumetta, Steven S. ASE '18: "Loop Path Reduction by State ..."
Lyu, Michael R. ASE '18: "Characterizing the Natural ..."
Ma, Lei ASE '18: "DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity ..."
Ma, Shiqing ASE '18: "Dual-Force: Understanding ..."
Ma, Xiaoxing ASE '18: "ReScue: Crafting Regular Expression ..."
Macedo, Nuno ASE '18: "The Electrum Analyzer: Model ..."
Macho, Christian ASE '18: "Noise and Heterogeneity in ..."
Mairegger, Michael ASE '18: "code_call_lens: Raising the ..."
Malek, Sam ASE '18: "Self-Protection of Android ..."
Marinov, Darko ASE '18: "A Large-Scale Study of Test ..."
Markman, Martin ASE '18: "Achieving Test Automation ..."
Maro, Salome ASE '18: "Tackling Combinatorial Explosion: ..."
Mazinanian, Davood ASE '18: "Generating Reusable Web Components ..."
McIntosh, Shane ASE '18: "Noise and Heterogeneity in ..."
Medvidović, Nenad ASE '18: "Empirically Assessing Opportunities ..."
Meng, Guozhu ASE '18: "Efficiently Manifesting Asynchronous ..."
Mesbah, Ali ASE '18: "Generating Reusable Web Components ..."
Mezini, Mira ASE '18: "A Unified Lattice Model and ..."
Mo, Ran ASE '18: "Experiences Applying Automated ..."
Molina, Facundo ASE '18: "A Genetic Algorithm for Goal-Conflict ..."
Monperrus, Martin ASE '18: "Descartes: A PITest Engine ..."
Monteiro, Felipe R. ASE '18: "Bounded Model Checking of ..." ASE '18: "ESBMC 5.0: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Mora, Federico ASE '18: "Client-Specific Equivalence ..."
Moran, Kevin ASE '18: "Detecting and Summarizing ..."
Morse, Jeremy ASE '18: "ESBMC 5.0: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Mukelabai, Mukelabai ASE '18: "Tackling Combinatorial Explosion: ..."
Müller, Peter ASE '18: "Automatically Testing Implementations ..."
Murphy, Gail C. ASE '18: "The Need for Context in Software ..."
Naedele, Martin ASE '18: "Experiences Applying Automated ..."
Nagashima, Yutaka ASE '18: "PaMpeR: Proof Method Recommendation ..."
Nejati, Shiva ASE '18: "Testing Autonomous Cars for ..."
Nešić, Damir ASE '18: "Tackling Combinatorial Explosion: ..."
Ng, Vincent ASE '18: "Effective API Recommendation ..."
Nicole, Denis A. ASE '18: "ESBMC 5.0: An Industrial-Strength ..."
Noller, Yannic ASE '18: "Differential Program Analysis ..."
Oh, Hakjoo ASE '18: "Template-Guided Concolic Testing ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ASE '18: "OCELOT: A Search-Based Test-Data ..."
Ore, John-Paul ASE '18: "Assessing the Type Annotation ..."
Ozdemir, Alim ASE '18: "Lightweight Source Code Monitoring ..."
Palomba, Fabio ASE '18: "Continuous Code Quality: Are ..." ASE '18: "Mining File Histories: Should ..."
Pan, Minxue ASE '18: "Dual-Force: Understanding ..."
Pang, Jun ASE '18: "L-CMP: An Automatic Learning-Based ..."
Panichella, Annibale ASE '18: "Testing Autonomous Cars for ..."
Patwardhan, Manasi ASE '18: "Towards Automating Disambiguation ..."
Paulsen, Brandon ASE '18: "CANAL: A Cache Timing Analysis ..."
Peng, Xin ASE '18: "Delta Debugging Microservice ..." ASE '18: "ClDiff: Generating Concise ..."
Pereira, Rui ASE '18: "jStanley: Placing a Green ..."
Pezzè, Mauro ASE '18: "Effectiveness and Challenges ..."
Piao, Aihua ASE '18: "αDiff: Cross-Version Binary ..."
Pinzger, Martin ASE '18: "Noise and Heterogeneity in ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ASE '18: "An Empirical Investigation ..." ASE '18: "Detecting and Summarizing ..."
Pradel, Michael ASE '18: "How Many of All Bugs Do We ..." ASE '18: "Is This Class Thread-Safe? ..."
Pu, Geguang ASE '18: "Efficiently Manifesting Asynchronous ..."
Purnell, George ASE '18: "Detecting and Summarizing ..."
Qu, Yu ASE '18: "node2defect: Using Network ..."
Ramaswamy, Srini ASE '18: "Experiences Applying Automated ..."
Ranjan, Priya ASE '18: "Navigating the Maze: The Impact ..."
Ray, Baishakhi ASE '18: "Replay without Recording of ..."
Regis, Germán ASE '18: "A Genetic Algorithm for Goal-Conflict ..."
Reif, Michael ASE '18: "A Unified Lattice Model and ..."
Reiss, Steven P. ASE '18: "SEEDE: Simultaneous Execution ..."
Rodriguez, Rodney ASE '18: "RUDSEA: Recommending Updates ..."
Roohitavaf, Mohammad ASE '18: "DKVF: A Framework for Rapid ..."
Rossi, Gustavo ASE '18: "Live Versioning of Web Applications ..."
Rouvoy, Romain ASE '18: "On Adopting Linters to Deal ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ASE '18: "Android Testing via Synthetic ..."
Ruan, Wenjie ASE '18: "Concolic Testing for Deep ..."
Rubin, Julia ASE '18: "Client-Specific Equivalence ..."
Russo, Barbara ASE '18: "code_call_lens: Raising the ..."
Sainani, Abhishek ASE '18: "Towards Automating Disambiguation ..."
Saraiva, João ASE '18: "jStanley: Placing a Green ..."
Scalabrino, Simone ASE '18: "OCELOT: A Search-Based Test-Data ..."
Sen, Koushik ASE '18: "FairFuzz: A Targeted Mutation ..."
Sferruzza, David ASE '18: "Top-Down Model-Driven Engineering ..."