ASE 2011
2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011)
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2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), November 6–10, 2011, Lawrence, KS, USA

ASE 2011 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Abreu, Rui ASE '11: "Prioritizing Tests for Fault ..."
Acher, Mathieu ASE '11: "Slicing Feature Models ..." ASE '11: "Decomposing Feature Models: ..."
Al-Kofahi, Jafar ASE '11: "A Topic-based Approach for ..."
Alshahwan, Nadia ASE '11: "Automated Web Application ..."
Alves, Elton ASE '11: "Fault-Localization Using Dynamic ..."
Anand, Saswat ASE '11: "Heap Cloning: Enabling Dynamic ..."
Apel, Sven ASE '11: "Detection of Feature Interactions ..."
Arcaini, Paolo ASE '11: "Optimizing the Automatic Test ..."
Arora, Nipun ASE '11: "BEST: A Symbolic Testing Tool ..."
Artho, Cyrille ASE '11: "Model Checking Distributed ..."
Asadi, Mohsen ASE '11: "Automated Planning for Feature ..."
Athavale, Viraj ASE '11: "PRECIS: Inferring Invariants ..."
Augustine, Vinay ASE '11: "Scaling Up Automated Test ..."
Baars, Arthur ASE '11: "Symbolic Search-Based Testing ..."
Babar, Muhammad Ali ASE '11: "Supporting Activity Based ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto ASE '11: "Extracting Structured Data ..."
Bagheri, Ebrahim ASE '11: "Automated Planning for Feature ..."
Bai, Xu ASE '11: "AutoODC: Automated Generation ..."
Balakrishnan, Gogul ASE '11: "DC2: A Framework for Scalable, ..." ASE '11: "BEST: A Symbolic Testing Tool ..."
Ball, Thomas ASE '11: "Formalizing Hardware/Software ..."
Bandyopadhyay, Aritra ASE '11: "Improving Spectrum-Based Fault ..." ASE '11: "Proximity Based Weighting ..."
Basu, Samik ASE '11: "Automating Analysis of Qualitative ..."
Bencomo, Nelly ASE '11: "Towards Requirements Aware ..."
Bendraou, Reda ASE '11: "Deviation Management during ..."
Bergmann, Gábor ASE '11: "Implementing Efficient Model ..."
Beyer, Dirk ASE '11: "Detection of Feature Interactions ..."
Blanc, Xavier ASE '11: "Deviation Management during ..."
Bokor, Péter ASE '11: "Supporting Domain-Specific ..."
Botinčan, Matko ASE '11: "Safe Asynchronous Multicore ..."
Brosig, Fabian ASE '11: "Automated Extraction of Architecture-Level ..."
Brun, Yuriy ASE '11: "Isomorphism in Model Tools ..."
Butcher, Andrew ASE '11: "Local vs. Global Models for ..."
Cai, Sibo ASE '11: "Finding the Merits and Drawbacks ..."
Cai, Yuanfang ASE '11: "Generalizing Evolutionary ..." ASE '11: "Enhancing Architectural Recovery ..."
Carlson, Jan ASE '11: "Client-side Web Application ..."
Chakraborty, Soham Sundar ASE '11: "Towards an Approach and Framework ..."
Chen, Ning ASE '11: "Software Process Evaluation: ..."
Chen, Xiaofan ASE '11: "Improving Automated Documentation ..."
Cheng, Betty H. C. ASE '11: "Automatically Exploring How ..."
Clark, Sarah R. ASE '11: "Localizing SQL Faults in Database ..."
Cleve, Anthony ASE '11: "Extracting Structured Data ..."
Cobb, Jake ASE '11: "Localizing SQL Faults in Database ..."
Cok, David ASE '11: "Local vs. Global Models for ..."
Collet, Philippe ASE '11: "Slicing Feature Models ..." ASE '11: "Decomposing Feature Models: ..."
Crnković, Ivica ASE '11: "Client-side Web Application ..."
Dagenais, Barthélémy ASE '11: "Analyzing Temporal API Usage ..."
D'Amorim, Marcelo ASE '11: "Fault-Localization Using Dynamic ..."
Dautovic, Andreas ASE '11: "Automatic Assessment of Software ..."
Day, Nancy A. ASE '11: "Using Model Checking to Analyze ..."
Deng, Fang ASE '11: "Inferred Dependence Coverage ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar ASE '11: "Ecological Inference in Empirical ..."
Dingel, Juergen ASE '11: "SAUML: A Tool for Symbolic ..."
Dit, Bogdan ASE '11: "An Adaptive Approach to Impact ..."
Dodds, Mike ASE '11: "Safe Asynchronous Multicore ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. ASE '11: "Safe Asynchronous Multicore ..."
Dong, Jin Song ASE '11: "A Symbolic Model Checking ..."
Dwyer, Matthew B. ASE '11: "Unifying Testing and Analysis ..." ASE '11: "Automatic Generation of Load ..."
Edwards, George ASE '11: "Isomorphism in Model Tools ..."
Egyed, Alexander ASE '11: "Observations on the Connectedness ..." ASE '11: "Do Software Engineers Benefit ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ASE '11: "Automatic Generation of Load ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ASE '11: "Scaling Up Automated Test ..." ASE '11: "Automated Documentation Inference ..."
Esfahani, Naeem ASE '11: "A Framework for Managing Uncertainty ..."
Evans, David ASE '11: "Capacity Planning for Event-based ..."
Fang, Lu ASE '11: "APIExample: An Effective Web ..."
Filieri, Antonio ASE '11: "Self-Adaptive Software Meets ..."
Filkov, Vladimir ASE '11: "Ecological Inference in Empirical ..."
France, Robert B. ASE '11: "Slicing Feature Models ..." ASE '11: "Decomposing Feature Models: ..."
Fraser, Gordon ASE '11: "Combining Search-based and ..."
Furia, Carlo A. ASE '11: "Code-Based Automated Program ..." ASE '11: "Stateful Testing: Finding ..."
Ganai, Malay K. ASE '11: "Scalable and Precise Symbolic ..." ASE '11: "BEST: A Symbolic Testing Tool ..."
Ganov, Svetoslav ASE '11: "A Case for Alloy Annotations ..."
Garcia, Joshua ASE '11: "Enhancing Architectural Recovery ..."
Gargantini, Angelo ASE '11: "Optimizing the Automatic Test ..."
Gašević, Dragan ASE '11: "Automated Planning for Feature ..."
Gemund, Arjan J. C. van ASE '11: "Prioritizing Tests for Fault ..."
Geng, Ruili ASE '11: "AutoODC: Automated Generation ..."
Gethers, Malcom ASE '11: "An Adaptive Approach to Impact ..."
Ghabi, Achraf ASE '11: "Observations on the Connectedness ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo ASE '11: "Self-Adaptive Software Meets ..."
Ghosh, Sudipto ASE '11: "Proximity Based Weighting ..."
Gligoric, Milos ASE '11: "Fault-Localization Using Dynamic ..."
Goloshchapova, Olga ASE '11: "jCT: A Java Code Tomograph ..."
Gonzalez-Sanchez, Alberto ASE '11: "Prioritizing Tests for Fault ..."
Gore, Ross ASE '11: "Statistical Debugging with ..."
Gottipati, Swapna ASE '11: "Finding Relevant Answers in ..."
Groce, Alex ASE '11: "Coverage Rewarded: Test Input ..."
Gross, Hans-Gerhard ASE '11: "Prioritizing Tests for Fault ..."
Grov, Gudmund ASE '11: "The CORE System: Animation ..."
Grundy, John ASE '11: "Improving Automated Documentation ..." ASE '11: "Generating Essential User ..."
Gupta, Aarti ASE '11: "DC2: A Framework for Scalable, ..." ASE '11: "BEST: A Symbolic Testing Tool ..."
Hagiya, Masami ASE '11: "Model Checking Distributed ..."
Haiduc, Sonia ASE '11: "Automatically Detecting the ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ASE '11: "Domain and Value Checking ..."
Hall, Robert J. ASE '11: "The Capture Calculus Toolset ..."
Harman, Mark ASE '11: "Automated Web Application ..." ASE '11: "Symbolic Search-Based Testing ..."
Harrold, Mary Jean ASE '11: "Localizing SQL Faults in Database ..." ASE '11: "Heap Cloning: Enabling Dynamic ..."
Hassoun, Youssef ASE '11: "Symbolic Search-Based Testing ..."
Hatala, Marek ASE '11: "Automated Planning for Feature ..."
Hegedüs, Ábel ASE '11: "A Model-driven Framework for ..." ASE '11: "Implementing Efficient Model ..."
Hidaka, Soichiro ASE '11: "GRoundTram: An Integrated ..."
Hill, Emily ASE '11: "Improving Source Code Search ..."
Hoi, Steven C. H. ASE '11: "Software Process Evaluation: ..."
Horton, Alexander ASE '11: "Stateful Testing: Finding ..."
Horváth, Ákos ASE '11: "A Model-driven Framework for ..." ASE '11: "Towards Dynamic Backward Slicing ..." ASE '11: "Implementing Efficient Model ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang ASE '11: "GRoundTram: An Integrated ..."
Huang, LiGuo ASE '11: "AutoODC: Automated Generation ..."
Huber, Nikolaus ASE '11: "Automated Extraction of Architecture-Level ..."
Imoto, Takashi ASE '11: "DC2: A Framework for Scalable, ..."
Inaba, Kazuhiro ASE '11: "GRoundTram: An Integrated ..."
Insa, David ASE '11: "An Optimal Strategy for Algorithmic ..."
Ireland, Andrew ASE '11: "The CORE System: Animation ..."
Ivančić, Franjo ASE '11: "DC2: A Framework for Scalable, ..."
Jagannath, Vilas ASE '11: "Fault-Localization Using Dynamic ..."
Jarzabek, Stan ASE '11: "CloneDifferentiator: Analyzing ..."
Jensen, Adam C. ASE '11: "Automatically Exploring How ..."
Jiang, Jing ASE '11: "Towards More Accurate Retrieval ..." ASE '11: "Finding Relevant Answers in ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao ASE '11: "Search-Based Fault Localization ..."
Johnson, Jeremy ASE '11: "Using Model-based Assurance ..."
Johnson, Ralph E. ASE '11: "Differential Precondition ..."
Jones, James A. ASE '11: "Localizing SQL Faults in Database ..." ASE '11: "History Slicing ..." ASE '11: "Inferred Dependence Coverage ..."
Just, René ASE '11: "MAJOR: An Efficient and Extensible ..."
Kagdi, Huzefa ASE '11: "An Adaptive Approach to Impact ..."
Kamalrudin, Massila ASE '11: "Generating Essential User ..."
Kamensky, David ASE '11: "Statistical Debugging with ..."
Kapfhammer, Gregory M. ASE '11: "Localizing SQL Faults in Database ..." ASE '11: "MAJOR: An Efficient and Extensible ..."
Kato, Hiroyuki ASE '11: "GRoundTram: An Integrated ..."
Katz, Randy ASE '11: "Precomputing Possible Configuration ..."
Kehrer, Timo ASE '11: "A Rule-Based Approach to the ..."
Kellens, Andy ASE '11: "Mendel: Source Code Recommendation ..."
Kelter, Udo ASE '11: "A Rule-Based Approach to the ..." ASE '11: "Generating Realistic Test ..."
Khalek, Shadi Abdul ASE '11: "Mixed Constraints for Test ..." ASE '11: "TestEra: A Tool for Testing ..."
Khoo, Siau-Cheng ASE '11: "Towards More Accurate Retrieval ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ASE '11: "A Case for Alloy Annotations ..." ASE '11: "Mixed Constraints for Test ..." ASE '11: "TestEra: A Tool for Testing ..."
Kimmig, Markus ASE '11: "Querying Source Code with ..."
Kinder, Johannes ASE '11: "Supporting Domain-Specific ..."
King, Irwin ASE '11: "Mining Test Oracles of Web ..."
Knoester, David B. ASE '11: "Automatically Exploring How ..."
Kounev, Samuel ASE '11: "Automated Extraction of Architecture-Level ..." ASE '11: "Capacity Planning for Event-based ..."
Kowshik, Sumant ASE '11: "PRECIS: Inferring Invariants ..."
Krueger, Ingolf ASE '11: "Tracing Requirements to Tests ..."
Lahire, Philippe ASE '11: "Slicing Feature Models ..." ASE '11: "Decomposing Feature Models: ..."
Lakhotia, Kiran ASE '11: "Symbolic Search-Based Testing ..."
Lanza, Michele ASE '11: "Extracting Structured Data ..."
Lau, Hoong Chuin ASE '11: "Search-Based Fault Localization ..."
Lauenroth, Kim ASE '11: "A Performance Comparison of ..."
Leungwattanakit, Watcharin ASE '11: "Model Checking Distributed ..."
Leva, Alberto ASE '11: "Self-Adaptive Software Meets ..."
Levin, Vladimir ASE '11: "Formalizing Hardware/Software ..."
Lhoták, Ondřej ASE '11: "Identifying Future Field Accesses ..."
Li, Bixin ASE '11: "Using Formal Concept Analysis ..."
Li, Ge ASE '11: "APIExample: An Effective Web ..."
Li, Juncao ASE '11: "Formalizing Hardware/Software ..."
Li, Nuo ASE '11: "Scaling Up Automated Test ..."
Li, Wenbin ASE '11: "Toward Consistency Checking ..."
Li, Xuandong ASE '11: "Run-time Systems Failure Prediction ..."
Liang, Guangtai ASE '11: "Iterative Mining of Resource-Releasing ..."
Liu, Changsheng ASE '11: "Finding the Merits and Drawbacks ..."
Liu, Yang ASE '11: "A Symbolic Model Checking ..."
Lo, David ASE '11: "Towards More Accurate Retrieval ..." ASE '11: "Finding Relevant Answers in ..." ASE '11: "Search-Based Fault Localization ..."
Lozano, Angela ASE '11: "Mendel: Source Code Recommendation ..."
Lucia ASE '11: "Search-Based Fault Localization ..."
Lumpe, Markus ASE '11: "jCT: A Java Code Tomograph ..."
Lutz, Robyn ASE '11: "Using Model-based Assurance ..."
Lynch, Kevin ASE '11: "Diagnosis of Software Failures ..."
Lyu, Michael R. ASE '11: "Mining Test Oracles of Web ..."
Ma, Hao ASE '11: "Mining Test Oracles of Web ..."
Maclean, Ewen ASE '11: "The CORE System: Animation ..."
Mäder, Patrick ASE '11: "Flexible Design Pattern Detection ..." ASE '11: "Do Software Engineers Benefit ..."
Madria, Sanjay K. ASE '11: "Exploring Caching for Efficient ..."
Maeda, Naoto ASE '11: "DC2: A Framework for Scalable, ..."
Maggio, Martina ASE '11: "Self-Adaptive Software Meets ..."
Mahmud, Samiran ASE '11: "jCT: A Java Code Tomograph ..."
Malburg, Jan ASE '11: "Combining Search-based and ..."
Mancoridis, Spiros ASE '11: "Diagnosis of Software Failures ..."
Maras, Josip ASE '11: "Client-side Web Application ..."
Marcus, Andrian ASE '11: "Local vs. Global Models for ..."
Marinov, Darko ASE '11: "TestEra: A Tool for Testing ..."
Mattmann, Chris ASE '11: "Enhancing Architectural Recovery ..."
McGarvey, Con ASE '11: "Formalizing Hardware/Software ..."
McMinn, Phil ASE '11: "Symbolic Search-Based Testing ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad ASE '11: "Isomorphism in Model Tools ..." ASE '11: "Enhancing Architectural Recovery ..."
Mehlitz, Peter ASE '11: "JPF-AWT: Model Checking GUI ..."
Mei, Hong ASE '11: "Iterative Mining of Resource-Releasing ..." ASE '11: "Finding the Merits and Drawbacks ..."
Mens, Kim ASE '11: "Mendel: Source Code Recommendation ..."
Menzies, Tim ASE '11: "Local vs. Global Models for ..."
Mercer, Eric G. ASE '11: "Guided Test Visualization: ..."
Meyer, Bertrand ASE '11: "Code-Based Automated Program ..." ASE '11: "Stateful Testing: Finding ..."
Mezini, Mira ASE '11: "Querying Source Code with ..."
Miyazaki, Yoshiaki ASE '11: "DC2: A Framework for Scalable, ..."
Mocci, Andrea ASE '11: "Extracting Structured Data ..."
Monperrus, Martin ASE '11: "Querying Source Code with ..."
Muccini, Henry ASE '11: "Run-time Systems Failure Prediction ..."
Nakano, Keisuke ASE '11: "GRoundTram: An Integrated ..."
Narayanan, Vidya Priyadarshini ASE '11: "Mixed Constraints for Test ..."
Nerella, Venkata Krishna Suhas ASE '11: "Exploring Caching for Efficient ..."
Ng, Vincent ASE '11: "AutoODC: Automated Generation ..."
Nguyen, Anh Tuan ASE '11: "A Topic-based Approach for ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh ASE '11: "Auto-Locating and Fix-Propagating ..." ASE '11: "iDiff: Interaction-based Program ..."
Nguyen, Hung Viet ASE '11: "Auto-Locating and Fix-Propagating ..." ASE '11: "A Topic-based Approach for ..." ASE '11: "iDiff: Interaction-based Program ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. ASE '11: "Auto-Locating and Fix-Propagating ..." ASE '11: "A Topic-based Approach for ..." ASE '11: "iDiff: Interaction-based Program ..."
Nguyen, Truong Khanh ASE '11: "A Symbolic Model Checking ..."
Nguyen, Tung Thanh ASE '11: "Auto-Locating and Fix-Propagating ..." ASE '11: "A Topic-based Approach for ..." ASE '11: "iDiff: Interaction-based Program ..."
Niu, Jianwei ASE '11: "GitBAC: Flexible Access Control ..."
Nordio, Martin ASE '11: "Code-Based Automated Program ..." ASE '11: "Stateful Testing: Finding ..."
Nuseibeh, Bashar ASE '11: "Specifying and Detecting Meaningful ..."
Oster, Zachary J. ASE '11: "Automating Analysis of Qualitative ..."
Overbey, Jeffrey L. ASE '11: "Differential Precondition ..."
Pan, Kai ASE '11: "Generating Program Inputs ..."
Parízek, Pavel ASE '11: "Identifying Future Field Accesses ..."
Parkinson, Matthew J. ASE '11: "Safe Asynchronous Multicore ..."
Patterson-Hine, Ann ASE '11: "Using Model-based Assurance ..."
Pei, Yu ASE '11: "Code-Based Automated Program ..." ASE '11: "Stateful Testing: Finding ..."
Perkins, Jeff H. ASE '11: "Scaling Up Automated Test ..."
Perry, Dewayne E. ASE '11: "A Case for Alloy Annotations ..."
Persing, Isaac ASE '11: "AutoODC: Automated Generation ..."
Pietsch, Pit ASE '11: "Generating Realistic Test ..."
Pohl, Klaus ASE '11: "A Performance Comparison of ..."
Pohl, Richard ASE '11: "A Performance Comparison of ..."
Polini, Andrea ASE '11: "Run-time Systems Failure Prediction ..."
Pollock, Lori ASE '11: "Improving Source Code Search ..."
Popescu, Daniel ASE '11: "Enhancing Architectural Recovery ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ASE '11: "An Adaptive Approach to Impact ..."
Posnett, Daryl ASE '11: "Ecological Inference in Empirical ..."
Rabkin, Ariel ASE '11: "Precomputing Possible Configuration ..."
Ramirez, Andres J. ASE '11: "Automatically Exploring How ..."
Ranganathan, Anand ASE '11: "Evaluating Test Selection ..."
Rasool, Ghulam ASE '11: "Flexible Design Pattern Detection ..."
Ráth, István ASE '11: "A Model-driven Framework for ..." ASE '11: "Implementing Efficient Model ..."
Rathfelder, Christoph ASE '11: "Capacity Planning for Event-based ..."
Reynolds, Jr., Paul F. ASE '11: "Statistical Debugging with ..."
Rhein, Alexander von ASE '11: "Detection of Feature Interactions ..."
Riccobene, Elvinia ASE '11: "Optimizing the Automatic Test ..."
Robillard, Martin P. ASE '11: "Analyzing Temporal API Usage ..."
Robinson, Brian ASE '11: "Scaling Up Automated Test ..."
Robinson, Mark ASE '11: "GitBAC: Flexible Access Control ..."
Rorres, Chris ASE '11: "Diagnosis of Software Failures ..."
Roth, Hannes ASE '11: "Stateful Testing: Finding ..."
Rungta, Neha ASE '11: "Guided Test Visualization: ..."
Sagdeo, Parth ASE '11: "PRECIS: Inferring Invariants ..."
Sankaranarayanan, Sriram ASE '11: "DC2: A Framework for Scalable, ..."
Santhanam, Ganesh Ram ASE '11: "Automating Analysis of Qualitative ..."
Sawyer, Pete ASE '11: "Towards Requirements Aware ..."
Schweiggert, Franz ASE '11: "MAJOR: An Efficient and Extensible ..."
Serafini, Marco ASE '11: "Supporting Domain-Specific ..."
Servant, Francisco ASE '11: "History Slicing ..."
Shah, Vipul ASE '11: "Towards an Approach and Framework ..."
Shevertalov, Maxim ASE '11: "Diagnosis of Software Failures ..."
Shonle, Macneil ASE '11: "GitBAC: Flexible Access Control ..."
Silva, Josep ASE '11: "An Optimal Strategy for Algorithmic ..."
Silva, Marcos Aurélio Almeida da ASE '11: "Deviation Management during ..."
Soltani, Samaneh ASE '11: "Automated Planning for Feature ..."
Speidel, Hendrik ASE '11: "Detection of Feature Interactions ..."
Stehle, Edward ASE '11: "Diagnosis of Software Failures ..."
Steindorfer, Michael ASE '11: "Stateful Testing: Finding ..."
Sun, Chengnian ASE '11: "Towards More Accurate Retrieval ..."
Sun, Jun ASE '11: "A Symbolic Model Checking ..."
Sun, Xiaobing ASE '11: "Using Formal Concept Analysis ..."
Surapaneni, Swetha ASE '11: "Exploring Caching for Efficient ..."
Suri, Neeraj ASE '11: "Supporting Domain-Specific ..."
Taentzer, Gabriele ASE '11: "A Rule-Based Approach to the ..."
Tanabe, Yoshinori ASE '11: "Model Checking Distributed ..."
Taylor, Richard N. ASE '11: "Taming Changes With 1.x-Way ..."
Tell, Paolo ASE '11: "Supporting Activity Based ..."
Tian, Jeff ASE '11: "AutoODC: Automated Generation ..."
Tkachuk, Oksana ASE '11: "JPF-AWT: Model Checking GUI ..."
Tokuoka, Hiroki ASE '11: "DC2: A Framework for Scalable, ..."
Tonella, Paolo ASE '11: "Symbolic Search-Based Testing ..."
Tun, Thein Than ASE '11: "Specifying and Detecting Meaningful ..."
Uddin, Gias ASE '11: "Analyzing Temporal API Usage ..."
Ujhelyi, Zoltán ASE '11: "Towards Dynamic Backward Slicing ..." ASE '11: "Implementing Efficient Model ..."
Ujma, Mateusz ASE '11: "JPF-AWT: Model Checking GUI ..."
Vakili, Amirhossein ASE '11: "Analyzing Temporal Properties ..." ASE '11: "Using Model Checking to Analyze ..."
Varró, Dániel ASE '11: "A Model-driven Framework for ..." ASE '11: "Towards Dynamic Backward Slicing ..." ASE '11: "Implementing Efficient Model ..."
Vasudevan, Shobha ASE '11: "PRECIS: Inferring Invariants ..."
Vijay-Shanker, K. ASE '11: "Improving Source Code Search ..."
Vos, Tanja ASE '11: "Symbolic Search-Based Testing ..."
Wang, Chao ASE '11: "BEST: A Symbolic Testing Tool ..."
Wang, Leye ASE '11: "APIExample: An Effective Web ..."
Wang, Lijie ASE '11: "APIExample: An Effective Web ..."
Wang, Qianxiang ASE '11: "Iterative Mining of Resource-Releasing ..."
Wang, Shaowei ASE '11: "Search-Based Fault Localization ..."
Wei, Yi