ASE 2012
2012 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
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2012 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), September 3–7, 2012, Essen, Germany

ASE 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abadi, Moria ASE '12: "Automatic Recovery of Statecharts ..."
Abreu, Rui ASE '12: "GZoltar: An Eclipse Plug-In ..."
Achananuparp, Palakorn ASE '12: "Observatory of Trends in Software ..."
Aïmeur, Esma ASE '12: "Support Vector Machines for ..."
Ali, Nasir ASE '12: "Support Vector Machines for ..."
Almorsy, Mohamed ASE '12: "Supporting Automated Vulnerability ..." ASE '12: "Supporting Automated Software ..." ASE '12: "Supporting Operating System ..."
Amalfitano, Domenico ASE '12: "Using GUI Ripping for Automated ..."
Amin, Ayman ASE '12: "An Automated Approach to Forecasting ..."
Andersen, Jesper ASE '12: "Semantic Patch Inference ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano ASE '12: "Support Vector Machines for ..."
Apel, Sven ASE '12: "Structured Merge with Auto-Tuning: ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ASE '12: "The GISMOE Challenge: Constructing ..."
Bartel, Alexandre ASE '12: "Automatically Securing Permission-Based ..."
Bauersfeld, Sebastian ASE '12: "GUITest: A Java Library for ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ASE '12: "Automatic Query Performance ..."
Bhattacharya, Neelesh ASE '12: "Support Vector Machines for ..."
Biallas, Sebastian ASE '12: "Arcade.PLC: A Verification ..."
Biffl, Stefan ASE '12: "Communicating Continuous Integration ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. ASE '12: "Diagnosys: Automatic Generation ..."
Boukadoum, Mounir ASE '12: "Generating Model Transformation ..."
Bourdon, Aurelien ASE '12: "Runtime Monitoring of Software ..."
Bousquet, Lydie du ASE '12: "Test Suite Selection Based ..."
Brauer, Jörg ASE '12: "Arcade.PLC: A Verification ..."
Budi, Aditya ASE '12: "kbe-Anonymity: Test Data Anonymization ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ASE '12: "Unbounded Data Model Verification ..."
Campos, José ASE '12: "GZoltar: An Eclipse Plug-In ..."
Cavallaro, Luca ASE '12: "Caprice: A Tool for Engineering ..."
Chechik, Marsha ASE '12: "Locating Distinguishing Features ..."
Chen, Jin ASE '12: "Practical Isolation of Failure-Inducing ..."
Chen, Ning ASE '12: "Puzzle-Based Automatic Testing: ..."
Cicchetti, Antonio ASE '12: "CHESS: A Model-Driven Engineering ..."
Ciccozzi, Federico ASE '12: "CHESS: A Model-Driven Engineering ..."
Clark, John A. ASE '12: "The GISMOE Challenge: Constructing ..."
Colman, Alan ASE '12: "An Automated Approach to Forecasting ..."
Cukic, Bojan ASE '12: "Software Defect Prediction ..."
Culp, Mark ASE '12: "Software Defect Prediction ..."
Currea, Sebastian ASE '12: "Weave Droid: Aspect-Oriented ..."
Dang, Yingnong ASE '12: "Can I Clone This Piece of ..."
De Carmine, Salvatore ASE '12: "Using GUI Ripping for Automated ..."
De Halleux, Jonathan ASE '12: "Augmented Dynamic Symbolic ..." ASE '12: "User-Aware Privacy Control ..."
De Jonge, Maartje ASE '12: "Automated Evaluation of Syntax ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ASE '12: "Automatic Query Performance ..."
Demuth, Andreas ASE '12: "Automatically Generating and ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar T. ASE '12: "To What Extent Could We Detect ..."
Diehl, Stephan ASE '12: "Using Mobile Devices for Collaborative ..."
Ding, Rui ASE '12: "Healing Online Service Systems ..."
Doherty, Gavin ASE '12: "Caprice: A Tool for Engineering ..."
Dösinger, Stefan ASE '12: "Communicating Continuous Integration ..."
Egyed, Alexander ASE '12: "Code Patterns for Automatically ..." ASE '12: "Computing Repair Trees for ..." ASE '12: "Automatically Generating and ..."
El Kateb, Donia ASE '12: "Selection of Regression System ..."
Fahndrich, Manuel ASE '12: "User-Aware Privacy Control ..."
Falcone, Yliès ASE '12: "Weave Droid: Aspect-Oriented ..."
Farahbod, Roozbeh ASE '12: "Automated Inference of Goal-Oriented ..."
Fasolino, Anna Rita ASE '12: "Using GUI Ripping for Automated ..."
Faunes, Martin ASE '12: "Generating Model Transformation ..."
Feldman, Yishai A. ASE '12: "Automatic Recovery of Statecharts ..."
Fraser, Gordon ASE '12: "Augmented Dynamic Symbolic ..."
Fu, Qiang ASE '12: "Healing Online Service Systems ..."
Gabmeyer, Sebastian ASE '12: "Formal Verification Techniques ..."
Ghabi, Achraf ASE '12: "Code Patterns for Automatically ..."
Gong, Liang ASE '12: "Diversity Maximization Speedup ..."
Gopinath, Divya ASE '12: "Improving the Effectiveness ..."
Grünbacher, Paul ASE '12: "A Qualitative Study on User ..."
Grundy, John ASE '12: "MaramaAI: Tool Support for ..." ASE '12: "REInDetector: A Framework ..." ASE '12: "Supporting Automated Vulnerability ..." ASE '12: "Supporting Automated Software ..." ASE '12: "Supporting Operating System ..."
Grunske, Lars ASE '12: "An Automated Approach to Forecasting ..."
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël ASE '12: "Support Vector Machines for ..."
Guo, Yao ASE '12: "Boreas: An Accurate and Scalable ..."
Haiduc, Sonia ASE '12: "Automatic Query Performance ..."
Hamlyn-Harris, James ASE '12: "Supporting Operating System ..."
Han, Jun ASE '12: "Quokka: Visualising Interactions ..."
Happe, Jens ASE '12: "Automated Inference of Goal-Oriented ..."
Harman, Mark ASE '12: "The GISMOE Challenge: Constructing ..."
Hayashi, Shinpei ASE '12: "Slicing and Replaying Code ..."
Heljanko, Keijo ASE '12: "Using Unfoldings in Automated ..."
Hine, Cameron ASE '12: "Quokka: Visualising Interactions ..."
Hosking, John ASE '12: "MaramaAI: Tool Support for ..."
Hwang, JeeHyun ASE '12: "Selection of Regression System ..."
Ibrahim, Amani S. ASE '12: "Supporting Automated Vulnerability ..." ASE '12: "Supporting Automated Software ..." ASE '12: "Supporting Operating System ..."
Jacobson, Ivar ASE '12: "Re-founding Software Engineering ..."
Jamrozik, Konrad ASE '12: "Augmented Dynamic Symbolic ..."
Jia, Yue ASE '12: "The GISMOE Challenge: Constructing ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao ASE '12: "kbe-Anonymity: Test Data Anonymization ..." ASE '12: "Diversity Maximization Speedup ..." ASE '12: "To What Extent Could We Detect ..."
Johnson, Pontus ASE '12: "Re-founding Software Engineering ..."
Kähkönen, Kari ASE '12: "Using Unfoldings in Automated ..."
Kajko-Mattsson, Mira ASE '12: "Re-founding Software Engineering ..."
Kamalrudin, Massila ASE '12: "MaramaAI: Tool Support for ..."
Kehrer, Timo ASE '12: "Adaptability of Model Comparison ..."
Kelter, Udo ASE '12: "Adaptability of Model Comparison ..."
Khoo, Siau-Cheng ASE '12: "Semantic Patch Inference ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ASE '12: "Improving the Effectiveness ..."
Kim, Sunghun ASE '12: "Puzzle-Based Automatic Testing: ..." ASE '12: "Predicting Recurring Crash ..."
Kitsu, Eijiro ASE '12: "Slicing and Replaying Code ..."
Klein, Jacques ASE '12: "Automatically Securing Permission-Based ..."
Kowalewski, Stefan ASE '12: "Arcade.PLC: A Verification ..."
Krebs, Rouven ASE '12: "Automated Inference of Goal-Oriented ..."
Lan, Erica ASE '12: "Can I Clone This Piece of ..."
Langdon, William B. ASE '12: "The GISMOE Challenge: Constructing ..."
Lawall, Julia L. ASE '12: "Semantic Patch Inference ..." ASE '12: "Diagnosys: Automatic Generation ..."
Ledru, Yves ASE '12: "Test Suite Selection Based ..."
Lehofer, Martin ASE '12: "A Qualitative Study on User ..."
Lengauer, Christian ASE '12: "Structured Merge with Auto-Tuning: ..."
Leßenich, Olaf ASE '12: "Structured Merge with Auto-Tuning: ..."
Le Traon, Yves ASE '12: "Selection of Regression System ..." ASE '12: "Automatically Securing Permission-Based ..."
Li, Huiqing ASE '12: "Automated API Migration in ..."
Lim, Ee-Peng ASE '12: "Observatory of Trends in Software ..."
Lin, Mengxiang ASE '12: "Practical Isolation of Failure-Inducing ..."
Lin, Qingwei ASE '12: "Healing Online Service Systems ..."
Lo, David ASE '12: "Observatory of Trends in Software ..." ASE '12: "Semantic Patch Inference ..." ASE '12: "kbe-Anonymity: Test Data Anonymization ..." ASE '12: "Diversity Maximization Speedup ..." ASE '12: "To What Extent Could We Detect ..." ASE '12: "Duplicate Bug Report Detection ..."
Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E. ASE '12: "Automatically Generating and ..."
Lou, Jian-Guang ASE '12: "Healing Online Service Systems ..."
Lu, Huihua ASE '12: "Software Defect Prediction ..."
Lu, Yi ASE '12: "Fast and Precise Points-to ..."
Lubis, Ibrahim Nelman ASE '12: "Observatory of Trends in Software ..."
Lucia ASE '12: "kbe-Anonymity: Test Data Anonymization ..." ASE '12: "To What Extent Could We Detect ..."
Lumpe, Markus ASE '12: "REInDetector: A Framework ..."
Lutz, Rainer ASE '12: "Using Mobile Devices for Collaborative ..."
Maiga, Abdou ASE '12: "Support Vector Machines for ..."
Marcus, Andrian ASE '12: "JStereoCode: Automatically ..." ASE '12: "Automatic Query Performance ..."
Maruyama, Katsuhisa ASE '12: "Slicing and Replaying Code ..."
Mazzini, Silvia ASE '12: "CHESS: A Model-Driven Engineering ..."
Meananeatra, Panita ASE '12: "Identifying Refactoring Sequences ..."
Mei, Hong ASE '12: "Can I Clone This Piece of ..."
Memon, Atif M. ASE '12: "Using GUI Ripping for Automated ..."
Monperrus, Martin ASE '12: "Automatically Securing Permission-Based ..."
Mordinyi, Richard ASE '12: "Communicating Continuous Integration ..."
Moreno, Laura ASE '12: "JStereoCode: Automatically ..."
Moskal, Michal ASE '12: "User-Aware Privacy Control ..."
Mouelhi, Tejeddine ASE '12: "Selection of Regression System ..."
Muller, Gilles ASE '12: "Diagnosys: Automatic Generation ..."
Nguyen, Anh Cuong ASE '12: "Semantic Patch Inference ..."
Nguyen, Anh Tuan ASE '12: "Detection of Embedded Code ..." ASE '12: "Duplicate Bug Report Detection ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh ASE '12: "SYMake: A Build Code Analysis ..." ASE '12: "Detection of Embedded Code ..."
Nguyen, Hung Viet ASE '12: "SYMake: A Build Code Analysis ..." ASE '12: "Detection of Embedded Code ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. ASE '12: "SYMake: A Build Code Analysis ..." ASE '12: "Detection of Embedded Code ..." ASE '12: "Duplicate Bug Report Detection ..."
Nguyen, Tung Thanh ASE '12: "Detection of Embedded Code ..." ASE '12: "Duplicate Bug Report Detection ..."
Nguyen, Tuong Huan ASE '12: "REInDetector: A Framework ..."
Nijjar, Jaideep ASE '12: "Unbounded Data Model Verification ..."
Nogueira, Ana Filipa ASE '12: "Predicting Software Complexity ..."
Noureddine, Adel ASE '12: "Runtime Monitoring of Software ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar ASE '12: "Caprice: A Tool for Engineering ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ASE '12: "Automatic Query Performance ..."
Omori, Takayuki ASE '12: "Slicing and Replaying Code ..."
Omoronyia, Inah ASE '12: "Caprice: A Tool for Engineering ..."
Panunzio, Marco ASE '12: "CHESS: A Model-Driven Engineering ..."
Pasquale, Liliana ASE '12: "Caprice: A Tool for Engineering ..."
Perez, Alexandre ASE '12: "GZoltar: An Eclipse Plug-In ..."
Pietsch, Pit ASE '12: "Adaptability of Model Comparison ..."
Puri, Stefano ASE '12: "CHESS: A Model-Driven Engineering ..."
Quesada, Luis ASE '12: "A Model-Driven Parser Generator ..."
Rabiser, Rick ASE '12: "A Qualitative Study on User ..."
Rahman, Foyzur ASE '12: "To What Extent Could We Detect ..."
Reder, Alexander ASE '12: "Computing Repair Trees for ..."
Réveillère, Laurent ASE '12: "Diagnosys: Automatic Generation ..."
Riboira, André ASE '12: "GZoltar: An Eclipse Plug-In ..."
Rouvoy, Romain ASE '12: "Runtime Monitoring of Software ..."
Rubin, Julia ASE '12: "Locating Distinguishing Features ..."
Saarikivi, Olli ASE '12: "Using Unfoldings in Automated ..."
Sabané, Aminata ASE '12: "Support Vector Machines for ..."
Sahraoui, Houari ASE '12: "Generating Model Transformation ..."
Salehie, Mazeiar ASE '12: "Caprice: A Tool for Engineering ..."
Schäfer, Sascha ASE '12: "Using Mobile Devices for Collaborative ..."
Schmidt, Maik ASE '12: "Adaptability of Model Comparison ..."
Schneider, Jean-Guy ASE '12: "Quokka: Visualising Interactions ..."
Seinturier, Lionel ASE '12: "Runtime Monitoring of Software ..."
Seo, Hyunmin ASE '12: "Predicting Recurring Crash ..."
Shang, Lei ASE '12: "Fast and Precise Points-to ..."
Shar, Lwin Khin ASE '12: "Predicting Common Web Application ..."
Shen, Jiajun ASE '12: "Healing Online Service Systems ..."
Song, Fu ASE '12: "PuMoC: A CTL Model-Checker ..."
Spence, Ian ASE '12: "Re-founding Software Engineering ..."
Steimann, Friedrich ASE '12: "Refactorings without Names ..."
Sun, Chengnian ASE '12: "Duplicate Bug Report Detection ..."
Tamrawi, Ahmed ASE '12: "SYMake: A Build Code Analysis ..."
Tan, Hee Beng Kuan ASE '12: "Predicting Common Web Application ..."
Thompson, Simon ASE '12: "Automated API Migration in ..."
Thung, Ferdian ASE '12: "To What Extent Could We Detect ..."
Tian, Yuan ASE '12: "Observatory of Trends in Software ..."
Tillmann, Nikolai ASE '12: "Augmented Dynamic Symbolic ..." ASE '12: "User-Aware Privacy Control ..."
Touili, Tayssir ASE '12: "PuMoC: A CTL Model-Checker ..."
Tramontana, Porfirio ASE '12: "Using GUI Ripping for Automated ..."
Triki, Taha ASE '12: "Test Suite Selection Based ..."
Vardanega, Tullio ASE '12: "CHESS: A Model-Driven Engineering ..."
Vega, German ASE '12: "Test Suite Selection Based ..."
Versteeg, Steve ASE '12: "Quokka: Visualising Interactions ..."
Visser, Eelco ASE '12: "Automated Evaluation of Syntax ..."
Vo, Bao Quoc ASE '12: "REInDetector: A Framework ..."
Von Pilgrim, Jens ASE '12: "Refactorings without Names ..."
Vos, Tanja E. J. ASE '12: "GUITest: A Java Library for ..."
Wang, Xiaoyin ASE '12: "Can I Clone This Piece of ..."
Westermann, Dennis ASE '12: "Automated Inference of Goal-Oriented ..."
White, David R. ASE '12: "The GISMOE Challenge: Constructing ..."
Xiao, Xusheng ASE '12: "User-Aware Privacy Control ..."
Xie, Tao ASE '12: "Selection of Regression System ..." ASE '12: "Healing Online Service Systems ..."
Xue, Jingling ASE '12: "Fast and Precise Points-to ..."
Yamamoto, Yosuke ASE '12: "Property-Preserving Program ..."
Yu, Kai ASE '12: "Practical Isolation of Failure-Inducing ..."
Yuan, Yang ASE '12: "Boreas: An Accurate and Scalable ..."
Zaeem, Razieh Nokhbeh ASE '12: "Improving the Effectiveness ..."
Zhang, Dongmei ASE '12: "Can I Clone This Piece of ..." ASE '12: "Healing Online Service Systems ..."
Zhang, Hongyu ASE '12: "Diversity Maximization Speedup ..."
Zhang, Lu ASE '12: "Can I Clone This Piece of ..."
Zhang, Xiangyu ASE '12: "Practical Isolation of Failure-Inducing ..."
Zovi, Alessandro ASE '12: "CHESS: A Model-Driven Engineering ..."

235 authors

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