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2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), October 14-17, 2013, Koblenz, Germany

WCRE 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abdeen, Hani WCRE '13: "Towards Automatically Improving ..."
Adams, Bram WCRE '13: "On the Effect of Program Exploration ..."
Aeschlimann, Erik WCRE '13: "Analyzing PL/1 Legacy Ecosystems: ..."
Alalfi, Manar H. WCRE '13: "An Approach to Clone Detection ..."
Albert, Patrick WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..." WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..."
Ali, Nasir WCRE '13: "Leveraging Historical Co-change ..."
Allen, Edward B. WCRE '13: "Empirical Evidence of Code ..."
Anand, Kapil WCRE '13: "Static Binary Rewriting without ..."
Anquetil, Nicolas WCRE '13: "Towards Automatically Improving ..." WCRE '13: "Heuristics for Discovering ..." WCRE '13: "Mining System Specific Rules ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano WCRE '13: "Towards Understanding How ..." WCRE '13: "On the Effect of Program Exploration ..."
Antony, Elizabeth P. WCRE '13: "An Approach to Clone Detection ..."
Avancini, Andrea WCRE '13: "Circe: A Grammar-Based Oracle ..."
Aversano, Lerina WCRE '13: "Evaluating Architecture Stability ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto WCRE '13: "3rd Workshop on Mining Unstructured ..."
Bagge, Anya Helene WCRE '13: "Workshop on Open and Original ..."
Bandi, Ajay WCRE '13: "Empirical Evidence of Code ..."
Banerjee, Ishan WCRE '13: "The First Decade of GUI Ripping: Extensions, ..."
Bantelay, Fasil WCRE '13: "Comparing and Combining Evolutionary ..."
Barua, Rajeev WCRE '13: "Static Binary Rewriting without ..."
Bauquel, Philippe WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..." WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..."
Baysal, Olga WCRE '13: "The Influence of Non-technical ..."
Bernardi, Mario Luca WCRE '13: "A Model-Driven Graph-Matching ..."
Bettenburg, Nicolas WCRE '13: "3rd Workshop on Mining Unstructured ..."
Bhattacharya, Indrajit WCRE '13: "Using Relationships for Matching ..."
Bigonha, Mariza WCRE '13: "Heuristics for Discovering ..."
Blanc, Xavier WCRE '13: "Automatic Discovery of Function ..." WCRE '13: "Find Your Library Experts ..."
Borges, Hudson WCRE '13: "Documenting APIs with Examples: ..."
Bos, Herbert WCRE '13: "Who Allocated My Memory? Detecting ..." WCRE '13: "MemPick: High-Level Data Structure ..." WCRE '13: "MemBrush: A Practical Tool ..." WCRE '13: "MemPick: A Tool for Data Structure ..."
Broek, Niels van Den WCRE '13: "Assessing the Complexity of ..."
Burns, Gabbie WCRE '13: "Lehman's Laws in Agile ..."
Cabot, Jordi WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..." WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..."
Carver, Jeffrey C. WCRE '13: "Effects of Cloned Code on ..."
Ceccato, Mariano WCRE '13: "Circe: A Grammar-Based Oracle ..."
Chatterji, Debarshi WCRE '13: "Effects of Cloned Code on ..."
Chen, Liqian WCRE '13: "Leveraging Specifications ..."
Chen, Xi WCRE '13: "Who Allocated My Memory? Detecting ..." WCRE '13: "MemBrush: A Practical Tool ..."
Cimitile, Marta WCRE '13: "A Model-Driven Graph-Matching ..."
Cleary, Brendan WCRE '13: "Reconstructing Program Memory ..."
Clerissi, Diego WCRE '13: "Capture-Replay vs. Programmable ..."
Cordy, James R. WCRE '13: "An Approach to Clone Detection ..."
Cosentino, Valerio WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..." WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..."
Dai, Ziying WCRE '13: "Leveraging Specifications ..."
Derrick, John WCRE '13: "Inferring Extended Finite ..."
Di Lucca, Giuseppe Antonio WCRE '13: "A Model-Driven Graph-Matching ..."
D'Souza, Deepak WCRE '13: "Using Relationships for Matching ..."
Ducasse, Stéphane WCRE '13: "Towards Automatically Improving ..." WCRE '13: "Mining System Specific Rules ..."
Duchène, Fabien WCRE '13: "LigRE: Reverse-Engineering ..."
Duran, Kelley WCRE '13: "Lehman's Laws in Agile ..."
Ďurfina, Lukáš WCRE '13: "Psyb0t Malware: A Step-by-Step ..."
ElWazeer, Khaled WCRE '13: "Static Binary Rewriting without ..."
Falleri, Jean-Rémy WCRE '13: "Automatic Discovery of Function ..." WCRE '13: "Find Your Library Experts ..."
Felix, Daniel WCRE '13: "Documenting APIs with Examples: ..."
Fry, Zachary P. WCRE '13: "Clustering Static Analysis ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. WCRE '13: "The Influence of Non-technical ..."
Gorman, Patrick WCRE '13: "Reconstructing Program Memory ..."
Groz, Roland WCRE '13: "LigRE: Reverse-Engineering ..."
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël WCRE '13: "Towards Understanding How ..." WCRE '13: "Mining the Relationship between ..." WCRE '13: "On the Effect of Program Exploration ..."
Guerrouj, Latifa WCRE '13: "3rd Workshop on Mining Unstructured ..."
Haas, Geer P. WCRE '13: "Migrating a Large Scale Legacy ..."
Hage, Jurriaan WCRE '13: "Migrating a Large Scale Legacy ..." WCRE '13: "Gelato: GEneric LAnguage TOols ..."
Haiduc, Sonia WCRE '13: "3rd Workshop on Mining Unstructured ..."
Haller, Istvan WCRE '13: "MemPick: High-Level Data Structure ..." WCRE '13: "MemPick: A Tool for Data Structure ..."
Hamel, Sylvie WCRE '13: "Mining the Relationship between ..."
Harder, Jan WCRE '13: "Effects of Cloned Code on ..."
Harman, Mark WCRE '13: "Genetic Programming for Reverse ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. WCRE '13: "Leveraging Historical Co-change ..."
Hayashi, Shinpei WCRE '13: "On the Effectiveness of Accuracy ..." WCRE '13: "REdiffs: Refactoring-Aware ..."
Higo, Yoshiki WCRE '13: "Reusing Reused Code ..."
Holmes, Reid WCRE '13: "The Influence of Non-technical ..."
Hora, André WCRE '13: "Heuristics for Discovering ..." WCRE '13: "Mining System Specific Rules ..."
Hotta, Keisuke WCRE '13: "Reusing Reused Code ..."
Ishihara, Tomoya WCRE '13: "Reusing Reused Code ..."
Ishio, Takashi WCRE '13: "On the Effectiveness of Accuracy ..."
Jaafar, Fehmi WCRE '13: "Mining the Relationship between ..." WCRE '13: "Leveraging Historical Co-change ..."
Jansen, Slinger WCRE '13: "Migrating a Large Scale Legacy ..." WCRE '13: "Gelato: GEneric LAnguage TOols ..."
Jarzabek, Stanislaw WCRE '13: "Distilling Useful Clones by ..."
Jiang, Jing WCRE '13: "Understanding Project Dissemination ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao WCRE '13: "Automatic Recovery of Root ..."
Kagdi, Huzefa WCRE '13: "Comparing and Combining Evolutionary ..."
Kak, Avinash WCRE '13: "An Incremental Update Framework ..."
Kale, Sachin WCRE '13: "Using Relationships for Matching ..."
Kazato, Hiroshi WCRE '13: "On the Effectiveness of Accuracy ..."
Khadka, Ravi WCRE '13: "Migrating a Large Scale Legacy ..." WCRE '13: "Gelato: GEneric LAnguage TOols ..."
Khomh, Foutse WCRE '13: "Towards Understanding How ..." WCRE '13: "Mining the Relationship between ..." WCRE '13: "On the Effect of Program Exploration ..."
Komondoor, Raghavan WCRE '13: "Using Relationships for Matching ..."
Kononenko, Oleksii WCRE '13: "The Influence of Non-technical ..."
Kotha, Aparna WCRE '13: "Static Binary Rewriting without ..."
Kraft, Nicholas A. WCRE '13: "Effects of Cloned Code on ..."
Křoustek, Jakub WCRE '13: "Psyb0t Malware: A Step-by-Step ..."
Krutz, Daniel E. WCRE '13: "CCCD: Concolic Code Clone ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji WCRE '13: "Reusing Reused Code ..."
Lämmel, Ralf WCRE '13: "Reverse Engineering in Industry ..."
Langdon, William B. WCRE '13: "Genetic Programming for Reverse ..."
Lawall, Julia WCRE '13: "Automated Library Recommendation ..."
Lei, Yan WCRE '13: "Leveraging Specifications ..."
Leotta, Maurizio WCRE '13: "Capture-Replay vs. Programmable ..."
Li, Hongwei WCRE '13: "What Help Do Developers Seek, ..."
Li, Lei WCRE '13: "Understanding Project Dissemination ..."
Liu, Kaiping WCRE '13: "Has This Bug Been Reported? ..."
Lo, David WCRE '13: "Automated Library Recommendation ..." WCRE '13: "Accurate Developer Recommendation ..." WCRE '13: "Automatic Recovery of Root ..."
Lungu, Mircea WCRE '13: "Analyzing PL/1 Legacy Ecosystems: ..."
Maffort, Cristiano WCRE '13: "Heuristics for Discovering ..."
Mao, Xiaoguang WCRE '13: "Leveraging Specifications ..."
Medeiros, Henry WCRE '13: "An Incremental Update Framework ..."
Memon, Atif WCRE '13: "The First Decade of GUI Ripping: Extensions, ..."
Miranda, Luis Fernando WCRE '13: "Recommending Move Method Refactorings ..."
Moha, Naouel WCRE '13: "Improving SOA Antipatterns ..."
Molfetta, Marco WCRE '13: "Evaluating Architecture Stability ..."
Montandon, João Eduardo WCRE '13: "Documenting APIs with Examples: ..."
Moonen, Leon WCRE '13: "Do Developers Care about Code ..."
Morandat, Floréal WCRE '13: "Find Your Library Experts ..."
Nagy, Istvan WCRE '13: "Assessing the Complexity of ..."
Nayrolles, Mathieu WCRE '13: "Improving SOA Antipatterns ..."
Nguyen, Bao N. WCRE '13: "The First Decade of GUI Ripping: Extensions, ..."
Nierstrasz, Oscar WCRE '13: "Analyzing PL/1 Legacy Ecosystems: ..."
Oshima, Tsuyoshi WCRE '13: "On the Effectiveness of Accuracy ..."
Painchaud, Frederic WCRE '13: "Reconstructing Program Memory ..."
Peng, Xin WCRE '13: "What Help Do Developers Seek, ..."
Perronnet, Jacques WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..." WCRE '13: "Extracting Business Rules ..."
Pichler, Josef WCRE '13: "Specification Extraction by ..."
Rahman, Mohammad Masudur WCRE '13: "An IDE-Based Context-Aware ..."
Rao, Shivani WCRE '13: "An Incremental Update Framework ..."
Rawat, Sanjay WCRE '13: "LigRE: Reverse-Engineering ..."
Ricca, Filippo WCRE '13: "Capture-Replay vs. Programmable ..."
Richier, Jean-Luc WCRE '13: "LigRE: Reverse-Engineering ..."
Robbins, Bryan WCRE '13: "The First Decade of GUI Ripping: Extensions, ..."
Roubtsov, Serguei WCRE '13: "Detecting Dependencies in ..."
Roy, Chanchal K. WCRE '13: "An IDE-Based Context-Aware ..."
Saeidi, Amir WCRE '13: "Migrating a Large Scale Legacy ..." WCRE '13: "Gelato: GEneric LAnguage TOols ..."
Saeki, Motoshi WCRE '13: "REdiffs: Refactoring-Aware ..."
Sahraoui, Houari WCRE '13: "Towards Automatically Improving ..."
Sales, Vitor WCRE '13: "Recommending Move Method Refactorings ..."
Salois, Martin WCRE '13: "Reconstructing Program Memory ..."
Schoenmakers, Bram WCRE '13: "Assessing the Complexity of ..."
Serebrenik, Alexander WCRE '13: "Assessing the Complexity of ..." WCRE '13: "Detecting Dependencies in ..."
Shata, Osama WCRE '13: "Towards Automatically Improving ..."
Shihab, Emad WCRE '13: "CCCD: Concolic Code Clone ..."
Slowinska, Asia WCRE '13: "Who Allocated My Memory? Detecting ..." WCRE '13: "MemPick: High-Level Data Structure ..." WCRE '13: "MemBrush: A Practical Tool ..." WCRE '13: "MemPick: A Tool for Data Structure ..."
Smithson, Matthew WCRE '13: "Static Binary Rewriting without ..."
Snell, Paul WCRE '13: "Lehman's Laws in Agile ..."
Soh, Zéphyrin WCRE '13: "Towards Understanding How ..." WCRE '13: "On the Effect of Program Exploration ..."
Storey, Margaret-Anne WCRE '13: "Reconstructing Program Memory ..."
Sutii, Alexandru WCRE '13: "Detecting Dependencies in ..."
Tan, Hee Beng Kuan WCRE '13: "Has This Bug Been Reported? ..."
Taylor, Ramsay WCRE '13: "Inferring Extended Finite ..."
Terra, Ricardo WCRE '13: "Recommending Move Method Refactorings ..."
Teyton, Cédric WCRE '13: "Automatic Discovery of Function ..." WCRE '13: "Find Your Library Experts ..."
Thangthumachit, Sirinut WCRE '13: "REdiffs: Refactoring-Aware ..."
Thung, Ferdian WCRE '13: "Automated Library Recommendation ..." WCRE '13: "Automatic Recovery of Root ..."
Tonella, Paolo WCRE '13: "Capture-Replay vs. Programmable ..."
Tortorella, Maria WCRE '13: "Evaluating Architecture Stability ..."
Valente, Marco Tulio WCRE '13: "Heuristics for Discovering ..." WCRE '13: "Recommending Move Method Refactorings ..." WCRE '13: "Mining System Specific Rules ..." WCRE '13: "Documenting APIs with Examples: ..."
Valtchev, Petko WCRE '13: "Improving SOA Antipatterns ..."
Vasilescu, Bogdan WCRE '13: "Assessing the Complexity of ..."
Verbeek, Eric WCRE '13: "Reconstructing Program Memory ..."
Walkinshaw, Neil WCRE '13: "Inferring Extended Finite ..."
Wang, Xinyu WCRE '13: "Accurate Developer Recommendation ..."
Weimer, Westley WCRE '13: "Genetic Programming for Reverse ..." WCRE '13: "Clustering Static Analysis ..."
Williams, Byron J. WCRE '13: "Empirical Evidence of Code ..."
Worms, Carl WCRE '13: "Analyzing PL/1 Legacy Ecosystems: ..."
Xia, Xin WCRE '13: "Accurate Developer Recommendation ..."
Xing, Zhenchang WCRE '13: "Distilling Useful Clones by ..." WCRE '13: "What Help Do Developers Seek, ..."
Xue, Yinxing WCRE '13: "Distilling Useful Clones by ..."
Yamashita, Aiko WCRE '13: "Do Developers Care about Code ..."
Yeasmin, Shamima WCRE '13: "An IDE-Based Context-Aware ..."
Zanjani, Motahareh Bahrami WCRE '13: "Comparing and Combining Evolutionary ..."
Zaytsev, Vadim WCRE '13: "Workshop on Open and Original ..."
Zemek, Petr WCRE '13: "Psyb0t Malware: A Step-by-Step ..."
Zhang, Hongyu WCRE '13: "Has This Bug Been Reported? ..."
Zhang, Li WCRE '13: "Understanding Project Dissemination ..."
Zhao, Wenyun WCRE '13: "What Help Do Developers Seek, ..."
Zhou, Bo WCRE '13: "Accurate Developer Recommendation ..."

213 authors

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