STOC 2021
53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2021)
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53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2021), June 21–25, 2021, Virtual, Italy

STOC 2021 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aamand, Anders STOC '21: "Load Balancing with Dynamic ..."
Aamari, Eddie STOC '21: "Statistical Query Complexity ..."
Aaronson, Scott STOC '21: "Degree vs. Approximate Degree ..."
Abboud, Amir STOC '21: "Subcubic Algorithms for Gomory–Hu ..."
Aho, Alfred V. STOC '21: "Computational Thinking in ..."
Alimohammadi, Yeganeh STOC '21: "Fractionally Log-Concave and ..."
Alman, Josh STOC '21: "Kronecker Products, Low-Depth ..."
Alon, Noga STOC '21: "Adversarial Laws of Large ..." STOC '21: "Boosting Simple Learners ..."
Alweiss, Ryan STOC '21: "Discrepancy Minimization via ..."
Anari, Nima STOC '21: "Log-Concave Polynomials in ..." STOC '21: "Log-Concave Polynomials IV: ..." STOC '21: "Fractionally Log-Concave and ..."
Arenas, Marcelo STOC '21: "A Polynomial-Time Approximation ..." STOC '21: "When Is Approximate Counting ..."
Argue, C. J. STOC '21: "Chasing Convex Bodies with ..."
Assadi, Sepehr STOC '21: "Graph Streaming Lower Bounds ..."
Azar, Yossi STOC '21: "Flow Time Scheduling with ..."
Babichenko, Yakov STOC '21: "Settling the Complexity of ..."
Bădescu, Costin STOC '21: "Improved Quantum Data Analysis ..."
Bafna, Mitali STOC '21: "Playing Unique Games on Certified ..."
Bakshi, Ainesh STOC '21: "Robust Linear Regression: ..."
Balcan, Maria-Florina STOC '21: "How Much Data Is Sufficient ..."
Bansal, Nikhil STOC '21: "k-Forrelation Optimally Separates ..."
Barak, Boaz STOC '21: "Playing Unique Games on Certified ..."
Bartal, Yair STOC '21: "Near-Linear Time Approximation ..."
Ben-David, Shai STOC '21: "Learnability Can Be Independent ..."
Ben-David, Shalev STOC '21: "Degree vs. Approximate Degree ..."
Ben-Eliezer, Omri STOC '21: "Adversarial Laws of Large ..."
Beniamini, Gal STOC '21: "Bipartite Perfect Matching ..."
Bernstein, Aaron STOC '21: "A Framework for Dynamic Matching ..."
Bhandari, Siddharth STOC '21: "Decoding Multivariate Multiplicity ..."
Bhangale, Amey STOC '21: "Optimal Inapproximability ..."
Bhargava, Vishwas STOC '21: "Reconstruction Algorithms ..."
Bhattacharyya, Arnab STOC '21: "Near-Optimal Learning of Tree-Structured ..."
Bhattiprolu, Vijay STOC '21: "A Framework for Quadratic ..."
Blais, Eric STOC '21: "VC Dimension and Distribution-Free ..."
Blanca, Antonio STOC '21: "Entropy Decay in the Swendsen–Wang ..."
Blikstad, Joakim STOC '21: "Breaking the Quadratic Barrier ..."
Bonamy, Marthe STOC '21: "Optimal Labelling Schemes ..."
Bousquet, Olivier STOC '21: "A Theory of Universal Learning ..."
Braverman, Mark STOC '21: "New Separations Results for ..."
Bressan, Marco STOC '21: "Efficient and Near-Optimal ..."
Bringmann, Karl STOC '21: "Sparse Nonnegative Convolution ..."
Brown, Gavin STOC '21: "When Is Memorization of Irrelevant ..."
Bruna, Joan STOC '21: "Continuous LWE ..."
Bun, Mark STOC '21: "When Is Memorization of Irrelevant ..."
Caputo, Pietro STOC '21: "Entropy Decay in the Swendsen–Wang ..."
Cecchetto, Federica STOC '21: "Bridging the Gap between Tree ..."
Chase, Zachary STOC '21: "Separating Words and Trace ..."
Chattopadhyay, Arkadev STOC '21: "Lower Bounds for Monotone ..."
Chen, Lijie STOC '21: "Simple and Fast Derandomization ..." STOC '21: "Almost Optimal Super-Constant-Pass ..." STOC '21: "Inverse-Exponential Correlation ..."
Chen, Sitan STOC '21: "Algorithmic Foundations for ..."
Chen, Zongchen STOC '21: "Optimal Mixing of Glauber ..."
Cheu, Albert STOC '21: "The Limits of Pan Privacy ..."
Chuzhoy, Julia STOC '21: "Decremental All-Pairs Shortest ..."
Cohen, Alex STOC '21: "Structure vs. Randomness for ..."
Cohen, Gil STOC '21: "Expander Random Walks: A Fourier-Analytic ..."
Cohen-Addad, Vincent STOC '21: "A Quasipolynomial (2 + ε)-Approximation ..." STOC '21: "A New Coreset Framework for ..."
Croquevielle, Luis Alberto STOC '21: "A Polynomial-Time Approximation ..." STOC '21: "When Is Approximate Counting ..."
Curticapean, Radu STOC '21: "A Full Complexity Dichotomy ..."
Dagan, Yuval STOC '21: "Learning Ising Models from ..." STOC '21: "Adversarial Laws of Large ..."
Dalirrooyfard, Mina STOC '21: "Tight Conditional Lower Bounds ..."
Daskalakis, Constantinos STOC '21: "Sample-Optimal and Efficient ..." STOC '21: "The Complexity of Constrained ..." STOC '21: "Learning Ising Models from ..."
Datta, Rajit STOC '21: "Lower Bounds for Monotone ..."
De, Anindya STOC '21: "Robust Testing of Low Dimensional ..."
DeBlasio, Dan STOC '21: "How Much Data Is Sufficient ..."
De Kroon, Jari J. H. STOC '21: "Vertex Deletion Parameterized ..."
De Rezende, Susanna F. STOC '21: "Automating Algebraic Proof ..."
Dershowitz, Nachum STOC '21: "The Communication Complexity ..."
Diakonikolas, Ilias STOC '21: "Optimal Testing of Discrete ..." STOC '21: "Efficiently Learning Halfspaces ..."
Dick, Travis STOC '21: "How Much Data Is Sufficient ..."
Dikkala, Nishanth STOC '21: "Learning Ising Models from ..."
Dobzinski, Shahar STOC '21: "The Communication Complexity ..."
Dong, Sally STOC '21: "A Nearly-Linear Time Algorithm ..."
Dory, Michal STOC '21: "Distributed Weighted Min-Cut ..."
Dudeja, Aditi STOC '21: "A Framework for Dynamic Matching ..."
Dütting, Paul STOC '21: "Efficient Two-Sided Markets ..."
Dwork, Cynthia STOC '21: "Outcome Indistinguishability ..."
Efremenko, Klim STOC '21: "Optimal Error Resilience of ..."
Efron, Yuval STOC '21: "Distributed Weighted Min-Cut ..."
Esperet, Louis STOC '21: "Optimal Labelling Schemes ..."
Fearnley, John STOC '21: "The Complexity of Gradient ..."
Fefferman, Bill STOC '21: "Eliminating Intermediate Measurements ..."
Feldman, Vitaly STOC '21: "When Is Memorization of Irrelevant ..."
Feng, Weiming STOC '21: "Sampling Constraint Satisfaction ..."
Feng, Yiding STOC '21: "Revelation Gap for Pricing ..."
Ferreira Pinto Jr., Renato STOC '21: "VC Dimension and Distribution-Free ..."
Filtser, Arnold STOC '21: "Clan Embeddings into Trees, ..."
Fischer, Nick STOC '21: "Sparse Nonnegative Convolution ..."
Fusco, Federico STOC '21: "Efficient Two-Sided Markets ..."
Gabriel, Franck STOC '21: "Neural Tangent Kernel: Convergence ..."
Garg, Jugal STOC '21: "Approximating Nash Social ..."
Gartland, Peter STOC '21: "Finding Large Induced Sparse ..."
Gawrychowski, Paweł STOC '21: "Fully Dynamic Approximation ..."
Gay, Romain STOC '21: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation ..."
Gayen, Sutanu STOC '21: "Near-Optimal Learning of Tree-Structured ..."
Ghaffari, Mohsen STOC '21: "Hop-Constrained Oblivious ..."
Gharan, Shayan Oveis STOC '21: "A (Slightly) Improved Approximation ..." STOC '21: "Log-Concave Polynomials IV: ..."
Ghazi, Badih STOC '21: "Sample-Efficient Proper PAC ..."
Ghoshal, Suprovat STOC '21: "Hardness of Learning DNFs ..."
Giakkoupis, George STOC '21: "Efficient Randomized DCAS ..."
Gilyén, András STOC '21: "(Sub)Exponential Advantage ..."
Giv, Mehrdad Jafari STOC '21: "Efficient Randomized DCAS ..."
Goldberg, Paul W. STOC '21: "The Complexity of Gradient ..."
Golowich, Noah STOC '21: "Sample-Efficient Proper PAC ..."
Gonen, Alon STOC '21: "Boosting Simple Learners ..."
Göös, Mika STOC '21: "Automating Algebraic Proof ..."
Gottlieb, Lee-Ad STOC '21: "Near-Linear Time Approximation ..."
Gouleakis, Themis STOC '21: "Optimal Testing of Discrete ..."
Groenland, Carla STOC '21: "Optimal Labelling Schemes ..."
Grosof, Isaac STOC '21: "Load Balancing Guardrails: ..."
Guo, Zeyu STOC '21: "Efficient List-Decoding with ..."
Gupta, Anupam STOC '21: "Chasing Convex Bodies with ..." STOC '21: "A Quasipolynomial (2 + ε)-Approximation ..."
Guruganesh, Guru STOC '21: "Chasing Convex Bodies with ..."
Gurvits, Leonid STOC '21: "Capacity Lower Bounds via ..."
Haah, Jeongwan STOC '21: "Fiber Bundle Codes: Breaking ..."
Haeupler, Bernhard STOC '21: "Universally-Optimal Distributed ..." STOC '21: "Hop-Constrained Oblivious ..." STOC '21: "Tree Embeddings for Hop-Constrained ..."
Halldórsson, Magnús M. STOC '21: "Efficient Randomized Distributed ..."
Hanneke, Steve STOC '21: "A Theory of Universal Learning ..."
Harchol-Balter, Mor STOC '21: "Load Balancing Guardrails: ..."
Harms, Nathaniel STOC '21: "VC Dimension and Distribution-Free ..."
Harsha, Prahladh STOC '21: "Decoding Multivariate Multiplicity ..."
Hartline, Jason D. STOC '21: "Revelation Gap for Pricing ..."
Hastings, Matthew B. STOC '21: "Fiber Bundle Codes: Breaking ..." STOC '21: "(Sub)Exponential Advantage ..."
Hazan, Elad STOC '21: "Boosting Simple Learners ..."
Hązła, Jan STOC '21: "On Codes Decoding a Constant ..."
He, Kun STOC '21: "Sampling Constraint Satisfaction ..."
Hershkowitz, D. Ellis STOC '21: "Tree Embeddings for Hop-Constrained ..."
Hirahara, Shuichi STOC '21: "Average-Case Hardness of NP ..."
Hollender, Alexandros STOC '21: "The Complexity of Gradient ..."
Holmgren, Justin STOC '21: "Fiat–Shamir via List-Recoverable ..."
Hongler, Clément STOC '21: "Neural Tangent Kernel: Convergence ..."
Hrubes, Pavel STOC '21: "Learnability Can Be Independent ..."
Huang, Zhiyi STOC '21: "Online Stochastic Matching, ..."
Husić, Edin STOC '21: "Approximating Nash Social ..."
Jacot, Arthur STOC '21: "Neural Tangent Kernel: Convergence ..."
Jain, Aayush STOC '21: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation ..."
Jain, Vishesh STOC '21: "Perfectly Sampling k ..."
Janczewski, Wojciech STOC '21: "Fully Dynamic Approximation ..."
Jansen, Bart M. P. STOC '21: "Vertex Deletion Parameterized ..."
Jawale, Ruta STOC '21: "SNARGs for Bounded Depth Computations ..."
Jayaram, Rajesh STOC '21: "A Polynomial-Time Approximation ..." STOC '21: "When Is Approximate Counting ..."
Jeronimo, Fernando Granha STOC '21: "Near-Linear Time Decoding ..."
Jia, He STOC '21: "Reducing Isotropy and Volume ..."
Jiang, Shunhua STOC '21: "A Faster Algorithm for Solving ..."
Jung, Christopher STOC '21: "A New Analysis of Differential ..."
Kalai, Yael Tauman STOC '21: "SNARGs for Bounded Depth Computations ..."
Kandiros, Anthimos Vardis STOC '21: "Learning Ising Models from ..."
Kane, Daniel M. STOC '21: "Optimal Testing of Discrete ..." STOC '21: "Efficiently Learning Halfspaces ..."
Kapralov, Michael STOC '21: "Towards Tight Bounds for Spectral ..."
Karlin, Anna R. STOC '21: "A (Slightly) Improved Approximation ..."
Kaufman, Tali STOC '21: "New Cosystolic Expanders from ..."
Keller, Nathan STOC '21: "Local Concentration Inequalities ..."
Kelley, Zander STOC '21: "An Improved Derandomization ..."
Khot, Subhash STOC '21: "Optimal Inapproximability ..."
Khurana, Dakshita STOC '21: "SNARGs for Bounded Depth Computations ..."
Kim, Isaac H. STOC '21: "The Ghost in the Radiation: ..."
Kim, Michael P. STOC '21: "Outcome Indistinguishability ..."
Kingsford, Carl STOC '21: "How Much Data Is Sufficient ..."
Klein, Nathan STOC '21: "A (Slightly) Improved Approximation ..."
Klein, Ohad STOC '21: "Local Concentration Inequalities ..."
Klein, Philip N. STOC '21: "A Quasipolynomial (2 + ε)-Approximation ..."
Kleinberg, Jon STOC '21: "Simplicity Creates Inequity: ..."
Knop, Alexander STOC '21: "Statistical Query Complexity ..." STOC '21: "Log-Rank and Lifting for AND-Functions ..."
Knudsen, Jakob Bæk Tejs STOC '21: "Load Balancing with Dynamic ..."
Kociumaka, Tomasz STOC '21: "Improved Dynamic Algorithms ..."
Kol, Gillat STOC '21: "Optimal Error Resilience of ..." STOC '21: "Almost Optimal Super-Constant-Pass ..."
Kontonis, Vasilis STOC '21: "Efficiently Learning Halfspaces ..."
Kothari, Pravesh K. STOC '21: "Playing Unique Games on Certified ..."
Kothari, Robin STOC '21: "Degree vs. Approximate Degree ..."
Krauthgamer, Robert STOC '21: "Subcubic Algorithms for Gomory–Hu ..." STOC '21: "Towards Tight Bounds for Spectral ..."
Krishnamurthy, Akshay STOC '21: "Contextual Search in the Presence ..."
Kuhn, Fabian STOC '21: "Efficient Randomized Distributed ..."
Kumar, Mrinal STOC '21: "Decoding Multivariate Multiplicity ..."
Kumar, Ravi STOC '21: "Sample-Efficient Proper PAC ..."
Kuszmaul, William STOC '21: "How Asymmetry Helps Buffer ..."
Laddha, Aditi STOC '21: "Reducing Isotropy and Volume ..."
Langley, Zachary STOC '21: "A Framework for Dynamic Matching ..."
Lazos, Philip STOC '21: "Efficient Two-Sided Markets ..."
Le, Hung STOC '21: "Clan Embeddings into Trees, ..."
Leake, Jonathan STOC '21: "Sampling Matrices from Harish-Chandra–Itzykson–Zuber ..." STOC '21: "Capacity Lower Bounds via ..."
Lee, Euiwoong STOC '21: "A Framework for Quadratic ..."
Lee, Yin Tat STOC '21: "A Nearly-Linear Time Algorithm ..." STOC '21: "Minimum Cost Flows, MDPs, ..." STOC '21: "Reducing Isotropy and Volume ..."
Leme, Renato Paes STOC '21: "Combinatorial Bernoulli Factories: ..."
Leonardi, Stefano STOC '21: "Flow Time Scheduling with ..." STOC '21: "Efficient Two-Sided Markets ..."
Levin, Leonid A. STOC '21: "Climbing Algorithms (Invited ..."
Li, Jason STOC '21: "A Quasipolynomial (2 + ε)-Approximation ..." STOC '21: "Approximate Gomory–Hu Tree ..." STOC '21: "Vertex Connectivity in Poly-logarithmic ..." STOC '21: "Deterministic Mincut in Almost-Linear ..."
Li, Ray STOC '21: "Settling SETH vs. Approximate ..."
Li, Yingkai STOC '21: "Revelation Gap for Pricing ..."
Ligett, Katrina STOC '21: "A New Analysis of Differential ..."
Lin, Bingkai STOC '21: "Constant Approximating k-Clique ..."
Lin, Huijia STOC '21: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation ..."
Liu, Allen STOC '21: "Settling the Robust Learnability ..."
Liu, Kuikui STOC '21: "Optimal Mixing of Glauber ..." STOC '21: "Log-Concave Polynomials IV: ..."
Liu, Yang P. STOC '21: "Discrepancy Minimization via ..." STOC '21: "Minimum Cost Flows, MDPs, ..."
Liu, Yanyi STOC '21: "Cryptography from Sublinear-Time ..."
Lokshtanov, Daniel STOC '21: "Finding Large Induced Sparse ..."
Lombardi, Alex STOC '21: "Fiat–Shamir via List-Recoverable ..."
Lovett, Shachar STOC '21: "Log-Rank and Lifting for AND-Functions ..."
Lu, Zhenjian STOC '21: "Pseudodeterministic Algorithms ..."
Lykouris, Thodoris STOC '21: "Contextual Search in the Presence ..."
Lyu, Xin STOC '21: "Inverse-Exponential Correlation ..."
Mangoubi, Oren STOC '21: "Greedy Adversarial Equilibrium: ..."
Manurangsi, Pasin STOC '21: "Sample-Efficient Proper PAC ..."
Maus, Yannic STOC '21: "Efficient Randomized Distributed ..."
McGuire, Sam STOC '21: "Log-Rank and Lifting for AND-Functions ..."
McKenzie, Theo STOC '21: "Support of Closed Walks and ..."
McSwiggen, Colin STOC '21: "Sampling Matrices from Harish-Chandra–Itzykson–Zuber ..."
Minzer, Dor STOC '21: "New Separations Results for ..."
Moitra, Ankur STOC '21: "Algorithmic Foundations for ..." STOC '21: "Settling the Robust Learnability ..."
Moran, Shay STOC '21: "Learnability Can Be Independent ..." STOC '21: "Adversarial Laws of Large ..." STOC '21: "Boosting Simple Learners ..." STOC '21: "A Theory of Universal Learning ..."
Moshkovitz, Guy STOC '21: "Structure vs. Randomness for ..."
Mossel, Elchanan STOC '21: "Robust Testing of Low Dimensional ..."
Mukhopadhyay, Partha STOC '21: "Lower Bounds for Monotone ..."
Mukhopadhyay, Sagnik STOC '21: "Distributed Weighted Min-Cut ..." STOC '21: "Breaking the Quadratic Barrier ..."
Mullainathan, Sendhil STOC '21: "Simplicity Creates Inequity: ..."
N, Vishvajeet STOC '21: "Graph Streaming Lower Bounds ..."
Nakos, Vasileios STOC '21: "Sparse Nonnegative Convolution ..."
Nanongkai, Danupon STOC '21: "Distributed Weighted Min-Cut ..." STOC '21: "Vertex Connectivity in Poly-logarithmic ..." STOC '21: "Breaking the Quadratic Barrier ..."
Naor, Assaf STOC '21: "A Framework for Quadratic ..."
Naor, Moni STOC '21: "Adversarial Laws of Large ..."
Nederlof, Jesper STOC '21: "Improving Schroeppel and Shamir’s ..."
Neel, Seth STOC '21: "A New Analysis of Differential ..."
Neeman, Joe STOC '21: "Robust Testing of Low Dimensional ..."
Nekrich, Yakov STOC '21: "Dynamic Planar Point Location ..."
Niazadeh, Rad STOC '21: "Combinatorial Bernoulli Factories: ..."
Nisan, Noam STOC '21: "Bipartite Perfect Matching ..."
Nordström, Jakob STOC '21: "Automating Algebraic Proof ..."
Nowicki, Krzysztof STOC '21: "A Deterministic Algorithm ..."
O'Donnell, Ryan STOC '21: "Fiber Bundle Codes: Breaking ..." STOC '21: "Improved Quantum Data Analysis ..."
Oliveira, Igor C. STOC '21: "Pseudodeterministic Algorithms ..."
Oshman, Rotem STOC '21: "The Communication Complexity ..."
Pan, Qinxuan STOC '21: "Sample-Optimal and Efficient ..."
Panigrahi, Debmalya STOC '21: "Approximate Gomory–Hu Tree ..." STOC '21: "Vertex Connectivity in Poly-logarithmic ..."
Paramonov, Dmitry STOC '21: "Almost Optimal Super-Constant-Pass ..."
Parisi, Daniel STOC '21: "Entropy Decay in the Swendsen–Wang ..."
Pass, Rafael STOC '21: "Cryptography from Sublinear-Time ..." STOC '21: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation ..."
Peebles, John STOC '21: "Optimal Testing of Discrete ..."
Peleg, Shir STOC '21: "Polynomial Time Deterministic ..."
Peri, Noam STOC '21: "Expander Random Walks: A Fourier-Analytic ..."
Perkins, Will STOC '21: "Frozen 1-RSB Structure of ..."
Pettie, Seth STOC '21: "Information Theoretic Limits ..."
Pich, Ján STOC '21: "Strong Co-nondeterministic ..."
Pilipczuk, Marcin STOC '21: "Finding Large Induced Sparse ..."
Pilipczuk, Michał STOC '21: "Finding Large Induced Sparse ..."
Pitassi, Toniann STOC '21: "Automating Algebraic Proof ..."
Podimata, Chara STOC '21: "Contextual Search in the Presence ..."
Prasad, Adarsh STOC '21: "Robust Linear Regression: ..."