ASE 2016
31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2016)
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31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2016), September 3–7, 2016, Singapore, Singapore

ASE 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdelrazek, Mohamed ASE '16: "TeeVML: Tool Support for Semi-automatic ..."
Abdul Ghafoor, Maryam ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Stored ..."
Aguirre, Nazareno ASE '16: "Goal-Conflict Detection Based ..."
Alipour, Mohammad Amin ASE '16: "Evaluating Non-adequate Test-Case ..."
Almhana, Rafi ASE '16: "Recommending Relevant Classes ..."
Alperovich, Simon ASE '16: "An Extensible Framework for ..."
Alrajeh, Dalal ASE '16: "Goal-Conflict Detection Based ..."
Alshanqiti, Abdullah ASE '16: "Visual Contract Extractor: ..."
Amann, Sven ASE '16: "Evaluating the Evaluations ..."
Anjorin, Anthony ASE '16: "Traceability Maintenance: ..."
Apinis, Kalmer ASE '16: "Static Race Detection for ..."
Appelt, Dennis ASE '16: "SOFIA: An Automated Security ..."
Artho, Cyrille ASE '16: "Greedy Combinatorial Test ..."
Asenov, Dimitar ASE '16: "The IDE as a Scriptable Information ..."
Avazpour, Iman ASE '16: "TeeVML: Tool Support for Semi-automatic ..."
Babur, Önder ASE '16: "Statistical Analysis of Large ..."
Bae, Doo-Hwan ASE '16: "Automated Model-Based Android ..."
Baek, Young-Min ASE '16: "Automated Model-Based Android ..."
Bai, Yanwei ASE '16: "Supporting Oracle Construction ..."
Baudry, Benoit ASE '16: "Automatic Microbenchmark Generation ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ASE '16: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Ben Abdessalem, Raja ASE '16: "Testing Advanced Driver Assistance ..."
Biere, Armin ASE '16: "Greedy Combinatorial Test ..."
Binkley, David ASE '16: "An Empirical Study on Dependence ..." ASE '16: "Practical Guidelines for Change ..."
Bird, Christian ASE '16: "What Developers Want and Need ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. ASE '16: "Reflection-Aware Static Analysis ..."
Bocić, Ivan ASE '16: "Finding Access Control Bugs ..."
Böhme, Marcel ASE '16: "Model-Based Whitebox Fuzzing ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ASE '16: "SOFIA: An Automated Security ..." ASE '16: "Testing Advanced Driver Assistance ..."
Brown, David Bingham ASE '16: "Optimizing Customized Program ..."
Bu, Lei ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Complex ..."
Bubel, Richard ASE '16: "The Interactive Verification ..." ASE '16: "An Empirical Evaluation of ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ASE '16: "Finding Access Control Bugs ..."
Cai, Haipeng ASE '16: "DistIA: A Cost-Effective Dynamic ..."
Cai, Yan ASE '16: "Radius Aware Probabilistic ..."
Castle, Matthew D. ASE '16: "Automatic Test Image Generation ..."
Castro, Pablo ASE '16: "Goal-Conflict Detection Based ..."
Ceccato, Mariano ASE '16: "SOFIA: An Automated Security ..."
Chang, Jialiang ASE '16: "GUICat: GUI Testing as a Service ..."
Chechik, Marsha ASE '16: "Precise Semantic History Slicing ..."
Chen, Chunyang ASE '16: "SimilarTech: Automatically ..." ASE '16: "Learning a Dual-Language Vector ..."
Chen, Guibin ASE '16: "Predicting Semantically Linkable ..." ASE '16: "Learning a Dual-Language Vector ..."
Chen, Junjie ASE '16: "Supporting Oracle Construction ..."
Chen, Junliang ASE '16: "An End-User Oriented Tool ..."
Chen, Xin ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Complex ..."
Chen, Yuting ASE '16: "LockPeeker: Detecting Latent ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ASE '16: "Multi-objective Test Report ..."
Cheng, Bo ASE '16: "An End-User Oriented Tool ..."
Cheng, Li ASE '16: "Privacy Preserving via Interval ..."
Cheng, Lin ASE '16: "GUICat: GUI Testing as a Service ..."
Cheng, Xiao ASE '16: "Mining Revision Histories ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi ASE '16: "Taming Android Fragmentation: ..." ASE '16: "Locus: Locating Bugs from ..."
Choi, Eun-Hye ASE '16: "Greedy Combinatorial Test ..."
Chollak, Devin ASE '16: "Bugram: Bug Detection with ..."
Christakis, Maria ASE '16: "What Developers Want and Need ..."
Cito, Jürgen ASE '16: "Developer Targeted Analytics: ..." ASE '16: "Battery-Aware Transformations ..."
Clause, James ASE '16: "Towards Automatically Generating ..."
Collins, Jason A. ASE '16: "CORRECT: Code Reviewer Recommendation ..."
Combemale, Benoit ASE '16: "Automatic Microbenchmark Generation ..."
Cui, Qiang ASE '16: "Local-Based Active Classification ..."
Degiovanni, Renzo ASE '16: "Goal-Conflict Detection Based ..."
De Lara, Juan ASE '16: "DSL-Maps: From Requirements ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ASE '16: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Demeyer, Serge ASE '16: "Fine-Tuning Spectrum Based ..."
Demuth, Andreas ASE '16: "Efficient Detection of Inconsistencies ..."
Deng, Xi ASE '16: "Relda2: An Effective Static ..."
Di Alesio, Stefano ASE '16: "Practical Guidelines for Change ..."
Dig, Danny ASE '16: "Usage, Costs, and Benefits ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ASE '16: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Dolby, Julian ASE '16: "HybriDroid: Static Analysis ..."
Dotzler, Georg ASE '16: "Move-Optimized Source Code ..."
Egyed, Alexander ASE '16: "Efficient Detection of Inconsistencies ..."
Erdweg, Sebastian ASE '16: "An Extensible Framework for ..." ASE '16: "IncA: A DSL for the Definition ..."
Fang, Chunrong ASE '16: "Multi-objective Test Report ..."
Faria, João Pascoal ASE '16: "ProcessPAIR: A Tool for Automated ..."
Feng, Yang ASE '16: "Multi-objective Test Report ..."
Feng, Yimeng ASE '16: "An End-User Oriented Tool ..."
Fischer, Bernd ASE '16: "CVExplorer: Identifying Candidate ..."
Fu, Wei ASE '16: "Too Much Automation? The Bellwether ..."
Gao, Fengjuan ASE '16: "BovInspector: Automatic Inspection ..."
Gilligan, Christopher A. ASE '16: "Automatic Test Image Generation ..."
Gopinath, Rahul ASE '16: "Evaluating Non-adequate Test-Case ..."
Greene, Gillian J. ASE '16: "CVExplorer: Identifying Candidate ..."
Groce, Alex ASE '16: "Evaluating Non-adequate Test-Case ..."
Gruhn, Volker ASE '16: "Automatically Recommending ..."
Grundy, John ASE '16: "TeeVML: Tool Support for Semi-automatic ..." ASE '16: "An Automated Collaborative ..."
Gu, Jingxiao ASE '16: "CrowdService: Serving the ..."
Gu, Ming ASE '16: "Model Driven Design of Heterogeneous ..." ASE '16: "Verifying Simulink Stateflow ..."
Gu, Tianxiao ASE '16: "Automatic Runtime Recovery ..."
Guo, Shengjian ASE '16: "Conc-iSE: Incremental Symbolic ..."
Guo, Yun ASE '16: "Applying Combinatorial Test ..."
Gupta, Atul ASE '16: "AnModeler: A Tool for Generating ..." ASE '16: "Identifying Domain Elements ..."
Hähnle, Reiner ASE '16: "The Interactive Verification ..." ASE '16: "An Empirical Evaluation of ..."
Hannebauer, Christoph ASE '16: "Automatically Recommending ..."
Hao, Dan ASE '16: "Supporting Oracle Construction ..."
Harman, Mark ASE '16: "An Empirical Study on Dependence ..."
Hassan, Wajih Ul ASE '16: "How Good Are the Specs? A ..."
Heckel, Reiko ASE '16: "Visual Contract Extractor: ..."
Hentschel, Martin ASE '16: "The Interactive Verification ..." ASE '16: "An Empirical Evaluation of ..."
Hill, Emily ASE '16: "Towards Automatically Generating ..."
Hilton, Michael ASE '16: "Usage, Costs, and Benefits ..."
Höschele, Matthias ASE '16: "Mining Input Grammars from ..."
Hu, Yi-Qi ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Complex ..."
Huang, Kai ASE '16: "Usage, Costs, and Benefits ..."
Islam, Syed ASE '16: "An Empirical Study on Dependence ..."
Jana, Suman ASE '16: "APEx: Automated Inference ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao ASE '16: "Mining Revision Histories ..."
Jiang, Yu ASE '16: "Model Driven Design of Heterogeneous ..." ASE '16: "Verifying Simulink Stateflow ..."
Jing, Xiao-Yuan ASE '16: "Privacy Preserving via Interval ..."
Jones, James A. ASE '16: "Multi-objective Test Report ..."
Kamalrudin, Massila ASE '16: "An Automated Collaborative ..."
Kang, Yuan ASE '16: "APEx: Automated Inference ..."
Kästner, Christian ASE '16: "On Essential Configuration ..."
Kehrer, Timo ASE '16: "Visual Contract Extractor: ..."
Keng, Joseph Chan Joo ASE '16: "Automated Testing and Notification ..."
Kessentini, Marouane ASE '16: "Recommending Relevant Classes ..."
Khan, Haider Riaz ASE '16: "Applying Combinatorial Test ..."
Kitamura, Takashi ASE '16: "Greedy Combinatorial Test ..."
Klein, Jacques ASE '16: "Reflection-Aware Static Analysis ..."
Kowark, Thomas ASE '16: "Lightweight Collection and ..."
Krinke, Jens ASE '16: "An Empirical Study on Dependence ..."
Krishna, Rahul ASE '16: "Too Much Automation? The Bellwether ..."
Kroening, Daniel ASE '16: "Sound Static Deadlock Analysis ..."
Kulcsár, Géza ASE '16: "Continuous Detection of Design ..."
Kusano, Markus ASE '16: "Conc-iSE: Incremental Symbolic ..."
Laghari, Gulsher ASE '16: "Fine-Tuning Spectrum Based ..."
Lal, Akash ASE '16: "Inferring Annotations for ..."
Le, Xuan-Bach D. ASE '16: "Towards Efficient and Effective ..."
Lee, Sungho ASE '16: "HybriDroid: Static Analysis ..."
Legunsen, Owolabi ASE '16: "How Good Are the Specs? A ..."
Lei, Yu ASE '16: "Applying Combinatorial Test ..."
Li, Li ASE '16: "Reflection-Aware Static Analysis ..."
Li, Nan ASE '16: "Applying Combinatorial Test ..."
Li, Shanping ASE '16: "Predicting Semantically Linkable ..."
Li, Xin ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Complex ..."
Li, Xuandong ASE '16: "BovInspector: Automatic Inspection ..." ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Complex ..."
Li, Yi ASE '16: "Precise Semantic History Slicing ..."
Liang, Yongjuan ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Complex ..."
Liblit, Ben ASE '16: "Optimizing Customized Program ..." ASE '16: "Array Length Inference for ..."
Limmer, Tobias ASE '16: "MACKE: Compositional Analysis ..."
Lin, Ziyi ASE '16: "LockPeeker: Detecting Latent ..."
Linderoth, Jeff ASE '16: "Optimizing Customized Program ..."
Liu, Han ASE '16: "Model Driven Design of Heterogeneous ..."
Liu, Jian ASE '16: "TeeVML: Tool Support for Semi-automatic ..."
Liu, Jierui ASE '16: "Relda2: An Effective Static ..."
Liu, Jingshu ASE '16: "Applying Combinatorial Test ..."
Liu, Peng ASE '16: "StraightTaint: Decoupled Offline ..."
Liu, Yepang ASE '16: "Taming Android Fragmentation: ..."
Lochau, Malte ASE '16: "Continuous Detection of Design ..."
Lü, Jian ASE '16: "Automatic Runtime Recovery ..."
Ma, Xiaoxing ASE '16: "Automatic Runtime Recovery ..."
Maas, Alisa J. ASE '16: "Array Length Inference for ..."
Mahmood, Muhammad Suleman ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Stored ..."
Maoz, Shahar ASE '16: "Visualization of Combinatorial ..."
Marinov, Darko ASE '16: "Evaluating Non-adequate Test-Case ..." ASE '16: "Usage, Costs, and Benefits ..." ASE '16: "How Good Are the Specs? A ..."
Maro, Salome ASE '16: "Traceability Maintenance: ..."
Matthies, Christoph ASE '16: "Lightweight Collection and ..."
Mazinanian, Davood ASE '16: "Migrating Cascading Style ..."
Mei, Hong ASE '16: "Supporting Oracle Construction ..."
Meinicke, Jens ASE '16: "On Essential Configuration ..."
Menzies, Tim ASE '16: "Too Much Automation? The Bellwether ..."
Mezini, Mira ASE '16: "Evaluating the Evaluations ..."
Ming, Jiang ASE '16: "StraightTaint: Decoupled Offline ..."
Mkaouer, Wiem ASE '16: "Recommending Relevant Classes ..."
Moketar, Nor Aiza ASE '16: "An Automated Collaborative ..."
Moonen, Leon ASE '16: "Practical Guidelines for Change ..."
Mougouei, Davoud ASE '16: "Factoring Requirement Dependencies ..."
Movshovitz-Attias, Dana ASE '16: "Bugram: Bug Detection with ..."
Müller, Peter ASE '16: "The IDE as a Scriptable Information ..."
Murgia, Alessandro ASE '16: "Fine-Tuning Spectrum Based ..."
Nadi, Sarah ASE '16: "Evaluating the Evaluations ..."
Nazaré, Henrique ASE '16: "Array Length Inference for ..."
Neelakandan, Naveen ASE '16: "Optimizing Customized Program ..."
Nejati, Shiva ASE '16: "Testing Advanced Driver Assistance ..."
Nguyen, Cu D. ASE '16: "SOFIA: An Automated Security ..."
Nguyen, Tam The ASE '16: "Phrase-Based Extraction of ..."
Nguyen, Tung Thanh ASE '16: "Phrase-Based Extraction of ..."
Nishi, Masataka ASE '16: "Towards Bounded Model Checking ..."
Niu, Meng ASE '16: "An End-User Oriented Tool ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar ASE '16: "CrowdService: Serving the ..."
Ochoa, Martín ASE '16: "MACKE: Compositional Analysis ..."
Octeau, Damien ASE '16: "Reflection-Aware Static Analysis ..."
Ognawala, Saahil ASE '16: "MACKE: Compositional Analysis ..."
Ohmann, Peter ASE '16: "Optimizing Customized Program ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ASE '16: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Ouni, Ali ASE '16: "Recommending Relevant Classes ..."
Palomba, Fabio ASE '16: "An Empirical Investigation ..."
Patalas, Michael ASE '16: "Automatically Recommending ..."
Patrick, Matthew ASE '16: "Automatic Test Image Generation ..."
Pavlinovic, Zvonimir ASE '16: "Inferring Annotations for ..."
Peldszus, Sven ASE '16: "Continuous Detection of Design ..."
Peng, Xin ASE '16: "CrowdService: Serving the ..."
Peng, Zhiming ASE '16: "Mining Revision Histories ..."
Pescador, Ana ASE '16: "DSL-Maps: From Requirements ..."
Pham, Hung Viet ASE '16: "Phrase-Based Extraction of ..."
Pham, Van-Thuan ASE '16: "Model-Based Whitebox Fuzzing ..."
Philippsen, Michael ASE '16: "Move-Optimized Source Code ..."
Plattner, Hasso ASE '16: "Lightweight Collection and ..."
Poetzl, Daniel ASE '16: "Sound Static Deadlock Analysis ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ASE '16: "An Empirical Investigation ..." ASE '16: "Deep Learning Code Fragments ..."
Pretschner, Alexander ASE '16: "MACKE: Compositional Analysis ..."
Proksch, Sebastian ASE '16: "Evaluating the Evaluations ..."
Püschel, Markus ASE '16: "Program Generation for Performance ..."
Qi, Fumin ASE '16: "Privacy Preserving via Interval ..."
Qian, Hong ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Complex ..."
Rahman, Mohammad Masudur ASE '16: "CORRECT: Code Reviewer Recommendation ..." ASE '16: "QUICKAR: Automatic Query Reformulation ..."
Rajan, Ajitha ASE '16: "Test Case Permutation to Improve ..."
Ray, Baishakhi ASE '16: "APEx: Automated Inference ..."
Raza, Mushtaq ASE '16: "ProcessPAIR: A Tool for Automated ..."
Redl, Jesse ASE '16: "CORRECT: Code Reviewer Recommendation ..."
Ricci, Nicolas ASE '16: "Goal-Conflict Detection Based ..."
Riedl-Ehrenleitner, Markus ASE '16: "Efficient Detection of Inconsistencies ..."
Rinard, Martin ASE '16: "Battery-Aware Transformations ..."
Robinson, Mark ASE '16: "An Automated Collaborative ..."
Rodriguez-Cancio, Marcelino ASE '16: "Automatic Microbenchmark Generation ..."
Rolfsnes, Thomas ASE '16: "Practical Guidelines for Change ..."
Rosenblum, David S. ASE '16: "The Power of Probabilistic ..."
Roşu, Grigore ASE '16: "How Good Are the Specs? A ..."
Rõtov, Vootele ASE '16: "Static Race Detection for ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. ASE '16: "CORRECT: Code Reviewer Recommendation ..." ASE '16: "QUICKAR: Automatic Query Reformulation ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ASE '16: "Model-Based Whitebox Fuzzing ..."
Rubin, Julia ASE '16: "Precise Semantic History Slicing ..." ASE '16: "Battery-Aware Transformations ..."
Ryu, Sukyoung ASE '16: "HybriDroid: Static Analysis ..."
Saake, Gunter ASE '16: "On Essential Configuration ..."
Schrammel, Peter ASE '16: "Sound Static Deadlock Analysis ..."
Schulte, Wolfram ASE '16: "Changing Microsoft's Build: ..."
Schulze, Sandro ASE '16: "Continuous Detection of Design ..."
Schwägerl, Felix ASE '16: "SuperMod: Tool Support for ..."
Seidl, Helmut ASE '16: "Static Race Detection for ..."
Sharma, Rahul ASE '16: "Inferring Annotations for ..."
Shi, August ASE '16: "Evaluating Non-adequate Test-Case ..."
Siddiqui, Junaid Haroon ASE '16: "Symbolic Execution of Stored ..."
Sidek, Safiah ASE '16: "An Automated Collaborative ..."
Stanley-Marbell, Phillip ASE '16: "Battery-Aware Transformations ..."
Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp ASE '16: "Traceability Maintenance: ..."
Stifter, Thomas ASE '16: "Testing Advanced Driver Assistance ..."
Stratis, Panagiotis ASE '16: "Test Case Permutation to Improve ..."
Stünkel, Sebastian ASE '16: "Automatically Recommending ..."
Stutt, Richard O. J. H. ASE '16: "Automatic Test Image Generation ..."
Su, Zhendong ASE '16: "Automatic Runtime Recovery ..."
Sun, Chengnian ASE '16: "Automatic Runtime Recovery ..."
Sun, Jiaguang ASE '16: "Model Driven Design of Heterogeneous ..." ASE '16: "Verifying Simulink Stateflow ..."
Sun, Jun ASE '16: "CrowdService: Serving the ..."
Szabó, Tamás ASE '16: "An Extensible Framework for ..." ASE '16: "IncA: A DSL for the Definition ..."
Tan, Lin ASE '16: "Bugram: Bug Detection with ..."
Tan, Tian Huat ASE '16: "CrowdService: Serving the ..."
Tang, Hongyin ASE '16: "Generating Test Cases to Expose ..."
Thain, Douglas ASE '16: "DistIA: A Cost-Effective Dynamic ..."
Thakur, Jitendra Singh ASE '16: "AnModeler: A Tool for Generating ..." ASE '16: "Identifying Domain Elements ..."
Thüm, Thomas ASE '16: "On Essential Configuration ..."
Thung, Ferdian ASE '16: "API Recommendation System ..."
Tsantalis, Nikolaos ASE '16: "Migrating Cascading Style ..."
Tufano, Michele ASE '16: "An Empirical Investigation ..." ASE '16: "Deep Learning Code Fragments ..."
Tunnell, Timothy ASE '16: "Usage, Costs, and Benefits ..."
Tzoref-Brill, Rachel ASE '16: "Visualization of Combinatorial ..."
Uflacker, Matthias ASE '16: "Lightweight Collection and ..."
Vendome, Christopher ASE '16: "Deep Learning Code Fragments ..."
Vene, Varmo ASE '16: "Static Race Detection for ..."
Visser, Willem ASE '16: "What Makes Killing a Mutant ..."
Voelter, Markus ASE '16: "An Extensible Framework for ..." ASE '16: "IncA: A DSL for the Definition ..."
Vogel, Lukas ASE '16: "The IDE as a Scriptable Information ..."
Vogler, Ralf ASE '16: "Static Race Detection for ..."
Vojdani, Vesal ASE '16: "Static Race Detection for ..."
Vu, Phong Minh ASE '16: "Phrase-Based Extraction of ..."
Wachter, Björn ASE '16: "Sound Static Deadlock Analysis ..."
Wang, Chao ASE '16: "GUICat: GUI Testing as a Service ..." ASE '16: "Conc-iSE: Incremental Symbolic ..."
Wang, Jun ASE '16: "StraightTaint: Decoupled Offline ..."
Wang, Junjie ASE '16: "Local-Based Active Classification ..."
Wang, Linzhang ASE '16: "BovInspector: Automatic Inspection ..."