ASE 2017
2017 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2017)
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2017 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2017), October 30 – November 3, 2017, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA

ASE 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aafer, Yousra ASE '17: "PAD: Programming Third-Party ..." ASE '17: "UI Driven Android Application ..."
Abate, Alessandro ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
Abdelrasoul, Mahmoud ASE '17: "Promoting Secondary Orders ..."
Agarwal, Yuvraj ASE '17: "Transfer Learning for Performance ..."
Ahmed, Toufique ASE '17: "SentiCR: A Customized Sentiment ..."
Alatawi, Eman ASE '17: "Leveraging Abstract Interpretation ..."
Ali, Karim ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Amarasinghe, Saman ASE '17: "taco: A Tool to Generate Tensor ..."
Aniche, Maurício ASE '17: "Why and How JavaScript Developers ..."
Apel, Sven ASE '17: "Renaming and Shifted Code ..."
Aranovich, Raul ASE '17: "Perceived Language Complexity ..."
Armaly, Ameer ASE '17: "Automatically Generating Commit ..."
Asaduzzaman, Muhammad ASE '17: "FEMIR: A Tool for Recommending ..."
Avdiienko, Vitalii ASE '17: "Detecting Information Flow ..."
Bandara, Arosha K. ASE '17: "Learning to Share: Engineering ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Code ..."
Benatallah, Boualem ASE '17: "Programming Bots by Synthesizing ..."
Bessa, Iury ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
Binkley, David ASE '17: "Predicting Relevance of Change ..."
Bodden, Eric ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Boehm, Barry ASE '17: "Improving Missing Issue-Commit ..." ASE '17: "Understanding Feature Requests ..."
Böhme, Marcel ASE '17: "Detecting Information Flow ..."
Bokor, Péter ASE '17: "Quick Verification of Concurrent ..."
Boockmann, Jan H. ASE '17: "DSIbin: Identifying Dynamic ..."
Bos, Herbert ASE '17: "DSIbin: Identifying Dynamic ..."
Bosu, Amiangshu ASE '17: "SentiCR: A Customized Sentiment ..."
Braberman, Víctor ASE '17: "Model Checker Execution Reports ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ASE '17: "Synthetic Data Generation ..."
Brun, Yuriy ASE '17: "Tortoise: Interactive System ..."
Bu, Lei ASE '17: "Sketch-Guided GUI Test Generation ..."
Busari, Saheed A. ASE '17: "Towards Search-Based Modelling ..."
Cabot, Jordi ASE '17: "Gremlin-ATL: A Scalable Model ..."
Cadar, Cristian ASE '17: "Automatic Testing of Symbolic ..." ASE '17: "Floating-Point Symbolic Execution: ..."
Cai, Yan ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Crashes ..." ASE '17: "UNDEAD: Detecting and Preventing ..."
Calikli, Gul ASE '17: "Learning to Share: Engineering ..."
Candido, Jeanderson ASE '17: "Test Suite Parallelization ..."
Canino, Anthony ASE '17: "Understanding and Overcoming ..."
Casati, Fabio ASE '17: "Programming Bots by Synthesizing ..."
Castaño, Rodrigo ASE '17: "Model Checker Execution Reports ..."
Castor, Fernando ASE '17: "Understanding and Overcoming ..."
Cattaruzza, Dario ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
Celik, Ahmet ASE '17: "iCoq: Regression Proof Selection ..."
Cha, Sang Kil ASE '17: "Testing Intermediate Representations ..."
Chai Barukh, Moshe ASE '17: "Programming Bots by Synthesizing ..."
Chan, W. K. ASE '17: "SimplyDroid: Efficient Event ..."
Chapman, Carl ASE '17: "Exploring Regular Expression ..."
Chaves, Lennon ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
Chen, Celia ASE '17: "Improving Missing Issue-Commit ..." ASE '17: "Understanding Feature Requests ..."
Chen, Enhong ASE '17: "Systematically Testing Background ..."
Chen, Jia ASE '17: "Static Detection of Asymptotic ..."
Chen, Liushan ASE '17: "Contract-Based Program Repair ..."
Chen, Xi ASE '17: "DSIbin: Identifying Dynamic ..."
Chen, Xin ASE '17: "Sketch-Guided GUI Test Generation ..."
Cheng, Haoliang ASE '17: "Sketch-Guided GUI Test Generation ..."
Cheng, Lin ASE '17: "Systematic Reduction of GUI ..."
Cheng, Xi ASE '17: "IntPTI: Automatic Integer ..."
Chou, Stephen ASE '17: "taco: A Tool to Generate Tensor ..."
Chrisment, Isabelle ASE '17: "ANDROFLEET: Testing WiFi Peer-to-Peer ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..." ASE '17: "Diagnosing Assumption Problems ..."
Cohen, Myra B. ASE '17: "EventFlowSlicer: A Tool for ..."
Coppa, Emilio ASE '17: "Rethinking Pointer Reasoning ..."
Coppik, Nicolas ASE '17: "TrEKer: Tracing Error Propagation ..."
Cordeiro, Lucas ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
Corradini, Flavio ASE '17: "BProVe: Tool Support for Business ..." ASE '17: "BProVe: A Formal Verification ..."
D’Amorim, Marcelo ASE '17: "Test Suite Parallelization ..."
Daniel, Gwendal ASE '17: "Gremlin-ATL: A Scalable Model ..."
David, Cristina ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
De Lara, Juan ASE '17: "The Rise of the (Modelling) ..."
D’Elia, Daniele Cono ASE '17: "Rethinking Pointer Reasoning ..."
Della Toffola, Luca ASE '17: "Saying ’Hi!’ Is Not Enough: ..."
Demetrescu, Camil ASE '17: "Rethinking Pointer Reasoning ..."
Demmler, Daniel ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Deursen, Arie van ASE '17: "Software Engineering without ..." ASE '17: "Why and How JavaScript Developers ..."
Dickens, Luke ASE '17: "Learning to Share: Engineering ..."
Di Franco, Anthony ASE '17: "A Comprehensive Study of Real-World ..."
Dillig, Isil ASE '17: "Static Detection of Asymptotic ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. ASE '17: "Floating-Point Symbolic Execution: ..."
Dong, Jinsong ASE '17: "Mining Implicit Design Templates ..."
Dou, Wensheng ASE '17: "A Comprehensive Study on Real ..."
Duan, Zhao ASE '17: "More Effective Interpolations ..."
Duan, Zhenhua ASE '17: "More Effective Interpolations ..."
Dwyer, Matthew B. ASE '17: "Comprehensive Failure Characterization ..." ASE '17: "SymInfer: Inferring Program ..."
Erata, Ferhat ASE '17: "ModelWriter: Text and Model-Synchronized ..."
Eugster, Patrick ASE '17: "PAD: Programming Third-Party ..."
Faerevaag, Markus ASE '17: "Testing Intermediate Representations ..."
Fazzini, Mattia ASE '17: "Automated Cross-Platform Inconsistency ..."
Feng, Dengguo ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Crashes ..."
Filkov, Vladimir ASE '17: "The Impact of Continuous Integration ..." ASE '17: "Perceived Language Complexity ..."
Fischer, Bernd ASE '17: "Parallel Bug-Finding in Concurrent ..."
Fischmeister, Sebastian ASE '17: "TREM: A Tool for Mining Timed ..."
Fornari, Fabrizio ASE '17: "BProVe: Tool Support for Business ..." ASE '17: "BProVe: A Formal Verification ..."
Fu, Yang ASE '17: "Recommending Crowdsourced ..."
Furia, Carlo A. ASE '17: "Contract-Based Program Repair ..."
Gacek, Andrew ASE '17: "Proof-Based Coverage Metrics ..."
Gao, Chushu ASE '17: "A Comprehensive Study on Real ..."
Gao, Jian ASE '17: "A Language Model for Statements ..."
Gao, Yu ASE '17: "A Comprehensive Study on Real ..."
Garbervetsky, Diego ASE '17: "Model Checker Execution Reports ..."
Gardent, Claire ASE '17: "ModelWriter: Text and Model-Synchronized ..."
Garrido, Alejandra ASE '17: "Kobold: Web Usability as a ..."
Gasparic, Marko ASE '17: "Context-Aware Integrated Development ..."
Gerrard, Mitchell J. ASE '17: "Comprehensive Failure Characterization ..."
Ghassabani, Elaheh ASE '17: "Proof-Based Coverage Metrics ..."
Gligoric, Milos ASE '17: "iCoq: Regression Proof Selection ..."
Godefroid, Patrice ASE '17: "Learn&Fuzz: Machine Learning ..."
Gomez, Maria ASE '17: "ANDROFLEET: Testing WiFi Peer-to-Peer ..."
Göpfert, Florian ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Goss, William ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..."
Grigera, Julián ASE '17: "Kobold: Web Usability as a ..."
Griswold, William G. ASE '17: "Semantics-Assisted Code Review: ..."
Grünbacher, Paul ASE '17: "Visualization Support for ..." ASE '17: "Mining Constraints for Event-based ..."
Gu, Ming ASE '17: "A Static Analysis Tool with ..." ASE '17: "IntPTI: Automatic Integer ..." ASE '17: "A Language Model for Statements ..."
Guerra, Esther ASE '17: "The Rise of the (Modelling) ..."
Guerriero, Michele ASE '17: "Privacy-Aware Data-Intensive ..."
Guha, Arjun ASE '17: "Tortoise: Interactive System ..."
Günther, Felix ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Guo, Hui ASE '17: "A Comprehensive Study of Real-World ..."
Guo, Jin ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..."
Gurbanov, Tural ASE '17: "Context-Aware Integrated Development ..."
Gyawali, Bikash ASE '17: "ModelWriter: Text and Model-Synchronized ..."
Han, DongGyun ASE '17: "Are Developers Aware of the ..."
Han, Jiawei ASE '17: "Mining Structures from Massive ..."
Hansen, Henri ASE '17: "FiB: Squeezing Loop Invariants ..."
Harman, Mark ASE '17: "Crowd Intelligence Enhances ..." ASE '17: "Are Developers Aware of the ..."
He, Liang ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Crashes ..."
Heimdahl, Mats P. E. ASE '17: "Proof-Based Coverage Metrics ..."
Hellendoorn, Vincent ASE '17: "Perceived Language Complexity ..."
Herfert, Satia ASE '17: "Automatically Reducing Tree-Structured ..."
Higo, Yoshiki ASE '17: "Generating Simpler AST Edit ..."
Holzmann, Gerard ASE '17: "Cobra - An Interactive Static ..."
Hou, Daqing ASE '17: "FEMIR: A Tool for Recommending ..."
Hu, Hong ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Crashes ..."
Huang, Huafeng ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Crashes ..."
Huang, Jeff ASE '17: "EHBDroid: Beyond GUI Testing ..."
Huang, Jianjun ASE '17: "UI Driven Android Application ..."
Hwang, Sungjae ASE '17: "All about Activity Injection: ..."
Incerto, Emilio ASE '17: "Software Performance Self-Adaptation ..."
Iqbal, Anindya ASE '17: "SentiCR: A Customized Sentiment ..."
Jamshidi, Pooyan ASE '17: "Transfer Learning for Performance ..."
Jia, Xiangkun ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Crashes ..."
Jia, Yue ASE '17: "Crowd Intelligence Enhances ..."
Jiang, Bo ASE '17: "SimplyDroid: Efficient Event ..."
Jiang, Siyuan ASE '17: "Automatically Generating Commit ..."
Jiang, Yu ASE '17: "A Static Analysis Tool with ..." ASE '17: "A Language Model for Statements ..."
Jouault, Frédéric ASE '17: "Gremlin-ATL: A Scalable Model ..."
Jung, Minkyu ASE '17: "Testing Intermediate Representations ..."
Jung, SeungIl ASE '17: "Testing Intermediate Representations ..."
Jurado, Francisco ASE '17: "The Rise of the (Modelling) ..."
Kamath, Ram ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Kamil, Shoaib ASE '17: "taco: A Tool to Generate Tensor ..."
Kapus, Timotej ASE '17: "Automatic Testing of Symbolic ..."
Kardas, Geylani ASE '17: "ModelWriter: Text and Model-Synchronized ..."
Kargén, Ulf ASE '17: "Towards Robust Instruction-Level ..."
Kästner, Christian ASE '17: "Transfer Learning for Performance ..." ASE '17: "Renaming and Shifted Code ..."
Kavaler, David ASE '17: "Perceived Language Complexity ..."
Kehrer, Timo ASE '17: "Incrementally Slicing Editable ..."
Kelter, Udo ASE '17: "Incrementally Slicing Editable ..."
Kesseli, Pascal ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
Khatchadourian, Raffi ASE '17: "Defaultification Refactoring: ..."
Khomh, Foutse ASE '17: "Opiner: An Opinion Search ..." ASE '17: "Automatic Summarization of ..."
Kim, I.-Luk ASE '17: "PAD: Programming Third-Party ..."
Kim, Soomin ASE '17: "Testing Intermediate Representations ..."
Kjolstad, Fredrik ASE '17: "taco: A Tool to Generate Tensor ..."
Krinke, Jens ASE '17: "Are Developers Aware of the ..."
Krishna, Rahul ASE '17: "Learning Effective Changes ..."
Krismayer, Thomas ASE '17: "Visualization Support for ..." ASE '17: "Mining Constraints for Event-based ..."
Kritzinger, Lisa Maria ASE '17: "Visualization Support for ..."
Kroening, Daniel ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
Krüger, Stefan ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Kusano, Markus ASE '17: "Modular Verification of Interrupt-Driven ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji ASE '17: "Generating Simpler AST Edit ..."
Kwon, Yonghwi ASE '17: "PAD: Programming Third-Party ..."
La Torre, Salvatore ASE '17: "Parallel Bug-Finding in Concurrent ..."
Le, Quang Loc ASE '17: "Automatic Loop-Invariant Generation ..."
Lee, JongHyup ASE '17: "Testing Intermediate Representations ..."
Lee, Sungho ASE '17: "All about Activity Injection: ..."
Lee, Wen-Chuan ASE '17: "PAD: Programming Third-Party ..."
Lee, Youn Kyu ASE '17: "SEALANT: A Detection and Visualization ..."
Legunsen, Owolabi ASE '17: "STARTS: STAtic Regression ..."
Lerner, Sorin ASE '17: "Parsimony: An IDE for Example-Guided ..."
Leßenich, Olaf ASE '17: "Renaming and Shifted Code ..."
Leung, Alan ASE '17: "Parsimony: An IDE for Example-Guided ..."
Levine, Mark ASE '17: "Learning to Share: Engineering ..."
Li, Jiaying ASE '17: "Automatic Loop-Invariant Generation ..."
Li, Li ASE '17: "Automatic Loop-Invariant Generation ..."
Li, Shoubin ASE '17: "Understanding Feature Requests ..."
Li, Teng ASE '17: "SimplyDroid: Efficient Event ..."
Li, Xuandong ASE '17: "Sketch-Guided GUI Test Generation ..."
Li, Yi ASE '17: "Managing Software Evolution ..."
Liang, Chieh-Jan Mike ASE '17: "Systematically Testing Background ..."
Liang, Zhenkai ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Crashes ..."
Liew, Daniel ASE '17: "Floating-Point Symbolic Execution: ..."
Lin, Calvin ASE '17: "Static Detection of Asymptotic ..."
Lin, Jinfeng ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..."
Lin, Shang-Wei ASE '17: "Automatic Loop-Invariant Generation ..." ASE '17: "FiB: Squeezing Loop Invariants ..."
Lin, Yun ASE '17: "Mining Implicit Design Templates ..."
Lin, Zeqi ASE '17: "Improving Software Text Retrieval ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Code ..."
Liu, Han ASE '17: "A Language Model for Statements ..."
Liu, Hongyu ASE '17: "UNDEAD: Detecting and Preventing ..."
Liu, Tongping ASE '17: "UNDEAD: Detecting and Preventing ..."
Liu, Wenchuang ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..."
Liu, Yalin ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..."
Liu, Yang ASE '17: "Mining Implicit Design Templates ..." ASE '17: "FiB: Squeezing Loop Invariants ..."
Liu, Yingqi ASE '17: "PAD: Programming Third-Party ..."
Liu, Yu David ASE '17: "Understanding and Overcoming ..."
Liu, Yunxin ASE '17: "Systematically Testing Background ..."
Lo, David ASE '17: "APIBot: Question Answering ..." ASE '17: "AnswerBot: Automated Generation ..."
Lohar, Sugandha ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..."
Lugato, David ASE '17: "taco: A Tool to Generate Tensor ..."
Lussaud, Yvan ASE '17: "ModelWriter: Text and Model-Synchronized ..."
Lüttgen, Gerald ASE '17: "DSIbin: Identifying Dynamic ..."
Lutz, Robyn ASE '17: "Diagnosing Assumption Problems ..."
Lyu, Yingjun ASE '17: "ELIXIR: Effective Object Oriented ..."
Mao, Ke ASE '17: "Crowd Intelligence Enhances ..."
Marinov, Darko ASE '17: "STARTS: STAtic Regression ..."
Masuhara, Hidehiko ASE '17: "Defaultification Refactoring: ..."
Mathis, Björn ASE '17: "Detecting Information Flow ..."
McMillan, Collin ASE '17: "Automatically Generating Commit ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad ASE '17: "SEALANT: A Detection and Visualization ..."
Meftah, Lakhdar ASE '17: "ANDROFLEET: Testing WiFi Peer-to-Peer ..."
Melo, Luis ASE '17: "Test Suite Parallelization ..."
Menarini, Massimiliano ASE '17: "Semantics-Assisted Code Review: ..."
Meng, Guozhu ASE '17: "Mining Implicit Design Templates ..."
Meng, Weijie ASE '17: "PAD: Programming Third-Party ..."
Mesbah, Ali ASE '17: "Detecting Unknown Inconsistencies ..."
Metzler, Patrick ASE '17: "Quick Verification of Concurrent ..."
Mezini, Mira ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Miller, Tim ASE '17: "Leveraging Abstract Interpretation ..."
Mills, Chris ASE '17: "Towards the Automatic Classification ..."
Mirhosseini, Samim ASE '17: "Can Automated Pull Requests ..."
Monaikul, Natawut ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..."
Monceaux, Anne ASE '17: "ModelWriter: Text and Model-Synchronized ..."
Moonen, Leon ASE '17: "Predicting Relevance of Change ..."
Nadi, Sarah ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Nam, Daye ASE '17: "SEALANT: A Detection and Visualization ..."
Narayan, Apurva ASE '17: "TREM: A Tool for Mining Timed ..."
Nguyen, ThanhVu ASE '17: "SymInfer: Inferring Program ..."
Nguyen, Truc L. ASE '17: "Parallel Bug-Finding in Concurrent ..."
Nielebock, Sebastian ASE '17: "Towards API-Specific Automatic ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar ASE '17: "Learning to Share: Engineering ..." ASE '17: "O2O Service Composition with ..."
Ocariza, Jr., Frolin S. ASE '17: "Detecting Unknown Inconsistencies ..."
Oh, DongYeop ASE '17: "Testing Intermediate Representations ..."
Ohrndorf, Manuel ASE '17: "Incrementally Slicing Editable ..."
Ohtani, Akio ASE '17: "Generating Simpler AST Edit ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Code ..."
Olivo, Oswaldo ASE '17: "Static Detection of Asymptotic ..."
Ong, C.-H. Luke ASE '17: "More Effective Interpolations ..."
Orso, Alessandro ASE '17: "Automated Cross-Platform Inconsistency ..."
Paixao, Matheus ASE '17: "Are Developers Aware of the ..."
Palmskog, Karl ASE '17: "iCoq: Regression Proof Selection ..."
Parlato, Gennaro ASE '17: "Parallel Bug-Finding in Concurrent ..."
Parnin, Chris ASE '17: "Can Automated Pull Requests ..."
Patel, Akshay ASE '17: "Transfer Learning for Performance ..."
Patra, Jibesh ASE '17: "Automatically Reducing Tree-Structured ..."
Pattabiraman, Karthik ASE '17: "Detecting Unknown Inconsistencies ..."
Pei, Yu ASE '17: "Contract-Based Program Repair ..."
Peleg, Hila ASE '17: "Learn&Fuzz: Machine Learning ..."
Peng, Xin ASE '17: "Mining Implicit Design Templates ..." ASE '17: "O2O Service Composition with ..."
Pérez-Soler, Sara ASE '17: "The Rise of the (Modelling) ..."
Perry, David ASE '17: "UI Driven Android Application ..."
Pietsch, Christopher ASE '17: "Incrementally Slicing Editable ..."
Pinto, Gustavo ASE '17: "Understanding and Overcoming ..."
Polgreen, Elizabeth ASE '17: "DSSynth: An Automated Digital ..."
Polini, Andrea ASE '17: "BProVe: Tool Support for Business ..." ASE '17: "BProVe: A Formal Verification ..."
Porubän, Jaroslav ASE '17: "RuntimeSearch: Ctrl+F for ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ASE '17: "Automatically Assessing Code ..."
Pradel, Michael ASE '17: "Saying ’Hi!’ Is Not Enough: ..." ASE '17: "Automatically Reducing Tree-Structured ..."
Prasad, Mukul R. ASE '17: "ELIXIR: Effective Object Oriented ..."
Price, Blaine A. ASE '17: "Learning to Share: Engineering ..."
Qian, Wenyi ASE '17: "O2O Service Composition with ..."
Qian, Xiangxing ASE '17: "EHBDroid: Beyond GUI Testing ..."
Qin, Feng ASE '17: "A Comprehensive Study on Real ..."
Rabiser, Rick ASE '17: "Visualization Support for ..." ASE '17: "Mining Constraints for Event-based ..."
Rafiq, Yasmin ASE '17: "Learning to Share: Engineering ..."
Ragkhitwetsagul, Chaiyong ASE '17: "Are Developers Aware of the ..."
Rahimi, Mona ASE '17: "Diagnosing Assumption Problems ..."
Rahimi, Shahram ASE '17: "SentiCR: A Customized Sentiment ..."
Rahman, Mohammad Masudur ASE '17: "Improved Query Reformulation ..."
Rasin, Alexander ASE '17: "TiQi: A Natural Language Interface ..."
Ratol, Inderjot Kaur ASE '17: "Detecting Fragile Comments ..."
Re, Barbara ASE '17: "BProVe: Tool Support for Business ..." ASE '17: "BProVe: A Formal Verification ..."
Reif, Michael ASE '17: "CogniCrypt: Supporting Developers ..."
Reiss, Steven P. ASE '17: "A Demonstration of Simultaneous ..." ASE '17: "Leveraging Syntax-Related ..."
Ricci, Francesco ASE '17: "Context-Aware Integrated Development ..."
Robillard, Martin P. ASE '17: "Detecting Fragile Comments ..."
Rodriguez, Carlos ASE '17: "Programming Bots by Synthesizing ..."
Rolfsnes, Thomas ASE '17: "Predicting Relevance of Change ..."
Rossi, Gustavo ASE '17: "Kobold: Web Usability as a ..."
Rouvoy, Romain ASE '17: "ANDROFLEET: Testing WiFi Peer-to-Peer ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. ASE '17: "FEMIR: A Tool for Recommending ..."