OOPSLA2 2022
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 6, Number OOPSLA2
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 6, Number OOPSLA2, December 8–10, 2022, Auckland, New Zealand

OOPSLA2 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abuah, Chiké OOPSLA2 '22: "Solo: A Lightweight Static ..."
Ahrens, Emma OOPSLA2 '22: "Reasoning about Distributed ..."
Allamanis, Miltiadis OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Amarasinghe, Saman OOPSLA2 '22: "Compilation of Dynamic Sparse ..."
Atkinson, Eric OOPSLA2 '22: "Semi-symbolic Inference for ..."
Bajpai, Yasharth OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Barik, Titus OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Barnaby, Celeste OOPSLA2 '22: "Type-Directed Synthesis of ..."
Barrett, Clark OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Verification of GNN-Based ..."
Bartocci, Ezio OOPSLA2 '22: "This Is the Moment for Probabilistic ..."
Basin, David OOPSLA2 '22: "Bridging the Semantic Gap ..."
Baudart, Guillaume OOPSLA2 '22: "Semi-symbolic Inference for ..."
Bavishi, Rohan OOPSLA2 '22: "Neurosymbolic Repair for Low-Code ..."
Beillahi, Sidi Mohamed OOPSLA2 '22: "SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven ..."
Bianchini, Riccardo OOPSLA2 '22: "Coeffects for Sharing and ..."
Bierhoff, Kevin OOPSLA2 '22: "Wildcards Need Witness Protection ..."
Birkedal, Lars OOPSLA2 '22: "Modular Verification of Op-Based ..."
Blanchard, Eion OOPSLA2 '22: "Model-Guided Synthesis of ..."
Blaudeau, Clément OOPSLA2 '22: "A Conceptual Framework for ..."
Boruch-Gruszecki, Aleksander OOPSLA2 '22: "A case for DOT: Theoretical ..."
Bozga, Marius OOPSLA2 '22: "Reasoning about Distributed ..."
Bravo, Marcos Maroñas OOPSLA2 '22: "High-Level Effect Handlers ..."
Cai, Yuxi OOPSLA2 '22: "SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven ..."
Cambronero, José OOPSLA2 '22: "Neurosymbolic Repair for Low-Code ..."
Carbin, Michael OOPSLA2 '22: "Tower: Data Structures in ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Semi-symbolic Inference for ..."
Chaliasos, Stefanos OOPSLA2 '22: "A Study of Inline Assembly ..."
Chau, Chun Yin OOPSLA2 '22: "MLstruct: Principal Type Inference ..."
Chen, Adam OOPSLA2 '22: "Veracity: Declarative Multicore ..."
Chen, Bretton OOPSLA2 '22: "Data-Driven Lemma Synthesis ..."
Chen, Hao OOPSLA2 '22: "Compositional Virtual Timelines: ..."
Chen, Qiaochu OOPSLA2 '22: "Type-Directed Synthesis of ..."
Chen, Yanju OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesis-Powered Optimization ..."
Cheung, Alvin OOPSLA2 '22: "Katara: Synthesizing CRDTs ..."
Chitre, Khushboo OOPSLA2 '22: "The Road Not Taken: Exploring ..."
Chiu, Kenneth OOPSLA2 '22: "The Essence of Online Data ..."
Chou, Stephen OOPSLA2 '22: "Compilation of Dynamic Sparse ..."
Choudhury, Pritam OOPSLA2 '22: "Monadic and Comonadic Aspects ..."
Chowdhary, Sangeeta OOPSLA2 '22: "Fast Shadow Execution for ..."
Cong, Youyou OOPSLA2 '22: "First-Class Names for Effect ..."
Criswell, Abby OOPSLA2 '22: "Type-Directed Synthesis of ..."
Dagnino, Francesco OOPSLA2 '22: "Coeffects for Sharing and ..."
Dalvandi, Sadegh OOPSLA2 '22: "Implementing and Verifying ..."
D’Antoni, Loris OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Abstract Transformers ..."
Darais, David OOPSLA2 '22: "Solo: A Lightweight Static ..."
Dardinier, Thibault OOPSLA2 '22: "Fractional Resources in Unbounded ..."
Dexter, Philip OOPSLA2 '22: "The Essence of Online Data ..."
Dhandhania, Utkarsh OOPSLA2 '22: "Compositional Embeddings of ..."
Dillig, Işil OOPSLA2 '22: "Type-Directed Synthesis of ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesis-Powered Optimization ..."
Ding, Shuo OOPSLA2 '22: "Taming Transitive Redundancy ..."
Dong, James OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesis-Powered Optimization ..."
Dongol, Brijesh OOPSLA2 '22: "Implementing and Verifying ..."
D’Osualdo, Emanuele OOPSLA2 '22: "Proving Hypersafety Compositionally ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "A Bunch of Sessions: A Propositions-as-Sessions ..."
Dreyer, Derek OOPSLA2 '22: "Proving Hypersafety Compositionally ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "BFF: Foundational and Automated ..."
Drossopoulou, Sophia OOPSLA2 '22: "Necessity Specifications ..."
Durrett, Greg OOPSLA2 '22: "Type-Directed Synthesis of ..."
Eisenbach, Susan OOPSLA2 '22: "Necessity Specifications ..."
Ellis, Stephen OOPSLA2 '22: "Generic Go to Go: Dictionary-Passing, ..."
Endres, Madeline OOPSLA2 '22: "Seq2Parse: Neurosymbolic Parse ..."
Fan, Hongyu OOPSLA2 '22: "Consistency-Preserving Propagation ..."
Fariha, Anna OOPSLA2 '22: "Neurosymbolic Repair for Low-Code ..."
Farzan, Azadeh OOPSLA2 '22: "Proving Hypersafety Compositionally ..."
Fathololumi, Parisa OOPSLA2 '22: "Veracity: Declarative Multicore ..."
Feng, Yu OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesis-Powered Optimization ..."
Findler, Robert Bruce OOPSLA2 '22: "Highly Illogical, Kirk: Spotting ..."
Fronchetti, Felipe OOPSLA2 '22: "Can Guided Decomposition Help ..."
Frumin, Dan OOPSLA2 '22: "A Bunch of Sessions: A Propositions-as-Sessions ..."
Fu, Hongfei OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Linear Invariant ..."
Garcia, Ronald OOPSLA2 '22: "Can Guided Decomposition Help ..."
Garg, Deepak OOPSLA2 '22: "BFF: Foundational and Automated ..."
Garg, Pranav OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Code Quality ..."
Gervais, Arthur OOPSLA2 '22: "A Study of Inline Assembly ..."
Ghica, Dan OOPSLA2 '22: "High-Level Effect Handlers ..."
Giannini, Paola OOPSLA2 '22: "Coeffects for Sharing and ..."
Goldstein, Harrison OOPSLA2 '22: "Parsing Randomness ..."
Gondelman, Léon OOPSLA2 '22: "Modular Verification of Op-Based ..."
Goyal, Maruth OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesis-Powered Optimization ..."
Gu, Yuchen OOPSLA2 '22: "Oracle-Free Repair Synthesis ..."
Gulwani, Sumit OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Neurosymbolic Repair for Low-Code ..."
Guo, Philip J. OOPSLA2 '22: "Seq2Parse: Neurosymbolic Parse ..."
Gupta, Priyanshu OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Haas, Thomas OOPSLA2 '22: "CAAT: Consistency as a Theory ..."
Hack, Sebastian OOPSLA2 '22: "AnICA: Analyzing Inconsistencies ..."
Hallahan, William T. OOPSLA2 '22: "Checking Equivalence in a ..."
He, Fei OOPSLA2 '22: "Consistency-Preserving Propagation ..."
Hellerstein, Joseph M. OOPSLA2 '22: "Katara: Synthesizing CRDTs ..."
Hicks, Michael OOPSLA2 '22: "Verified Compilation of Quantum ..."
Hietala, Kesha OOPSLA2 '22: "Verified Compilation of Quantum ..."
Hoeflich, Joshua OOPSLA2 '22: "Highly Illogical, Kirk: Spotting ..."
Holmes, Reid OOPSLA2 '22: "Can Guided Decomposition Help ..."
Hsu, Justin OOPSLA2 '22: "Symbolic Execution for Randomized ..."
Ikemori, Kazuki OOPSLA2 '22: "First-Class Names for Effect ..."
Iosif, Radu OOPSLA2 '22: "Reasoning about Distributed ..."
Jagannathan, Suresh OOPSLA2 '22: "Specification-Guided Component-Based ..."
Jhala, Ranjit OOPSLA2 '22: "Seq2Parse: Neurosymbolic Parse ..."
Jin, Charles OOPSLA2 '22: "Neural Architecture Search ..."
Joshi, Harshit OOPSLA2 '22: "Neurosymbolic Repair for Low-Code ..."
Kalita, Pankaj Kumar OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Abstract Transformers ..."
Katoen, Joost-Pieter OOPSLA2 '22: "Reasoning about Distributed ..."
Kedia, Piyus OOPSLA2 '22: "The Road Not Taken: Exploring ..."
Ketkar, Ameya OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Kim, Jung-Eun OOPSLA2 '22: "Compositional Virtual Timelines: ..."
Kirisame, Marisa OOPSLA2 '22: "Optimal Heap Limits for Reducing ..."
Kokologiannakis, Michalis OOPSLA2 '22: "Model Checking for a Multi-Execution ..."
Kolesar, John C. OOPSLA2 '22: "Checking Equivalence in a ..."
Koskinen, Eric OOPSLA2 '22: "Veracity: Declarative Multicore ..."
Kovács, Laura OOPSLA2 '22: "This Is the Moment for Probabilistic ..."
Krogmeier, Paul OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Axiomatizations ..."
Kulkarni, Milind OOPSLA2 '22: "UniRec: A Unimodular-Like ..."
Laddad, Shadaj OOPSLA2 '22: "Katara: Synthesizing CRDTs ..."
Lahiri, Sumit OOPSLA2 '22: "Symbolic Execution for Randomized ..."
Laurel, Jacob OOPSLA2 '22: "A General Construction for ..."
Le, Vu OOPSLA2 '22: "Neurosymbolic Repair for Low-Code ..."
Lei, Yuxiang OOPSLA2 '22: "Taming Transitive Redundancy ..."
Leijen, Daan OOPSLA2 '22: "First-Class Names for Effect ..."
Lepigre, Rodolphe OOPSLA2 '22: "BFF: Foundational and Automated ..."
Lerner, Sorin OOPSLA2 '22: "Data-Driven Lemma Synthesis ..."
Li, Guoqiang OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Linear Invariant ..."
Li, Liyi OOPSLA2 '22: "Verified Compilation of Quantum ..."
Lin, Zhengyao OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Axiomatizations ..."
Lindley, Sam OOPSLA2 '22: "High-Level Effect Handlers ..."
Liu, Fengyun OOPSLA2 '22: "A Conceptual Framework for ..."
Liu, Hongming OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Linear Invariant ..."
Liu, Mengqi OOPSLA2 '22: "Compositional Virtual Timelines: ..."
Liu, Si OOPSLA2 '22: "Bridging the Semantic Gap ..."
Liu, Yu David OOPSLA2 '22: "The Essence of Online Data ..."
Livshits, Benjamin OOPSLA2 '22: "A Study of Inline Assembly ..."
Löding, Christof OOPSLA2 '22: "Model-Guided Synthesis of ..."
Long, Fan OOPSLA2 '22: "SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven ..."
Mackay, Julian OOPSLA2 '22: "Necessity Specifications ..."
Madhusudan, P. OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Axiomatizations ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Model-Guided Synthesis of ..."
Mandel, Louis OOPSLA2 '22: "Semi-symbolic Inference for ..."
Meseguer, Jose OOPSLA2 '22: "Bridging the Semantic Gap ..."
Meyer, Roland OOPSLA2 '22: "CAAT: Consistency as a Theory ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "A Concurrent Program Logic ..."
Milano, Mae OOPSLA2 '22: "Katara: Synthesizing CRDTs ..."
Millstein, Todd OOPSLA2 '22: "Data-Driven Lemma Synthesis ..."
Misailovic, Sasa OOPSLA2 '22: "A General Construction for ..."
Mishra, Ashish OOPSLA2 '22: "Specification-Guided Component-Based ..."
Moiseenko, Evgenii OOPSLA2 '22: "Model Checking for a Multi-Execution ..."
Moosbrugger, Marcel OOPSLA2 '22: "This Is the Moment for Probabilistic ..."
Mosses, Peter OOPSLA2 '22: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Muduli, Sujit Kumar OOPSLA2 '22: "Satisfiability Modulo Fuzzing: ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Abstract Transformers ..."
Müller, Peter OOPSLA2 '22: "Fractional Resources in Unbounded ..."
Murali, Adithya OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Axiomatizations ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Model-Guided Synthesis of ..."
Nagarakatte, Santosh OOPSLA2 '22: "Fast Shadow Execution for ..."
Nagel, Robert OOPSLA2 '22: "A General Construction for ..."
Narodytska, Nina OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Verification of GNN-Based ..."
Near, Joseph P. OOPSLA2 '22: "Solo: A Lightweight Static ..."
Nieto, Abel OOPSLA2 '22: "Modular Verification of Op-Based ..."
Noble, James OOPSLA2 '22: "Necessity Specifications ..."
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S. OOPSLA2 '22: "Compositional Embeddings of ..."
Ölveczky, Peter Csaba OOPSLA2 '22: "Bridging the Semantic Gap ..."
Pailoor, Shankara OOPSLA2 '22: "Type-Directed Synthesis of ..."
Panchekha, Pavel OOPSLA2 '22: "Optimal Heap Limits for Reducing ..."
Parreaux, Lionel OOPSLA2 '22: "MLstruct: Principal Type Inference ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "A case for DOT: Theoretical ..."
Peña, Lucas OOPSLA2 '22: "Model-Guided Synthesis of ..."
Peng, Yuxiang OOPSLA2 '22: "Verified Compilation of Quantum ..."
Pérez, Jorge A. OOPSLA2 '22: "A Bunch of Sessions: A Propositions-as-Sessions ..."
Petrank, Erez OOPSLA2 '22: "Concurrent Size ..."
Phothilimthana, Phitchaya Mangpo OOPSLA2 '22: "Neural Architecture Search ..."
Pierce, Benjamin C. OOPSLA2 '22: "Parsing Randomness ..."
Pincus, Jared OOPSLA2 '22: "Veracity: Declarative Multicore ..."
Piróg, Maciej OOPSLA2 '22: "High-Level Effect Handlers ..."
Piskac, Ruzica OOPSLA2 '22: "Checking Equivalence in a ..."
Ponce de León, Hernán OOPSLA2 '22: "CAAT: Consistency as a Theory ..."
Poulsen, Casper Bach OOPSLA2 '22: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Power, Conor OOPSLA2 '22: "Katara: Synthesizing CRDTs ..."
Purandare, Rahul OOPSLA2 '22: "The Road Not Taken: Exploring ..."
Radhakrishna, Arjun OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Radiček, Ivan OOPSLA2 '22: "Neurosymbolic Repair for Low-Code ..."
Raza, Mohammad OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Reps, Thomas OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Abstract Transformers ..."
Reynaud, Alban OOPSLA2 '22: "Modular Verification of Op-Based ..."
Ritschel, Nico OOPSLA2 '22: "Can Guided Decomposition Help ..."
Ritter, Fabian OOPSLA2 '22: "AnICA: Analyzing Inconsistencies ..."
Rouvoet, Arjen OOPSLA2 '22: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Roy, Subhajit OOPSLA2 '22: "Satisfiability Modulo Fuzzing: ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Abstract Transformers ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Symbolic Execution for Randomized ..."
Roy, Sudip OOPSLA2 '22: "Neural Architecture Search ..."
Sakkas, Georgios OOPSLA2 '22: "Seq2Parse: Neurosymbolic Parse ..."
Sammler, Michael OOPSLA2 '22: "BFF: Foundational and Automated ..."
Sanchez-Stern, Alex OOPSLA2 '22: "Data-Driven Lemma Synthesis ..."
Saumya, Charitha OOPSLA2 '22: "UniRec: A Unimodular-Like ..."
Sela, Gal OOPSLA2 '22: "Concurrent Size ..."
Sengamedu, Srinivasan H. OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesizing Code Quality ..."
Serrano, Manuel OOPSLA2 '22: "Highly Illogical, Kirk: Spotting ..."
Servetto, Marco OOPSLA2 '22: "Coeffects for Sharing and ..."
Shao, Zhong OOPSLA2 '22: "Compositional Virtual Timelines: ..."
Sharif, Mahmood OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Verification of GNN-Based ..."
Shenoy, Pranav OOPSLA2 '22: "Optimal Heap Limits for Reducing ..."
Shepherd, David C. OOPSLA2 '22: "Can Guided Decomposition Help ..."
Shi, Qingkai OOPSLA2 '22: "Indexing the Extended Dyck-CFL ..."
Shi, Yuanfeng OOPSLA2 '22: "Oracle-Free Repair Synthesis ..."
Singh, Gagandeep OOPSLA2 '22: "A General Construction for ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Verification of GNN-Based ..."
Sivaraman, Aishwarya OOPSLA2 '22: "Data-Driven Lemma Synthesis ..."
Soares, Gustavo OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Song, Jiaxin OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Linear Invariant ..."
Song, Linhai OOPSLA2 '22: "Generic Go to Go: Dictionary-Passing, ..."
Song, Ryan OOPSLA2 '22: "SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven ..."
Stankovič, Miroslav OOPSLA2 '22: "This Is the Moment for Probabilistic ..."
Su, Zhendong OOPSLA2 '22: "Oracle-Free Repair Synthesis ..."
Sui, Yulei OOPSLA2 '22: "Taming Transitive Redundancy ..."
Summers, Alexander J. OOPSLA2 '22: "Fractional Resources in Unbounded ..."
Sun, Yaozhu OOPSLA2 '22: "Compositional Embeddings of ..."
Sun, Zhihang OOPSLA2 '22: "Consistency-Preserving Propagation ..."
Sundararajah, Kirshanthan OOPSLA2 '22: "UniRec: A Unimodular-Like ..."
Susag, Zachary OOPSLA2 '22: "Symbolic Execution for Randomized ..."
Timany, Amin OOPSLA2 '22: "Modular Verification of Op-Based ..."
Titzer, Ben L. OOPSLA2 '22: "A Fast In-Place Interpreter ..."
Tiwari, Ashish OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Neurosymbolic Repair for Low-Code ..."
Ugare, Shubham OOPSLA2 '22: "A General Construction for ..."
Vafeiadis, Viktor OOPSLA2 '22: "Model Checking for a Multi-Execution ..."
Van Antwerpen, Hendrik OOPSLA2 '22: "Incremental Type-Checking ..."
Van den Heuvel, Bas OOPSLA2 '22: "A Bunch of Sessions: A Propositions-as-Sessions ..."
Van der Rest, Cas OOPSLA2 '22: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Veneris, Andreas OOPSLA2 '22: "SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven ..."
Visser, Eelco OOPSLA2 '22: "Incremental Type-Checking ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Intrinsically-Typed Definitional ..."
Voichick, Finn OOPSLA2 '22: "Verified Compilation of Quantum ..."
Wang, Chenglong OOPSLA2 '22: "Type-Directed Synthesis of ..."
Wang, MingZhe OOPSLA2 '22: "Oracle-Free Repair Synthesis ..."
Wang, Yongchao OOPSLA2 '22: "Indexing the Extended Dyck-CFL ..."
Wang, Yuepeng OOPSLA2 '22: "Synthesis-Powered Optimization ..."
Waśko, Radosław OOPSLA2 '22: "A case for DOT: Theoretical ..."
Weimer, Westley OOPSLA2 '22: "Seq2Parse: Neurosymbolic Parse ..."
Wies, Thomas OOPSLA2 '22: "A Concurrent Program Logic ..."
Wolff, Sebastian OOPSLA2 '22: "A Concurrent Program Logic ..."
Wu, Haoze OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Verification of GNN-Based ..."
Wu, Xiaodi OOPSLA2 '22: "Verified Compilation of Quantum ..."
Xie, Ningning OOPSLA2 '22: "First-Class Names for Effect ..."
Xiong, Yingfei OOPSLA2 '22: "Oracle-Free Repair Synthesis ..."
Xu, Yichen OOPSLA2 '22: "A case for DOT: Theoretical ..."
Yang, Rem OOPSLA2 '22: "A General Construction for ..."
Yao, Peisen OOPSLA2 '22: "Indexing the Extended Dyck-CFL ..."
Yoon, Man-Ki OOPSLA2 '22: "Compositional Virtual Timelines: ..."
Yoshida, Nobuko OOPSLA2 '22: "Generic Go to Go: Dictionary-Passing, ..."
Yu, Zhiyong OOPSLA2 '22: "Scalable Linear Invariant ..."
Yuan, Charles OOPSLA2 '22: "Tower: Data Structures in ..." OOPSLA2 '22: "Semi-symbolic Inference for ..."
Zhang, Charles OOPSLA2 '22: "Indexing the Extended Dyck-CFL ..."
Zhang, Min OOPSLA2 '22: "Bridging the Semantic Gap ..."
Zhang, Qirun OOPSLA2 '22: "Taming Transitive Redundancy ..."
Zhang, Yuhao OOPSLA2 '22: "Overwatch: Learning Patterns ..."
Zhao, Zihan OOPSLA2 '22: "SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven ..."
Zhu, Fengmin OOPSLA2 '22: "BFF: Foundational and Automated ..."
Zhu, Shuofei OOPSLA2 '22: "Generic Go to Go: Dictionary-Passing, ..."
Zou, Daming OOPSLA2 '22: "Oracle-Free Repair Synthesis ..."
Zucca, Elena OOPSLA2 '22: "Coeffects for Sharing and ..."
Zwaan, Aron OOPSLA2 '22: "Incremental Type-Checking ..."