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2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), November 11-15, 2013, Palo Alto, USA

ASE 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abi-Antoun, Marwan ASE '13: "Finding Architectural Flaws ..."
Abreu, Rui ASE '13: "Entropy-Based Test Generation ..."
Acher, Mathieu ASE '13: "From Comparison Matrix to ..."
Adedjouma, Morayo ASE '13: "Minimizing CPU Time Shortage ..."
Aguirre, Nazareno ASE '13: "Ranger: Parallel Analysis ..."
Alshahwan, Nadia ASE '13: "Model Based Test Validation ..."
Ammar, Hany ASE '13: "Scalable Product Line Configuration: ..."
Anish, Preethu Rose ASE '13: "Detecting System Use Cases ..."
Apel, Sven ASE '13: "The Potential of Polyhedral ..." ASE '13: "Variability-Aware Performance ..."
Arora, Nipun ASE '13: "iProbe: A Lightweight User-Level ..."
Artho, Cyrille ASE '13: "Software Model Checking for ..."
Avazpour, Iman ASE '13: "Tool Support for Automatic ..."
Barnes, Jeffrey M. ASE '13: "Automated Planning for Software ..."
Barringer, Howard ASE '13: "A Pattern-Based Approach to ..."
Baudry, Benoit ASE '13: "From Comparison Matrix to ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ASE '13: "Detecting Bad Smells in Source ..."
Begey, Julien ASE '13: "Minimizing CPU Time Shortage ..."
Bergmann, Gábor ASE '13: "Towards Precise Metrics for ..."
Bishop, Judith ASE '13: "Pex4Fun: A Web-Based Environment ..."
Briand, Lionel C. ASE '13: "Minimizing CPU Time Shortage ..." ASE '13: "Model Based Test Validation ..." ASE '13: "A Scalable Approach for Malware ..."
Calinescu, Radu ASE '13: "Developing Self-Verifying ..."
Campos, José ASE '13: "Entropy-Based Test Generation ..."
Cao, Chun ASE '13: "Environment Rematching: Toward ..."
Chaim, Marcos Lordello ASE '13: "Adding Context to Fault Localization ..."
Chandramohan, Mahinthan ASE '13: "A Scalable Approach for Malware ..."
Chattopadhyay, Arijit ASE '13: "Round-Up: Runtime Checking ..."
Chen, Nicholas ASE '13: "JFlow: Practical Refactorings ..."
Chhetri, Mohan Baruwal ASE '13: "Smart Cloud Broker: Finding ..."
Chichin, Sergei ASE '13: "Smart Cloud Broker: Finding ..."
Chioasca, Erol-Valeriu ASE '13: "TRAM: A Tool for Transforming ..."
Cho, Chia Yuan ASE '13: "Blitz: Compositional Bounded ..."
Cimatti, Alessandro ASE '13: "OCRA: A Tool for Checking ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ASE '13: "Learning Effective Query Transformations ..."
Clement, Yves ASE '13: "Minimizing CPU Time Shortage ..."
Cotroneo, Domenico ASE '13: "SABRINE: State-Based Robustness ..."
Csallner, Christoph ASE '13: "SEDGE: Symbolic Example Data ..."
Cunha, Alcino ASE '13: "Model Repair and Transformation ..."
Czarnecki, Krzysztof ASE '13: "Variability-Aware Performance ..."
D'Amorim, Marcelo ASE '13: "Entropy-Based Test Generation ..."
Davoodi, Mohammed ASE '13: "Cloud Twin: Native Execution ..."
De Halleux, Jonathan ASE '13: "Pex4Fun: A Web-Based Environment ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ASE '13: "Detecting Bad Smells in Source ..."
Demasi, Ramiro ASE '13: "Synthesizing Fault-Tolerant ..."
De Souza, Higor Amario ASE '13: "Adding Context to Fault Localization ..."
Dhungana, Deepak ASE '13: "Automated Verification of ..."
Diao, Yanlei ASE '13: "SEDGE: Symbolic Example Data ..."
Dietrich, Timothy ASE '13: "Learning Effective Query Transformations ..."
Di Leo, Domenico ASE '13: "SABRINE: State-Based Robustness ..."
Di Nardo, Daniel ASE '13: "Model Based Test Validation ..."
Ding, Rui ASE '13: "Software Analytics for Incident ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ASE '13: "Detecting Bad Smells in Source ..."
Do, Hyunsook ASE '13: "Crushinator: A Framework towards ..."
Dong, Jin Song ASE '13: "Constraint-Based Automatic ..." ASE '13: "Automatically Partition Software ..."
Dorigatti, Michele ASE '13: "OCRA: A Tool for Checking ..."
D’Silva, Vijay ASE '13: "Blitz: Compositional Bounded ..."
Dustdar, Schahram ASE '13: "Automated Testing of Cloud-Based ..."
Ewalt, Nicholas ASE '13: "Using Automatically Generated ..."
Fahland, Dirk ASE '13: "Mining Branching-Time Scenarios ..."
Falke, Stephan ASE '13: "The Bounded Model Checker ..."
Fard, Fatemeh Hendijani ASE '13: "Detecting and Fixing Emergent ..."
Fischer, Bernd ASE '13: "CSeq: A Concurrency Pre-processor ..."
Forrest, Stephanie ASE '13: "Leveraging Program Equivalence ..."
Fourneret, Elizabeta ASE '13: "Model Based Test Validation ..."
Frank, Jeremy ASE '13: "The Challenges of Verification ..."
Fraser, Gordon ASE '13: "Entropy-Based Test Generation ..."
Frias, Marcelo F. ASE '13: "Ranger: Parallel Analysis ..."
Fry, Zachary P. ASE '13: "Leveraging Program Equivalence ..."
Fu, Qiang ASE '13: "Software Analytics for Incident ..."
Fucci, Francesco ASE '13: "SABRINE: State-Based Robustness ..."
Gambi, Alessio ASE '13: "Automated Testing of Cloud-Based ..."
Ganai, Malay K. ASE '13: "Efficient Data Race Prediction ..."
Garcia, Joshua ASE '13: "A Comparative Analysis of ..."
García-Galán, Jesús ASE '13: "Multi-user Variability Configuration: ..."
Garlan, David ASE '13: "Automated Planning for Software ..."
Gethers, Malcom ASE '13: "ExPort: Detecting and Visualizing ..."
Ghaisas, Smita ASE '13: "Detecting System Use Cases ..."
Gligoric, Milos ASE '13: "Operator-Based and Random ..."
Glinz, Martin ASE '13: "Semi-automatic Generation ..."
Gravino, Carmine ASE '13: "Class Level Fault Prediction ..."
Grechanik, Mark ASE '13: "ExPort: Detecting and Visualizing ..."
Größlinger, Armin ASE '13: "The Potential of Polyhedral ..."
Grundy, John ASE '13: "Tool Support for Automatic ..."
Grunske, Lars ASE '13: "Tool Support for Automatic ..."
Guimarães, Tiago ASE '13: "Model Repair and Transformation ..."
Guo, Chaorong ASE '13: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Guo, Jianmei ASE '13: "Variability-Aware Performance ..."
Hagiya, Masami ASE '13: "Software Model Checking for ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ASE '13: "Randomizing Regression Tests ..."
Harrison, Rachel ASE '13: "Assessing the Maturity of ..."
Hellebaut, Jonathan ASE '13: "Minimizing CPU Time Shortage ..."
Hellerstein, Joseph M. ASE '13: "BOOM: Experiences in Language ..."
Hirzel, Martin ASE '13: "Testing Properties of Dataflow ..."
Holavanalli, Shashank ASE '13: "Flow Permissions for Android ..."
Holder, Ethan ASE '13: "Cloud Twin: Native Execution ..."
Honiden, Shinichi ASE '13: "Automated Verification of ..."
Horváth, Ákos ASE '13: "Towards Precise Metrics for ..."
Huang, Yu ASE '13: "Proving MCAPI Executions Are ..."
Huchard, Marianne ASE '13: "Recovering Model Transformation ..."
Hummer, Waldemar ASE '13: "Automated Testing of Cloud-Based ..."
Ingram, Joseph ASE '13: "Scalable Product Line Configuration: ..."
Inverso, Omar ASE '13: "CSeq: A Concurrency Pre-processor ..."
Ivkovic, Igor ASE '13: "A Comparative Analysis of ..."
Izsó, Benedek ASE '13: "Towards Precise Metrics for ..."
Jang, Yoonkyu ASE '13: "Automated Unit Testing of ..."
Jiang, Guofei ASE '13: "iProbe: A Lightweight User-Level ..."
Jiang, Shihai ASE '13: "Towards Contextual and On-Demand ..."
Jiang, Tian ASE '13: "Personalized Defect Prediction ..."
Jin, Wei ASE '13: "SBFR: A Search Based Approach ..."
Johnson, Kenneth ASE '13: "Developing Self-Verifying ..."
Johnson, Ralph E. ASE '13: "Bita: Coverage-Guided, Automatic ..." ASE '13: "JFlow: Practical Refactorings ..."
Jones, James A. ASE '13: "Improving Efficiency of Dynamic ..."
Kaulgud, Vikrant ASE '13: "Natural Language Requirements ..."
Kehrer, Timo ASE '13: "Consistency-Preserving Edit ..."
Kelter, Udo ASE '13: "Consistency-Preserving Edit ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ASE '13: "Ranger: Parallel Analysis ..." ASE '13: "Improving Bug Localization ..." ASE '13: "Operator-Based and Random ..."
Kifetew, Fitsum Meshesha ASE '13: "SBFR: A Search Based Approach ..."
Kim, Miryung ASE '13: "Detecting and Characterizing ..."
Kim, Moonzoo ASE '13: "Automated Unit Testing of ..."
Kim, Sunghun ASE '13: "Personalized Defect Prediction ..."
Kim, Taeksu ASE '13: "Automated Unit Testing of ..."
Kim, Youil ASE '13: "Automated Unit Testing of ..."
Kim, Yunho ASE '13: "Automated Unit Testing of ..."
K.M., Annervaz ASE '13: "Natural Language Requirements ..."
Ko, Steven Y. ASE '13: "Flow Permissions for Android ..."
Kowalczyk, Ryszard ASE '13: "Smart Cloud Broker: Finding ..."
Kukreja, Nupul ASE '13: "Randomizing Regression Tests ..."
Kusano, Markus ASE '13: "CCmutator: A Mutation Generator ..."
Kwon, Yonghwi ASE '13: "PIEtrace: Platform Independent ..."
Lawall, Julia ASE '13: "Automatic Recommendation of ..."
Lease, Matthew ASE '13: "Improving Bug Localization ..."
Lee, Gunwoo ASE '13: "Automated Unit Testing of ..."
Lengauer, Christian ASE '13: "The Potential of Polyhedral ..."
Letsholo, Keletso J. ASE '13: "TRAM: A Tool for Transforming ..."
Li, Kaituo ASE '13: "SEDGE: Symbolic Example Data ..."
Li, Sihan ASE '13: "Characteristic Studies of ..."
Liblit, Ben ASE '13: "Lightweight Control-Flow Instrumentation ..."
Lin, Jun ASE '13: "Context-Aware Task Allocation ..."
Lin, Qingwei ASE '13: "Software Analytics for Incident ..."
Lin, Shang-Wei ASE '13: "TzuYu: Learning Stateful Typestates ..."
Lin, Yu ASE '13: "Bita: Coverage-Guided, Automatic ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario ASE '13: "ExPort: Detecting and Visualizing ..."
Liu, Yang ASE '13: "Constraint-Based Automatic ..." ASE '13: "Automatically Partition Software ..." ASE '13: "TzuYu: Learning Stateful Typestates ..."
Lo, David ASE '13: "Automatic Recommendation of ..." ASE '13: "Mining Branching-Time Scenarios ..."
Lou, Jian-Guang ASE '13: "Software Analytics for Incident ..."
Löwe, Welf ASE '13: "Dynamically Transforming Data ..."
Lü, Jian ASE '13: "Environment Rematching: Toward ..."
Ma, Junwei ASE '13: "Constraint-Based Automatic ..."
Ma, Xiaoxing ASE '13: "Environment Rematching: Toward ..."
Macedo, Nuno ASE '13: "Model Repair and Transformation ..."
Maezawa, Yuta ASE '13: "Automated Verification of ..."
Manuel, Don ASE '13: "Flow Permissions for Android ..."
Maoz, Shahar ASE '13: "Mining Branching-Time Scenarios ..."
Marcus, Andrian ASE '13: "Class Level Fault Prediction ..."
Marinov, Darko ASE '13: "Operator-Based and Random ..."
Masquelier, Vincent ASE '13: "Model Based Test Validation ..."
McCarthy, Jay ASE '13: "Proving MCAPI Executions Are ..."
McMillan, Collin ASE '13: "ExPort: Detecting and Visualizing ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad ASE '13: "A Comparative Analysis of ..."
Menzies, Tim ASE '13: "Scalable Product Line Configuration: ..." ASE '13: "Class Level Fault Prediction ..."
Mercer, Eric ASE '13: "Proving MCAPI Executions Are ..."
Meredith, Patrick ASE '13: "Efficient Parametric Runtime ..."
Merz, Florian ASE '13: "The Bounded Model Checker ..."
Mesbah, Ali ASE '13: "Pythia: Generating Test Cases ..."
Mirakhorli, Mehdi ASE '13: "Preventing Erosion of Architectural ..."
Mirshokraie, Shabnam ASE '13: "Pythia: Generating Test Cases ..."
Moritz, Evan ASE '13: "ExPort: Detecting and Visualizing ..."
Motwani, Manish ASE '13: "Detecting System Use Cases ..."
Nakić-Alfirević, Tomislav ASE '13: "Model Based Test Validation ..."
Nanjundaswamy, Vishwas ASE '13: "Flow Permissions for Android ..."
Natella, Roberto ASE '13: "SABRINE: State-Based Robustness ..."
Nebut, Clémentine ASE '13: "Recovering Model Transformation ..."
Nejati, Shiva ASE '13: "Minimizing CPU Time Shortage ..."
Nguyen, Anh Tuan ASE '13: "A Study of Repetitiveness ..." ASE '13: "Dangling References in Multi-configuration ..."
Nguyen, Cu Duy ASE '13: "Automated Inference of Classifications ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh ASE '13: "A Study of Repetitiveness ..." ASE '13: "Dangling References in Multi-configuration ..."
Nguyen, Hung Viet ASE '13: "Dangling References in Multi-configuration ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. ASE '13: "A Study of Repetitiveness ..." ASE '13: "Dangling References in Multi-configuration ..."
Nguyen, Tung Thanh ASE '13: "A Study of Repetitiveness ..." ASE '13: "Dangling References in Multi-configuration ..."
Ohmann, Peter ASE '13: "Lightweight Control-Flow Instrumentation ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ASE '13: "Detecting Bad Smells in Source ..."
Orso, Alessandro ASE '13: "SBFR: A Search Based Approach ..."
Österlund, Erik ASE '13: "Dynamically Transforming Data ..."
Padmanabhuni, Bindu Madhavi ASE '13: "A Scalable Approach for Malware ..."
Pal, Debjit ASE '13: "Using Automatically Generated ..."
Palepu, Vijay Krishna ASE '13: "Improving Efficiency of Dynamic ..."
Palomba, Fabio ASE '13: "Detecting Bad Smells in Source ..."
Pandey, Ashutosh ASE '13: "Automated Planning for Software ..."
Parlato, Gennaro ASE '13: "CSeq: A Concurrency Pre-processor ..."
Pattabiraman, Karthik ASE '13: "Pythia: Generating Test Cases ..."
Peng, Xin ASE '13: "Towards Contextual and On-Demand ..."
Penix, John ASE '13: "Big Problems in Industry (Panel) ..."
Perry, Dewayne E. ASE '13: "Improving Bug Localization ..."
Person, Suzette ASE '13: "Detecting and Characterizing ..."
Pilgrim, Jens von ASE '13: "Model/Code Co-Refactoring: ..."
Pohl, Klaus ASE '13: "Measuring the Structural Complexity ..."
Pohl, Richard ASE '13: "Measuring the Structural Complexity ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ASE '13: "Detecting Bad Smells in Source ..." ASE '13: "ExPort: Detecting and Visualizing ..."
Potter, Richard ASE '13: "Software Model Checking for ..."
Pradel, Michael ASE '13: "Bita: Coverage-Guided, Automatic ..."
Rafiq, Yasmin ASE '13: "Developing Self-Verifying ..."
Rajan, Hridesh ASE '13: "A Study of Repetitiveness ..."
Ráth, István ASE '13: "Towards Precise Metrics for ..."
Ray, Baishakhi ASE '13: "Detecting and Characterizing ..."
Reger, Giles ASE '13: "A Pattern-Based Approach to ..."
Reichenbach, Christoph ASE '13: "SEDGE: Symbolic Example Data ..."
Rhee, Junghwan ASE '13: "iProbe: A Lightweight User-Level ..."
Rosenberg, Brian ASE '13: "Flow Permissions for Android ..."
Rosner, Nicolás ASE '13: "Ranger: Parallel Analysis ..."
Roşu, Grigore ASE '13: "Efficient Parametric Runtime ..."
Rothermel, Gregg ASE '13: "Testing Properties of Dataflow ..."
Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio ASE '13: "Multi-user Variability Configuration: ..."
Rungta, Neha ASE '13: "Detecting and Characterizing ..."
Rydeheard, David ASE '13: "A Pattern-Based Approach to ..."
Saada, Hajer ASE '13: "Recovering Model Transformation ..."
Sagdeo, Parth ASE '13: "Using Automatically Generated ..."
Saha, Ripon K. ASE '13: "Improving Bug Localization ..."
Sahraoui, Houari ASE '13: "Recovering Model Transformation ..."
Sannier, Nicolas ASE '13: "From Comparison Matrix to ..."
Savagaonkar, Milind ASE '13: "Natural Language Requirements ..."
Sayyad, Abdel Salam ASE '13: "Scalable Product Line Configuration: ..."
Scanniello, Giuseppe ASE '13: "Class Level Fault Prediction ..."
Schaefer, Christopher ASE '13: "Crushinator: A Framework towards ..."
Sengupta, Shubhashis ASE '13: "Natural Language Requirements ..."
Servant, Francisco ASE '13: "Supporting Bug Investigation ..."
Seyff, Norbert ASE '13: "Semi-automatic Generation ..."
Shah, Eeshan ASE '13: "Cloud Twin: Native Execution ..."
Shar, Lwin Khin ASE '13: "A Scalable Approach for Malware ..."
Shen, Feng ASE '13: "Flow Permissions for Android ..."
Shin, Yonghee ASE '13: "Learning Effective Query Transformations ..."
Siddiqui, Junaid H. ASE '13: "Ranger: Parallel Analysis ..."
Siegmund, Norbert ASE '13: "Variability-Aware Performance ..."
Simbürger, Andreas ASE '13: "The Potential of Polyhedral ..."
Sinz, Carsten ASE '13: "The Bounded Model Checker ..."
Slator, Brian M. ASE '13: "Crushinator: A Framework towards ..."
Smaragdakis, Yannis ASE '13: "SEDGE: Symbolic Example Data ..."
Song, Dawn ASE '13: "Blitz: Compositional Bounded ..."
Steimann, Friedrich ASE '13: "Model/Code Co-Refactoring: ..."
Stricker, Vanessa ASE '13: "Measuring the Structural Complexity ..."
Sumner, William N. ASE '13: "Identifying Execution Points ..."
Sun, Chengnian ASE '13: "Constraint-Based Automatic ..." ASE '13: "TzuYu: Learning Stateful Typestates ..."
Sun, Jun ASE '13: "Constraint-Based Automatic ..." ASE '13: "Automatically Partition Software ..." ASE '13: "TzuYu: Learning Stateful Typestates ..."
Sun, Yuyin ASE '13: "Automatically Synthesizing ..."
Szatmári, Zoltán ASE '13: "Towards Precise Metrics for ..."
Taentzer, Gabriele ASE '13: "Consistency-Preserving Edit ..."
Tambe, Milind ASE '13: "Randomizing Regression Tests ..."
Tan, Hee Beng Kuan ASE '13: "A Scalable Approach for Malware ..."
Tan, Lin ASE '13: "Personalized Defect Prediction ..." ASE '13: "AutoComment: Mining Question ..."
Tanabe, Yoshinori ASE '13: "Automated Verification of ..." ASE '13: "Software Model Checking for ..."
Tang, Ching Hoo ASE '13: "Automated Verification of ..."
Tasharofi, Samira ASE '13: "Bita: Coverage-Guided, Automatic ..."
Thies, Andreas ASE '13: "Model/Code Co-Refactoring: ..."
Thung, Ferdian ASE '13: "Automatic Recommendation of ..."
Tiella, Roberto ASE '13: "SBFR: A Search Based Approach ..."
Tilevich, Eli ASE '13: "Cloud Twin: Native Execution ..."
Tillmann, Nikolai ASE '13: "Characteristic Studies of ..." ASE '13: "Pex4Fun: A Web-Based Environment ..."
Tonella, Paolo ASE '13: "SBFR: A Search Based Approach ..." ASE '13: "Automated Inference of Classifications ..."
Tonetta, Stefano ASE '13: "OCRA: A Tool for Checking ..."
Trinidad, Pablo ASE '13: "Multi-user Variability Configuration: ..."
Ulke, Bastian ASE '13: "Model/Code Co-Refactoring: ..."
Vanciu, Radu ASE '13: "Finding Architectural Flaws ..."
Vasudevan, Shobha ASE '13: "Using Automatically Generated ..."
Veerappa, Varsha ASE '13: "Assessing the Maturity of ..."
Vo, Quoc Bao ASE '13: "Smart Cloud Broker: Finding ..."
Wang, Chao ASE '13: "Round-Up: Runtime Checking ..." ASE '13: "CCmutator: A Mutation Generator ..."
Wang, Hai ASE '13: "Towards Contextual and On-Demand ..."
Wang, Shaowei ASE '13: "Automatic Recommendation of ..."
Washizaki, Hironori ASE '13: "Automated Verification of ..."
Wąsowski, Andrzej ASE '13: "Variability-Aware Performance ..."
Weidenbach, Christoph ASE '13: "Automated Verification of ..."
Weimer, Westley ASE '13: "Leveraging Program Equivalence ..."
Weitl, Franz ASE '13: "Software Model Checking for ..."
Wischnewski, Patrick ASE '13: "Automated Verification of ..."
Wong, Edmund ASE '13: "AutoComment: Mining Question ..."
Wu, Kun-Lung ASE '13: "Testing Properties of Dataflow ..."
Wu, Yongzheng ASE '13: "Automatically Partition Software ..."
Wüest, Dustin ASE '13: "Semi-automatic Generation ..."
Xiao, Hao ASE '13: "TzuYu: Learning Stateful Typestates ..."
Xiao, Xusheng ASE '13: "Characteristic Studies of ..."
Xie, Tao ASE '13: "Software Analytics for Incident ..." ASE '13: "Characteristic Studies of ..." ASE '13: "Pex4Fun: A Web-Based Environment ..."
Xing, Zhenchang ASE '13: "Towards Contextual and On-Demand ..."
Xu, Chang ASE '13: "Environment Rematching: Toward ..."
Xu, Dongyan ASE '13: "PIEtrace: Platform Independent ..."
Xu, Guoqing ASE '13: "Improving Efficiency of Dynamic ..."
Xu, Zhihong ASE '13: "Testing Properties of Dataflow ..."
Yamamoto, Mitsuharu ASE '13: "Software Model Checking for ..."
Yan, Jun ASE '13: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Yang, Jinqiu ASE '13: "AutoComment: Mining Question ..."
Yang, Wenhua ASE '13: "Environment Rematching: Toward ..."
Yoshihira, Kenji ASE '13: "iProbe: A Lightweight User-Level ..."
Zhang, Dongmei ASE '13: "Software Analytics for Incident ..."
Zhang, Gang ASE '13: "Towards Contextual and On-Demand ..."
Zhang, Hui ASE '13: "iProbe: A Lightweight User-Level ..."
Zhang, Jian ASE '13: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Zhang, Lingming ASE '13: "Operator-Based and Random ..."
Zhang, Lu ASE '13: "Round-Up: Runtime Checking ..."
Zhang, Sai ASE '13: "Automatically Synthesizing ..."
Zhang, Shao Jie ASE '13: "Constraint-Based Automatic ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu ASE '13: "PIEtrace: Platform Independent ..." ASE '13: "Identifying Execution Points ..."
Zhang, Yanli ASE '13: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Zhang, Zhiqiang ASE '13: "Characterizing and Detecting ..."
Zhao, Liping ASE '13: "TRAM: A Tool for Transforming ..."
Zhao, Wenyun ASE '13: "Towards Contextual and On-Demand ..."
Ziarek, Lukasz ASE '13: "Flow Permissions for Android ..."

330 authors

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