ISSTA 2023
32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2023)
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32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2023), July 17–21, 2023, Seattle, WA, USA

ISSTA 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Agarwal, Udit ISSTA '23: "CGuard: Scalable and Precise ..."
Aguirre, Nazareno ISSTA '23: "EvoSpex: A Search-Based Tool ..."
Akopian, Noubar ISSTA '23: "RobotBT: Behavior-Tree-Based ..."
Allix, Kevin ISSTA '23: "Guided Retraining to Enhance ..."
Alonso, Juan C. ISSTA '23: "AGORA: Automated Generation ..."
Alsaeed, Ziyad ISSTA '23: "TreeLine and SlackLine: Grammar-Based ..." ISSTA '23: "Finding Short Slow Inputs ..."
Altmayer Pizzorno, Juan ISSTA '23: "SlipCover: Near Zero-Overhead ..."
Arratibel, Maite ISSTA '23: "Applying and Extending the ..."
Arrieta, Aitor ISSTA '23: "Applying and Extending the ..."
Attisano, Isabella ISSTA '23: "Virtual Reality (VR) Automated ..."
Babkin, Petr ISSTA '23: "How Effective Are Neural Networks ..."
Bai, Guangdong ISSTA '23: "Security Checking of Trigger-Action-Programming ..."
Banescu, Sebastian ISSTA '23: "Green Fuzzing: A Saturation-Based ..."
Bao, Shenglin ISSTA '23: "In Defense of Simple Techniques ..."
Barr, Earl T. ISSTA '23: "CodeGrid: A Grid Representation ..." ISSTA '23: "June: A Type Testability Transformation ..."
Berger, Emery D. ISSTA '23: "SlipCover: Near Zero-Overhead ..."
Berger, Thorsten ISSTA '23: "RobotBT: Behavior-Tree-Based ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. ISSTA '23: "Guided Retraining to Enhance ..." ISSTA '23: "CodeGrid: A Grid Representation ..."
Blincoe, Kelly ISSTA '23: "Understanding Breaking Changes ..."
Böhme, Marcel ISSTA '23: "Green Fuzzing: A Saturation-Based ..."
Bruce, Dan ISSTA '23: "June: A Type Testability Transformation ..."
Bu, Lei ISSTA '23: "Security Checking of Trigger-Action-Programming ..." ISSTA '23: "GenCoG: A DSL-Based Approach ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ISSTA '23: "Rare Path Guided Fuzzing ..." ISSTA '23: "Quantitative Policy Repair ..."
Büning, Julian ISSTA '23: "KDAlloc: The KLEE Deterministic ..."
Buratti, Luca ISSTA '23: "CONCORD: Clone-Aware Contrastive ..."
Busse, Frank ISSTA '23: "KDAlloc: The KLEE Deterministic ..."
Cadar, Cristian ISSTA '23: "KDAlloc: The KLEE Deterministic ..." ISSTA '23: "GrayC: Greybox Fuzzing of ..."
Cai, Xiangrui ISSTA '23: "LiResolver: License Incompatibility ..."
Cai, Yan ISSTA '23: "Building Critical Testing ..."
Callaghan, Dylan ISSTA '23: "Improving Spectrum-Based Localization ..."
Ceccato, Mariano ISSTA '23: "Enhancing REST API Testing ..."
Chakraborty, Saikat ISSTA '23: "CONCORD: Clone-Aware Contrastive ..."
Chao, Huina ISSTA '23: "Splendor: Static Detection ..."
Chen, Bihuan ISSTA '23: "In Defense of Simple Techniques ..."
Chen, Chang ISSTA '23: "Validating Multimedia Content ..."
Chen, Chu ISSTA '23: "SBDT: Search-Based Differential ..."
Chen, Chunyang ISSTA '23: "ModelObfuscator: Obfuscating ..."
Chen, Jiachi ISSTA '23: "DeFiTainter: Detecting Price ..." ISSTA '23: "Toward Automated Detecting ..." ISSTA '23: "Definition and Detection of ..."
Chen, Jianjun ISSTA '23: "1dFuzz: Reproduce 1-Day Vulnerabilities ..."
Chen, Junjie ISSTA '23: "Fuzzing Deep Learning Compilers ..." ISSTA '23: "Vectorizing Program Ingredients ..." ISSTA '23: "Testing the Compiler for a ..." ISSTA '23: "Silent Compiler Bug De-duplication ..."
Chen, Kai ISSTA '23: "Security Checking of Trigger-Action-Programming ..."
Chen, Kaixiang ISSTA '23: "1dFuzz: Reproduce 1-Day Vulnerabilities ..."
Chen, Lin ISSTA '23: "Back Deduction Based Testing ..."
Chen, Mengjie ISSTA '23: "Beyond “Protected” and ..."
Chen, Rui ISSTA '23: "An Empirical Study on Concurrency ..."
Chen, Sen ISSTA '23: "A Comprehensive Study on Quality ..."
Chen, Simin ISSTA '23: "DyCL: Dynamic Neural Network ..."
Chen, Xiangqun ISSTA '23: "Eunomia: Enabling User-Specified ..."
Chen, Xiao ISSTA '23: "ModelObfuscator: Obfuscating ..."
Chen, Yang ISSTA '23: "Transforming Test Suites into ..."
Chen, Yixiang ISSTA '23: "A Comprehensive Study on Quality ..."
Chen, Yufan ISSTA '23: "Beyond “Protected” and ..."
Chen, Yufei ISSTA '23: "CILIATE: Towards Fairer Class-Based ..."
Chen, Yufeng ISSTA '23: "ACETest: Automated Constraint ..."
Chen, Yuting ISSTA '23: "GenCoG: A DSL-Based Approach ..."
Chen, Zhe ISSTA '23: "Catamaran: Low-Overhead Memory ..."
Chen, Zhenpeng ISSTA '23: "Who Judges the Judge: An Empirical ..."
Chen, Zhuo ISSTA '23: "DeUEDroid: Detecting Underground ..."
Cheng, Kai ISSTA '23: "Detecting Vulnerabilities ..."
Cheng, Mingfei ISSTA '23: "BehAVExplor: Behavior Diversity ..."
Cheng, Siyuan ISSTA '23: "Improving Binary Code Similarity ..."
Chesser, Michael ISSTA '23: "Icicle: A Re-designed Emulator ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi ISSTA '23: "Fuzzing Deep Learning Compilers ..." ISSTA '23: "ConfFix: Repairing Configuration ..." ISSTA '23: "ωTest: WebView-Oriented Testing ..."
Cho, Mingun ISSTA '23: "GPUHarbor: Testing GPU Memory ..."
Choi, Wonkeun ISSTA '23: "A Bayesian Framework for Automated ..."
Chong, Chun Yong ISSTA '23: "Synthesizing Speech Test Cases ..."
Chow, Yiu Wai ISSTA '23: "Beware of the Unexpected: ..."
Christakis, Maria ISSTA '23: "Green Fuzzer Benchmarking ..." ISSTA '23: "Dependency-Aware Metamorphic ..."
Clark, David ISSTA '23: "June: A Type Testability Transformation ..."
Corradini, Davide ISSTA '23: "Enhancing REST API Testing ..."
Cui, Jiancong ISSTA '23: "API2Vec: Learning Representations ..."
Cui, Lei ISSTA '23: "API2Vec: Learning Representations ..."
Dai, Jinglin ISSTA '23: "Security Checking of Trigger-Action-Programming ..."
Daoudi, Nadia ISSTA '23: "Guided Retraining to Enhance ..."
Darmasaputra, Alan ISSTA '23: "Behaviorally Typed State Machines ..."
Davis, Jordan ISSTA '23: "How Effective Are Neural Networks ..."
Deng, Shuiguang ISSTA '23: "Data Constraint Mining for ..."
Deng, Yinlin ISSTA '23: "Large Language Models Are ..."
Di, Peng ISSTA '23: "Hybrid Inlining: A Framework ..."
Dietrich, Jens ISSTA '23: "Understanding Breaking Changes ..."
Ding, Yangruibo ISSTA '23: "CONCORD: Clone-Aware Contrastive ..."
Ding, Yifeng ISSTA '23: "CoopHance: Cooperative Enhancement ..."
Ding, Zhenquan ISSTA '23: "API2Vec: Learning Representations ..."
Donaldson, Alastair F. ISSTA '23: "RustSmith: Random Differential ..." ISSTA '23: "GrayC: Greybox Fuzzing of ..."
Dong, Xuewen ISSTA '23: "Testing Automated Driving ..."
Dong, Yihong ISSTA '23: "CODEP: Grammatical Seq2Seq ..."
Downing, Mara ISSTA '23: "Quantitative Robustness Analysis ..."
Du, Hang ISSTA '23: "To Kill a Mutant: An Empirical ..."
Du, Lun ISSTA '23: "Towards Efficient Fine-Tuning ..."
Duan, Zhenhua ISSTA '23: "SBDT: Search-Based Differential ..."
Ebert, Daniel ISSTA '23: "Fuzzing Embedded Systems using ..."
Eiers, William ISSTA '23: "Quantitative Policy Repair ..."
Eisele, Max ISSTA '23: "Fuzzing Embedded Systems using ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ISSTA '23: "PhysCov: Physical Test Coverage ..."
Elsner, Daniel ISSTA '23: "Green Fuzzing: A Saturation-Based ..."
Even-Mendoza, Karine ISSTA '23: "GrayC: Greybox Fuzzing of ..."
Fan, Lingling ISSTA '23: "LiResolver: License Incompatibility ..."
Fan, Xingyu ISSTA '23: "Silent Compiler Bug De-duplication ..."
Fan, Zhiyu ISSTA '23: "Concept-Based Automated Grading ..."
Fang, Pengcheng ISSTA '23: "iSyn: Semi-automated Smart ..."
Fang, Yilin ISSTA '23: "Fine-Grained Code Clone Detection ..."
Fang, Yongsheng ISSTA '23: "CydiOS: A Model-Based Testing ..."
Fang, Yuzhou ISSTA '23: "Beyond “Protected” and ..."
Feng, Ruitao ISSTA '23: "A Comprehensive Study on Quality ..."
Feng, Shiwei ISSTA '23: "Improving Binary Code Similarity ..."
Ferreira, Francisco ISSTA '23: "Oven: Safe and Live Communication ..."
Fischer, Bernd ISSTA '23: "Improving Spectrum-Based Localization ..."
Fragoso Santos, José ISSTA '23: "MetaData262: Automatic Test ..."
Frias, Marcelo F. ISSTA '23: "EvoSpex: A Search-Based Tool ..."
Fu, Ruifeng ISSTA '23: "Testing the Compiler for a ..."
Gaboardi, Marco ISSTA '23: "SymRustC: A Hybrid Fuzzer ..."
Gao, Cuiyun ISSTA '23: "What You See Is What You Get? ..."
Gao, Tianchang ISSTA '23: "Vectorizing Program Ingredients ..."
Gao, Xiang ISSTA '23: "ModelObfuscator: Obfuscating ..."
Gao, Xuanqi ISSTA '23: "CILIATE: Towards Fairer Class-Based ..."
Gao, Ya ISSTA '23: "LiResolver: License Incompatibility ..."
Gao, Yaoqing ISSTA '23: "Reducing the Memory Footprint ..."
Gharachorlu, Golnaz ISSTA '23: "Type Batched Program Reduction ..."
Gligoric, Milos ISSTA '23: "Extracting Inline Tests from ..." ISSTA '23: "Pattern-Based Peephole Optimizations ..." ISSTA '23: "More Precise Regression Test ..."
Grundy, John ISSTA '23: "ModelObfuscator: Obfuscating ..."
Gu, Bin ISSTA '23: "An Empirical Study on Concurrency ..."
Gu, Jiazhen ISSTA '23: "Validating Multimedia Content ..."
Guan, Le ISSTA '23: "Detecting Vulnerabilities ..."
Gui, Yujiang ISSTA '23: "Reducing the Memory Footprint ..."
Guo, Anna ISSTA '23: "Extracting Inline Tests from ..."
Guo, Huizhong ISSTA '23: "Fairness Testing for Recommender ..." ISSTA '23: "FairRec: Fairness Testing ..."
Guo, Shengjian ISSTA '23: "Eunomia: Enabling User-Specified ..."
Guo, Xiaochen ISSTA '23: "Precise and Efficient Patch ..."
Guo, Yao ISSTA '23: "Eunomia: Enabling User-Specified ..."
Halfond, William G.J. ISSTA '23: "Automatically Reproducing ..."
Han, Rui ISSTA '23: "Improving Bit-Blasting for ..."
Han, Seungheon ISSTA '23: "Automated Program Repair from ..."
Han, Shi ISSTA '23: "Towards Efficient Fine-Tuning ..."
Han, Yudong ISSTA '23: "Who Judges the Judge: An Empirical ..."
Hao, Sicheng ISSTA '23: "SmartState: Detecting State-Reverting ..."
Hao, Zhiyu ISSTA '23: "API2Vec: Learning Representations ..."
Harman, Mark ISSTA '23: "Who Judges the Judge: An Empirical ..."
Hassan, Foyzul ISSTA '23: "Virtual Reality (VR) Automated ..."
He, Dongjie ISSTA '23: "Reducing the Memory Footprint ..."
He, Jifeng ISSTA '23: "An Empirical Study of Functional ..."
He, Ningyu ISSTA '23: "Eunomia: Enabling User-Specified ..."
He, Pinjia ISSTA '23: "Validating Multimedia Content ..." ISSTA '23: "ROME: Testing Image Captioning ..."
He, Shilin ISSTA '23: "ROME: Testing Image Captioning ..."
He, Yichen ISSTA '23: "COME: Commit Message Generation ..."
He, Yiling ISSTA '23: "DeUEDroid: Detecting Underground ..."
He, Yubo ISSTA '23: "1dFuzz: Reproduce 1-Day Vulnerabilities ..."
Hildebrandt, Carl ISSTA '23: "PhysCov: Physical Test Coverage ..."
Hu, Chunming ISSTA '23: "Detecting Condition-Related ..."
Hu, Jiajun ISSTA '23: "ωTest: WebView-Oriented Testing ..."
Hu, Tiancheng ISSTA '23: "Fine-Grained Code Clone Detection ..."
Hu, Wenbo ISSTA '23: "Splendor: Static Detection ..."
Hu, Yubin ISSTA '23: "Eunomia: Enabling User-Specified ..."
Hu, Yubo ISSTA '23: "DeUEDroid: Detecting Underground ..."
Hu, Yutao ISSTA '23: "Interpreters for GNN-Based ..."
Hu, Yuxi ISSTA '23: "KeenTune: Automated Tuning ..."
Hu, Yuxin ISSTA '23: "Alligator in Vest: A Practical ..."
Hu, Zehong ISSTA '23: "FairRec: Fairness Testing ..."
Hua, Ziyue ISSTA '23: "GDsmith: Detecting Bugs in ..."
Huang, Gang ISSTA '23: "Who Judges the Judge: An Empirical ..."
Huang, Huaxun ISSTA '23: "ConfFix: Repairing Configuration ..."
Huang, Jingyuan ISSTA '23: "Validating Multimedia Content ..."
Huang, Pei ISSTA '23: "Improving Bit-Blasting for ..."
Huang, Sunzhou ISSTA '23: "PExReport-Maven: Creating ..."
Huang, Xiang ISSTA '23: "Back Deduction Based Testing ..."
Huang, Xiaotong ISSTA '23: "Precise and Efficient Patch ..."
Huo, Wei ISSTA '23: "Splendor: Static Detection ..." ISSTA '23: "ACETest: Automated Constraint ..."
Huth, Christopher ISSTA '23: "Fuzzing Embedded Systems using ..."
Iqbal, Nafees ISSTA '23: "Virtual Reality (VR) Automated ..."
Jabbarvand, Reyhaneh ISSTA '23: "Transforming Test Suites into ..."
Jayasuriya, Dhanushka ISSTA '23: "Understanding Breaking Changes ..."
Ji, Rongrong ISSTA '23: "RefBERT: A Two-Stage Pre-trained ..."
Ji, Yuede ISSTA '23: "API2Vec: Learning Representations ..."
Jia, Fuqi ISSTA '23: "Improving Bit-Blasting for ..."
Jia, Haoxiang ISSTA '23: "Precise and Efficient Patch ..."
Jiang, Jiajun ISSTA '23: "Silent Compiler Bug De-duplication ..."
Jiang, Ling ISSTA '23: "Third-Party Library Dependency ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao ISSTA '23: "Beyond “Protected” and ..."
Jiang, Nan ISSTA '23: "How Effective Are Neural Networks ..."
Jiang, Yu ISSTA '23: "CoopHance: Cooperative Enhancement ..."
Jiang, Yunsong ISSTA '23: "An Empirical Study on Concurrency ..."
Jiang, Zigui ISSTA '23: "DeFiTainter: Detecting Price ..."
Jiao, Wenpin ISSTA '23: "GDsmith: Detecting Bugs in ..."
Jin, Hai ISSTA '23: "Interpreters for GNN-Based ..." ISSTA '23: "An Empirical Study on the ..." ISSTA '23: "Precise and Efficient Patch ..." ISSTA '23: "Fine-Grained Code Clone Detection ..."
Jin, Zhi ISSTA '23: "CODEP: Grammatical Seq2Seq ..."
Jones, James A. ISSTA '23: "To Kill a Mutant: An Empirical ..."
Jongmans, Sung-Shik ISSTA '23: "Oven: Safe and Live Communication ..."
Kaboré, Abdoul Kader ISSTA '23: "CodeGrid: A Grid Representation ..."
Kacianka, Severin ISSTA '23: "Green Fuzzing: A Saturation-Based ..."
Kaiser, Gail ISSTA '23: "CONCORD: Clone-Aware Contrastive ..."
Kamm, Matteo ISSTA '23: "Testing Graph Database Engines ..."
Kang, Sungmin ISSTA '23: "A Bayesian Framework for Automated ..."
Kedia, Piyus ISSTA '23: "CGuard: Scalable and Precise ..."
Kelly, David ISSTA '23: "June: A Type Testability Transformation ..."
Khamit, Askar Yeltayuly ISSTA '23: "Automated Program Repair from ..."
Khosravi, M. Mahdi ISSTA '23: "Systematically Producing Test ..."
Kim, Myeongsoo ISSTA '23: "Enhancing REST API Testing ..."
Kim, YoungJae ISSTA '23: "Automated Program Repair from ..."
Klein, Jacques ISSTA '23: "Guided Retraining to Enhance ..." ISSTA '23: "CodeGrid: A Grid Representation ..."
Ko, Steven Y. ISSTA '23: "SymRustC: A Hybrid Fuzzer ..."
Kong, Kelvin Kai Wen ISSTA '23: "Synthesizing Speech Test Cases ..."
Kong, Queping ISSTA '23: "DeFiTainter: Detecting Price ..."
Kuhn, Roland ISSTA '23: "Behaviorally Typed State Machines ..."
Lam, Wing ISSTA '23: "Systematically Producing Test ..."
Lau, Julia Kaiwen ISSTA '23: "Synthesizing Speech Test Cases ..."
Laybourn, Isabella ISSTA '23: "Guiding Greybox Fuzzing with ..."
Legunsen, Owolabi ISSTA '23: "Extracting Inline Tests from ..." ISSTA '23: "More Precise Regression Test ..."
Lehmann, Daniel ISSTA '23: "That’s a Tough Call: Studying ..."
Levine, Reese ISSTA '23: "GPUHarbor: Testing GPU Memory ..."
Li, Albert ISSTA '23: "Rare Path Guided Fuzzing ..."
Li, Ao ISSTA '23: "Guiding Greybox Fuzzing with ..."
Li, Changwen ISSTA '23: "Simulation-Based Validation ..."
Li, Chao ISSTA '23: "An Empirical Study on Concurrency ..."
Li, Chengpeng ISSTA '23: "Systematically Producing Test ..."
Li, Ding ISSTA '23: "Eunomia: Enabling User-Specified ..."
Li, Feng ISSTA '23: "Splendor: Static Detection ..."
Li, Ge ISSTA '23: "CODEP: Grammatical Seq2Seq ..."
Li, Haonan ISSTA '23: "Alligator in Vest: A Practical ..."
Li, Hong ISSTA '23: "Detecting Vulnerabilities ..."
Li, Hui ISSTA '23: "RefBERT: A Two-Stage Pre-trained ..."
Li, Huizhong ISSTA '23: "Detecting State Inconsistency ..."
Li, Jianfeng ISSTA '23: "CydiOS: A Model-Based Testing ..."