SPIN 2017
24th ACM SIGSOFT International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software (SPIN 2017)
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24th ACM SIGSOFT International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software (SPIN 2017), July 13–14, 2017, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

SPIN 2017 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Babic, Domagoj SPIN '17: "SunDew: Systematic Automated ..."
Balachandran, Swee SPIN '17: "Verification-Driven Development ..."
Bersani, Marcello M. SPIN '17: "Formal Verification of Data-Intensive ..."
Berthier, Nicolas SPIN '17: "A Hot Method for Synthesising ..."
Bloemen, Vincent SPIN '17: "Explicit State Model Checking ..."
Botha, Heila SPIN '17: "Addressing Challenges in Obtaining ..."
Cook, Byron SPIN '17: "Automated Formal Reasoning ..."
De Ruiter, Joeri SPIN '17: "Model Learning and Model Checking ..."
Dijk, Tom van SPIN '17: "Distributed Binary Decision ..."
Dini, Nima SPIN '17: "Optimizing Parallel Korat ..."
Duret-Lutz, Alexandre SPIN '17: "Explicit State Model Checking ..."
Erascu, Madalina SPIN '17: "Formal Verification of Data-Intensive ..."
Falcone, Yliès SPIN '17: "Runtime Enforcement using ..."
Fearnley, John SPIN '17: "An Ordered Approach to Solving ..."
Fecke, Maximilian SPIN '17: "The RERS 2017 Challenge and ..."
Feliú, Marco A. SPIN '17: "Verification-Driven Development ..."
Fiterău-Broştean, Paul SPIN '17: "Model Learning and Model Checking ..."
Gacek, Andrew SPIN '17: "SIMPAL: A Compositional Reasoning ..."
Gallardo, María-del-Mar SPIN '17: "Guided Test Case Generation ..."
Geffroy, Thomas SPIN '17: "Backward Coverability with ..."
Ghilardi, Silvio SPIN '17: "Formal Verification of Data-Intensive ..."
Greve, David SPIN '17: "SIMPAL: A Compositional Reasoning ..."
Hanxleden, Reinhard von SPIN '17: "Runtime Enforcement of Reactive ..."
Holzmann, Gerard J. SPIN '17: "Cobra: Fast Structural Code ..."
Howar, Falk SPIN '17: "The RERS 2017 Challenge and ..."
Hua, Jinru SPIN '17: "EdSketch: Execution-Driven ..."
Husien, Idress SPIN '17: "A Hot Method for Synthesising ..."
Jain, Sanjay SPIN '17: "An Ordered Approach to Solving ..."
Jasper, Marc SPIN '17: "The RERS 2017 Challenge and ..."
Jensen, Peter Gjøl SPIN '17: "Practical Controller Synthesis ..."
Khamespanah, Ehsan SPIN '17: "LeeTL: LTL with Quantifications ..."
Khosravi, Ramtin SPIN '17: "LeeTL: LTL with Quantifications ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz SPIN '17: "EdSketch: Execution-Driven ..." SPIN '17: "Optimizing Parallel Korat ..."
Kinder, Johannes SPIN '17: "ExpoSE: Practical Symbolic ..."
Kokologiannakis, Michalis SPIN '17: "Stateless Model Checking of ..."
Larsen, Kim Guldstrand SPIN '17: "Practical Controller Synthesis ..."
Legay, Axel SPIN '17: "Practical Controller Synthesis ..."
Lenaerts, Toon SPIN '17: "Model Learning and Model Checking ..."
Leroux, Jérôme SPIN '17: "Backward Coverability with ..."
Li, Guangyuan SPIN '17: "Practical Controller Synthesis ..."
Loring, Blake SPIN '17: "ExpoSE: Practical Symbolic ..."
Marconi, Francesco SPIN '17: "Formal Verification of Data-Intensive ..."
Meijer, Jeroen SPIN '17: "The RERS 2017 Challenge and ..."
Mellati, Pouria SPIN '17: "LeeTL: LTL with Quantifications ..."
Merino, Pedro SPIN '17: "Guided Test Case Generation ..."
Merwe, Brink van der SPIN '17: "Addressing Challenges in Obtaining ..."
Mitchell, Duncan SPIN '17: "ExpoSE: Practical Symbolic ..."
Nguyen, Huu-Vu SPIN '17: "CARET Model Checking for Malware ..."
Oortwijn, Wytse SPIN '17: "Distributed Binary Decision ..."
Panizo, Laura SPIN '17: "Guided Test Case Generation ..."
Pinisetty, Srinivas SPIN '17: "Runtime Enforcement of Reactive ..."
Pol, Jaco van de SPIN '17: "The RERS 2017 Challenge and ..." SPIN '17: "Distributed Binary Decision ..." SPIN '17: "Explicit State Model Checking ..."
Poll, Erik SPIN '17: "Model Learning and Model Checking ..."
Poulsen, Danny Bøgsted SPIN '17: "Practical Controller Synthesis ..."
Ratiu, Daniel SPIN '17: "Increasing Usability of Spin-Based ..."
Renard, Matthieu SPIN '17: "Runtime Enforcement using ..."
Rocha, Camilo SPIN '17: "Verification-Driven Development ..."
Rollet, Antoine SPIN '17: "Runtime Enforcement using ..."
Roop, Partha S. SPIN '17: "Runtime Enforcement of Reactive ..."
Rossi, Matteo SPIN '17: "Formal Verification of Data-Intensive ..."
Sagonas, Konstantinos SPIN '17: "Stateless Model Checking of ..."
Salmerón, Alberto SPIN '17: "Guided Test Case Generation ..."
Schewe, Sven SPIN '17: "An Ordered Approach to Solving ..." SPIN '17: "A Hot Method for Synthesising ..."
Schordan, Markus SPIN '17: "The RERS 2017 Challenge and ..."
Siegel, Stephen F. SPIN '17: "The RERS 2017 Challenge and ..."
Smyth, Steven SPIN '17: "Runtime Enforcement of Reactive ..."
Steffen, Bernhard SPIN '17: "The RERS 2017 Challenge and ..."
Stephan, Frank SPIN '17: "An Ordered Approach to Solving ..."
Sutre, Grégoire SPIN '17: "Backward Coverability with ..."
Tkachuk, Oksana SPIN '17: "Addressing Challenges in Obtaining ..."
Touili, Tayssir SPIN '17: "CARET Model Checking for Malware ..."
Tripakis, Stavros SPIN '17: "Runtime Enforcement of Reactive ..."
Ulrich, Andreas SPIN '17: "Increasing Usability of Spin-Based ..."
Vaandrager, Frits SPIN '17: "Model Learning and Model Checking ..."
Verleg, Patrick SPIN '17: "Model Learning and Model Checking ..."
Visser, Willem SPIN '17: "Addressing Challenges in Obtaining ..."
Wagner, Lucas SPIN '17: "SIMPAL: A Compositional Reasoning ..."
Wojtczak, Dominik SPIN '17: "An Ordered Approach to Solving ..."
Yelen, Cagdas SPIN '17: "Optimizing Parallel Korat ..."

83 authors

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