STOC 2018
50th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2018)
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50th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2018), June 25–29, 2018, Los Angeles, CA, USA

STOC 2018 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Aaronson, Scott STOC '18: "Shadow Tomography of Quantum ..."
Abboud, Amir STOC '18: "More Consequences of Falsifying ..."
Abraham, Ittai STOC '18: "Metric Embedding via Shortest ..."
Abrahamsen, Mikkel STOC '18: "Fast Fencing ..." STOC '18: "The Art Gallery Problem Is ..."
Adamaszek, Anna STOC '18: "Fast Fencing ..." STOC '18: "The Art Gallery Problem Is ..."
Agarwal, Udit STOC '18: "Fine-Grained Complexity for ..."
Aggarwal, Divesh STOC '18: "(Gap/S)ETH Hardness of SVP ..."
Agrawal, Manindra STOC '18: "Bootstrapping Variables in ..."
Allen-Zhu, Zeyuan STOC '18: "Operator Scaling via Geodesically ..."
Alman, Josh STOC '18: "Cell-Probe Lower Bounds from ..."
Andoni, Alexandr STOC '18: "Data-Dependent Hashing via ..."
Assadi, Sepehr STOC '18: "Fully Dynamic Maximal Independent ..."
Atserias, Albert STOC '18: "Clique Is Hard on Average ..."
Backurs, Arturs STOC '18: "Towards Tight Approximation ..."
Badrinarayanan, Saikrishna STOC '18: "Succinct Delegation for Low-Space ..."
Balkanski, Eric STOC '18: "The Adaptive Complexity of ..."
Balliu, Alkida STOC '18: "New Classes of Distributed ..."
Bansal, Nikhil STOC '18: "The Gram-Schmidt Walk: A Cure ..."
Bateni, MohammadHossein STOC '18: "Fast Algorithms for Knapsack ..."
Bezáková, Ivona STOC '18: "Inapproximability of the Independent ..."
Bitansky, Nir STOC '18: "Multi-collision Resistance: ..."
Bläser, Markus STOC '18: "Generalized Matrix Completion ..."
Błasiok, Jarosław STOC '18: "General Strong Polarization ..."
Bodlaender, Hans L. STOC '18: "A Framework for ETH-Tight ..."
Bonacina, Ilario STOC '18: "Clique Is Hard on Average ..."
Brand, Cornelius STOC '18: "Extensor-Coding ..."
Braverman, Mark STOC '18: "Hitting Sets with Near-Optimal ..." STOC '18: "Interactive Compression to ..."
Bringmann, Karl STOC '18: "More Consequences of Falsifying ..." STOC '18: "Fast Fencing ..."
Bubeck, Sébastien STOC '18: "An Homotopy Method for lp ..." STOC '18: "k-Server via Multiscale Entropic ..."
Bun, Mark STOC '18: "The Polynomial Method Strikes ..." STOC '18: "Composable and Versatile Privacy ..."
Byrka, Jarosław STOC '18: "Constant-Factor Approximation ..."
Canonne, Clément L. STOC '18: "Testing Conditional Independence ..."
Chakraborty, Diptarka STOC '18: "Tight Cell Probe Bounds for ..."
Chang, Yi-Jun STOC '18: "An Optimal Distributed (Δ+1)-Coloring ..."
Chattopadhyay, Arkadev STOC '18: "Simulation Beats Richness: ..."
Chattopadhyay, Eshan STOC '18: "Improved Pseudorandomness ..."
Chen, Xi STOC '18: "Distribution-Free Junta Testing ..."
Cheraghchi, Mahdi STOC '18: "Capacity Upper Bounds for ..."
Christandl, Matthias STOC '18: "Universal Points in the Asymptotic ..."
Chuzhoy, Julia STOC '18: "Almost Polynomial Hardness ..."
Cohen, Gil STOC '18: "Hitting Sets with Near-Optimal ..." STOC '18: "Explicit Binary Tree Codes ..."
Cohen, Michael B. STOC '18: "An Homotopy Method for lp ..." STOC '18: "k-Server via Multiscale Entropic ..."
Cohen-Addad, Vincent STOC '18: "Fast Fencing ..."
Czumaj, Artur STOC '18: "Round Compression for Parallel ..."
Dadush, Daniel STOC '18: "A Friendly Smoothed Analysis ..." STOC '18: "The Gram-Schmidt Walk: A Cure ..."
Daskalakis, Constantinos STOC '18: "A Converse to Banach's ..."
De Berg, Mark STOC '18: "A Framework for ETH-Tight ..."
Dell, Holger STOC '18: "Extensor-Coding ..." STOC '18: "More Consequences of Falsifying ..." STOC '18: "Fine-Grained Reductions from ..."
De Loera, Jesús A. STOC '18: "The Minimum Euclidean-Norm ..."
De Rezende, Susanna F. STOC '18: "Clique Is Hard on Average ..."
Diakonikolas, Ilias STOC '18: "List-Decodable Robust Mean ..." STOC '18: "Learning Geometric Concepts ..." STOC '18: "Testing Conditional Independence ..."
Dinur, Irit STOC '18: "Towards a Proof of the 2-to-1 ..." STOC '18: "On Non-optimally Expanding ..."
Dudek, Bartłomiej STOC '18: "Universal Protocols for Information ..."
Dutta, Pranjal STOC '18: "Discovering the Roots: Uniform ..."
Dwork, Cynthia STOC '18: "Composable and Versatile Privacy ..."
Eden, Talya STOC '18: "On Approximating the Number ..."
Efremenko, Klim STOC '18: "Interactive Coding over the ..."
El Alaoui, Ahmed STOC '18: "Tight Query Complexity Lower ..."
Emek, Yuval STOC '18: "Approximating Generalized ..."
Erickson, Jeff STOC '18: "Holiest Minimum-Cost Paths ..."
Fawzi, Omar STOC '18: "Efficient Decoding of Random ..."
Filos-Ratsikas, Aris STOC '18: "Consensus Halving Is PPA-Complete ..."
Filtser, Arnold STOC '18: "Metric Embedding via Shortest ..."
Fineman, Jeremy T. STOC '18: "Nearly Work-Efficient Parallel ..."
Forbes, Michael A. STOC '18: "A PSPACE Construction of a ..."
Fox, Kyle STOC '18: "Holiest Minimum-Cost Paths ..."
Franceschetti, Massimo STOC '18: "Shape of Diffusion and Size ..."
Franks, Cole STOC '18: "Operator Scaling with Specified ..."
Galanis, Andreas STOC '18: "Inapproximability of the Independent ..."
Garg, Ankit STOC '18: "A Matrix Expander Chernoff ..." STOC '18: "Operator Scaling via Geodesically ..." STOC '18: "Monotone Circuit Lower Bounds ..."
Garg, Shashwat STOC '18: "The Gram-Schmidt Walk: A Cure ..."
Garg, Sumegha STOC '18: "Hitting Sets with Near-Optimal ..." STOC '18: "Extractor-Based Time-Space ..."
Ghaffari, Mohsen STOC '18: "Deterministic Distributed ..." STOC '18: "Improved Distributed Algorithms ..."
Gharan, Shayan Oveis STOC '18: "A Simply Exponential Upper ..."
Ghosh, Sumanta STOC '18: "Bootstrapping Variables in ..."
Gishboliner, Lior STOC '18: "A Generalized Turán Problem ..."
Goldberg, Leslie Ann STOC '18: "Inapproximability of the Independent ..."
Goldberg, Paul W. STOC '18: "Consensus Halving Is PPA-Complete ..."
Gonczarowski, Yannai A. STOC '18: "Bounding the Menu-Size of ..."
Göös, Mika STOC '18: "Monotone Circuit Lower Bounds ..."
Goyal, Rishab STOC '18: "Collusion Resistant Traitor ..."
Goyal, Vipul STOC '18: "Non-malleable Secret Sharing ..."
Grandoni, Fabrizio STOC '18: "A (5/3 + ε)-Approximation ..." STOC '18: "Improved Approximation for ..."
Grospellier, Antoine STOC '18: "Efficient Decoding of Random ..."
Guo, Heng STOC '18: "Counting Hypergraph Colourings ..."
Gupta, Anupam STOC '18: "Metric Embedding via Shortest ..."
Guruswami, Venkatesan STOC '18: "General Strong Polarization ..."
Haddock, Jamie STOC '18: "The Minimum Euclidean-Norm ..."
Haeupler, Bernhard STOC '18: "Explicit Binary Tree Codes ..." STOC '18: "Synchronization Strings: Explicit ..."
Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi STOC '18: "Fast Algorithms for Knapsack ..."
Hatami, Pooya STOC '18: "Improved Pseudorandomness ..."
Hirvonen, Juho STOC '18: "New Classes of Distributed ..."
Hopkins, Samuel B. STOC '18: "Mixture Models, Robustness, ..."
Hoy, Darrell STOC '18: "A Tighter Welfare Guarantee ..."
Huang, Zhiyi STOC '18: "How to Match When All Vertices ..."
Huiberts, Sophie STOC '18: "A Friendly Smoothed Analysis ..."
Husfeldt, Thore STOC '18: "Extensor-Coding ..."
Ikenmeyer, Christian STOC '18: "Generalized Matrix Completion ..." STOC '18: "On the Complexity of Hazard-Free ..."
Im, Sungjin STOC '18: "Online Load Balancing on Related ..."
Jindal, Gorav STOC '18: "Generalized Matrix Completion ..."
Kakade, Sham STOC '18: "Prediction with a Short Memory ..."
Kalai, Yael Tauman STOC '18: "Multi-collision Resistance: ..." STOC '18: "Succinct Delegation for Low-Space ..."
Kalaitzis, Christos STOC '18: "Improved Approximation for ..."
Kamath, Pritish STOC '18: "Monotone Circuit Lower Bounds ..."
Kamma, Lior STOC '18: "Tight Cell Probe Bounds for ..."
Kane, Daniel M. STOC '18: "List-Decodable Robust Mean ..." STOC '18: "Learning Geometric Concepts ..." STOC '18: "Near-Optimal Linear Decision ..." STOC '18: "Testing Conditional Independence ..."
Kang, Ning STOC '18: "How to Match When All Vertices ..."
Karlin, Anna R. STOC '18: "A Simply Exponential Upper ..."
Kaufman, Tali STOC '18: "Construction of New Local ..."
Kell, Nathaniel STOC '18: "Online Load Balancing on Related ..."
Kempa, Dominik STOC '18: "At the Roots of Dictionary ..."
Khot, Subhash STOC '18: "Towards a Proof of the 2-to-1 ..." STOC '18: "On Non-optimally Expanding ..."
Khurana, Dakshita STOC '18: "Succinct Delegation for Low-Space ..."
Kim, David H. K. STOC '18: "Almost Polynomial Hardness ..."
Kindler, Guy STOC '18: "Towards a Proof of the 2-to-1 ..." STOC '18: "On Non-optimally Expanding ..."
Kisfaludi-Bak, Sándor STOC '18: "A Framework for ETH-Tight ..."
Kol, Gillat STOC '18: "Interactive Coding over the ..." STOC '18: "Interactive Compression to ..."
Komarath, Balagopal STOC '18: "On the Complexity of Hazard-Free ..."
Koppula, Venkata STOC '18: "Collusion Resistant Traitor ..."
Korhonen, Janne H. STOC '18: "New Classes of Distributed ..."
Kosowski, Adrian STOC '18: "Universal Protocols for Information ..."
Kothari, Pravesh K. STOC '18: "Robust Moment Estimation and ..." STOC '18: "Sum-of-Squares Meets Nash: ..."
Kothari, Robin STOC '18: "The Polynomial Method Strikes ..."
Koucký, Michal STOC '18: "Simulation Beats Richness: ..."
Kozma, László STOC '18: "Smooth Heaps and a Dual View ..."
Krishnaswamy, Ravishankar STOC '18: "Constant Approximation for ..."
Kuhn, Fabian STOC '18: "Deterministic Distributed ..."
Kumar, Ashutosh STOC '18: "Non-malleable Secret Sharing ..."
Kutten, Shay STOC '18: "Approximating Generalized ..."
Kwok, Tsz Chiu STOC '18: "The Paulsen Problem, Continuous ..."
Kyng, Rasmus STOC '18: "Incomplete Nested Dissection ..."
Łącki, Jakub STOC '18: "Round Compression for Parallel ..."
Laekhanukit, Bundit STOC '18: "On the Parameterized Complexity ..."
Lapinskas, John STOC '18: "Fine-Grained Reductions from ..."
Larsen, Kasper Green STOC '18: "Tight Cell Probe Bounds for ..." STOC '18: "Crossing the Logarithmic Barrier ..."
Lau, Lap Chi STOC '18: "The Paulsen Problem, Continuous ..."
Lauria, Massimo STOC '18: "Clique Is Hard on Average ..."
Lavi, Ron STOC '18: "Approximating Generalized ..."
Lee, James R. STOC '18: "k-Server via Multiscale Entropic ..."
Lee, Yin Tat STOC '18: "A Matrix Expander Chernoff ..." STOC '18: "Convergence Rate of Riemannian ..." STOC '18: "Stochastic Localization + ..." STOC '18: "An Homotopy Method for lp ..." STOC '18: "The Paulsen Problem, Continuous ..." STOC '18: "k-Server via Multiscale Entropic ..."
Lempiäinen, Tuomo STOC '18: "New Classes of Distributed ..."
Lenzen, Christoph STOC '18: "On the Complexity of Hazard-Free ..."
Leung, Debbie STOC '18: "Capacity Approaching Coding ..."
Leverrier, Anthony STOC '18: "Efficient Decoding of Random ..."
Li, Jason STOC '18: "Improved Distributed Algorithms ..."
Li, Jerry STOC '18: "Mixture Models, Robustness, ..."
Li, Shi STOC '18: "Constant Approximation for ..."
Li, Wenzheng STOC '18: "An Optimal Distributed (Δ+1)-Coloring ..."
Li, Yuanzhi STOC '18: "An Homotopy Method for lp ..." STOC '18: "Operator Scaling via Geodesically ..."
Liang, Percy STOC '18: "Prediction with a Short Memory ..."
Liao, Chao STOC '18: "Counting Hypergraph Colourings ..."
Liu, Tianren STOC '18: "Breaking the Circuit-Size ..."
Liu, Zhengyang STOC '18: "Distribution-Free Junta Testing ..."
Lkhamsuren, Luvsandondov STOC '18: "Holiest Minimum-Cost Paths ..."
Lo, Irene STOC '18: "Dynamic Matching in School ..."
Loff, Bruno STOC '18: "Simulation Beats Richness: ..."
Lovett, Shachar STOC '18: "Near-Optimal Linear Decision ..." STOC '18: "The Gram-Schmidt Walk: A Cure ..."
Lu, Pinyan STOC '18: "Counting Hypergraph Colourings ..."
Lykouris, Thodoris STOC '18: "Stochastic Bandits Robust ..."
Lysikov, Vladimir STOC '18: "Generalized Matrix Completion ..." STOC '18: "On the Complexity of Hazard-Free ..."
Ma, Tengyu STOC '18: "Generalization and Equilibrium ..."
Mądry, Aleksander STOC '18: "k-Server via Multiscale Entropic ..." STOC '18: "Round Compression for Parallel ..."
Mahabadi, Sepideh STOC '18: "Nonlinear Dimension Reduction ..."
Makarychev, Konstantin STOC '18: "Nonlinear Dimension Reduction ..."
Makarychev, Yury STOC '18: "Nonlinear Dimension Reduction ..."
Manurangsi, Pasin STOC '18: "On the Parameterized Complexity ..."
Marx, Dániel STOC '18: "A Framework for ETH-Tight ..."
Maus, Yannic STOC '18: "Deterministic Distributed ..."
Mehr, Mehran STOC '18: "Fast Fencing ..."
Mehta, Ruta STOC '18: "Sum-of-Squares Meets Nash: ..."
Miltzow, Tillmann STOC '18: "The Art Gallery Problem Is ..."
Minzer, Dor STOC '18: "Towards a Proof of the 2-to-1 ..." STOC '18: "On Non-optimally Expanding ..."
Mirrokni, Vahab STOC '18: "Stochastic Bandits Robust ..."
Mitrović, Slobodan STOC '18: "Round Compression for Parallel ..."
Mokhov, Andrey STOC '18: "On the Complexity of Hazard-Free ..."
Mömke, Tobias STOC '18: "A (5/3 + ε)-Approximation ..."
Moran, Shay STOC '18: "Near-Optimal Linear Decision ..."
Mukhopadhyay, Sagnik STOC '18: "Simulation Beats Richness: ..."
Murray, Cody STOC '18: "Circuit Lower Bounds for Nondeterministic ..."
Mütze, Torsten STOC '18: "Sparse Kneser Graphs Are Hamiltonian ..."
Nakkiran, Preetum STOC '18: "General Strong Polarization ..."
Naor, Assaf STOC '18: "Data-Dependent Hashing via ..."
Nayak, Ashwin STOC '18: "Capacity Approaching Coding ..."
Nederlof, Jesper STOC '18: "More Consequences of Falsifying ..."
Neiman, Ofer STOC '18: "Metric Embedding via Shortest ..."
Neuen, Daniel STOC '18: "An Exponential Lower Bound ..."
Nikolov, Aleksandar STOC '18: "Data-Dependent Hashing via ..."
Nimavat, Rachit STOC '18: "Almost Polynomial Hardness ..."
Nordström, Jakob STOC '18: "Clique Is Hard on Average ..."
Nummenpalo, Jerri STOC '18: "Sparse Kneser Graphs Are Hamiltonian ..."
Oliveira, Rafael STOC '18: "Operator Scaling via Geodesically ..."
Olivetti, Dennis STOC '18: "New Classes of Distributed ..."
Omidvar, Hamed STOC '18: "Shape of Diffusion and Size ..."
Onak, Krzysztof STOC '18: "The Query Complexity of Graph ..." STOC '18: "Round Compression for Parallel ..." STOC '18: "Fully Dynamic Maximal Independent ..."
Oppenheim, Izhar STOC '18: "Construction of New Local ..."
Paes Leme, Renato STOC '18: "Stochastic Bandits Robust ..."
Paneth, Omer STOC '18: "Multi-collision Resistance: ..."
Panigrahi, Debmalya STOC '18: "Online Load Balancing on Related ..."
Peng, Richard STOC '18: "Incomplete Nested Dissection ..."
Pettie, Seth STOC '18: "An Optimal Distributed (Δ+1)-Coloring ..."
Pitassi, Toniann STOC '18: "Lifting Nullstellensatz to ..."
Prezza, Nicola STOC '18: "At the Roots of Dictionary ..."
Rademacher, Luis STOC '18: "The Minimum Euclidean-Norm ..."
Ramachandran, Akshay STOC '18: "The Paulsen Problem, Continuous ..."
Ramachandran, Vijaya STOC '18: "Fine-Grained Complexity for ..."
Raz, Ran STOC '18: "Extractor-Based Time-Space ..."
Razborov, Alexander STOC '18: "Clique Is Hard on Average ..."
Razenshteyn, Ilya STOC '18: "Nonlinear Dimension Reduction ..." STOC '18: "Data-Dependent Hashing via ..."
Recht, Benjamin STOC '18: "Tight Query Complexity Lower ..."
Reingold, Omer STOC '18: "Improved Pseudorandomness ..."
Robere, Robert STOC '18: "Lifting Nullstellensatz to ..."
Roditty, Liam STOC '18: "Towards Tight Approximation ..."
Ron, Dana STOC '18: "On Approximating the Number ..."
Rotenberg, Eva STOC '18: "Fast Fencing ..."
Rothblum, Guy N. STOC '18: "Composable and Versatile Privacy ..."
Roytman, Alan STOC '18: "Fast Fencing ..."
Rubinstein, Aviad STOC '18: "Hardness of Approximate Nearest ..."
Rudra, Atri STOC '18: "General Strong Polarization ..."
S., Karthik C. STOC '18: "On the Parameterized Complexity ..."
Safra, Muli STOC '18: "Towards a Proof of the 2-to-1 ..." STOC '18: "On Non-optimally Expanding ..."
Sahai, Amit STOC '18: "Succinct Delegation for Low-Space ..."
Sandeep, Sai STOC '18: "Constant Approximation for ..."
Sankowski, Piotr STOC '18: "Round Compression for Parallel ..."
Saranurak, Thatchaphol STOC '18: "Smooth Heaps and a Dual View ..."
Saxena, Nitin STOC '18: "Discovering the Roots: Uniform ..." STOC '18: "Bootstrapping Variables in ..."
Saxena, Raghuvansh STOC '18: "Interactive Coding over the ..."
Schieber, Baruch STOC '18: "Fully Dynamic Maximal Independent ..."
Schild, Aaron STOC '18: "An Almost-Linear Time Algorithm ..."
Schulman, Leonard J. STOC '18: "Explicit Binary Tree Codes ..."
Schweitzer, Pascal STOC '18: "An Exponential Lower Bound ..."
Schwieterman, Robert STOC '18: "Incomplete Nested Dissection ..."
Seddighin, Saeed STOC '18: "Fast Algorithms for Knapsack ..."
Segal, Gilad STOC '18: "Towards Tight Approximation ..."
Servedio, Rocco A. STOC '18: "Distribution-Free Junta Testing ..."
Seshadhri, C. STOC '18: "On Approximating the Number ..."
Shadloo, Maryam STOC '18: "Online Load Balancing on Related ..."
Shahrasbi, Amirbehshad STOC '18: "Synchronization Strings: Explicit ..."
Shapira, Asaf STOC '18: "A Generalized Turán Problem ..."