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2013 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), July 15–20, 2013, Lugano, Switzerland

ISSTA 2013 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abreu, Rui ISSTA '13: "Threats to the Validity and ..."
Alipour, Mohammad Amin ISSTA '13: "Comparing Non-adequate Test ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ISSTA '13: "Does Automated White-Box Test ..."
Bansal, Sorav ISSTA '13: "Variable and Thread Bounding ..."
Barr, Earl T. ISSTA '13: "Collecting a Heap of Shapes ..."
Basin, David ISSTA '13: "Semi-valid Input Coverage ..."
Bermúdez, Santiago ISSTA '13: "Parallel Bounded Analysis ..."
Bindal, Sandeep ISSTA '13: "Variable and Thread Bounding ..."
Bird, Christian ISSTA '13: "Collecting a Heap of Shapes ..."
Blas, Guido Marucci ISSTA '13: "Parallel Bounded Analysis ..."
Bonacchi, Andrea ISSTA '13: "Formal Safety Proof: A Real ..."
Buda, Teodora Sandra ISSTA '13: "Generation of Test Databases ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ISSTA '13: "Data Model Property Inference ..."
Chen, Yuanjun ISSTA '13: "Dynamically Validating Static ..."
Chockler, Hana ISSTA '13: "Finding Rare Numerical Stability ..."
Dashti, Mohammad Torabi ISSTA '13: "Semi-valid Input Coverage ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ISSTA '13: "Orthogonal Exploration of ..."
De Melo, Ana C. V. ISSTA '13: "Generation of Java Programs ..."
De Rosso, Santiago Perez ISSTA '13: "Parallel Bounded Analysis ..."
Devaki, Pranavadatta ISSTA '13: "Efficient and Flexible GUI ..."
Dig, Danny ISSTA '13: "Practical Static Race Detection ..."
Dong, Jin Song ISSTA '13: "Combining Model Checking and ..."
Dwyer, Matthew B. ISSTA '13: "Optimizing Monitoring of Finite ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ISSTA '13: "Optimizing Monitoring of Finite ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ISSTA '13: "Automatically Repairing Broken ..."
Even, Karine ISSTA '13: "Finding Rare Numerical Stability ..."
Fogel, Ari ISSTA '13: "Declarative Mocking ..."
Fraser, Gordon ISSTA '13: "Does Automated White-Box Test ..."
Frenkel, Marcus ISSTA '13: "Threats to the Validity and ..."
Frias, Marcelo F. ISSTA '13: "Parallel Bounded Analysis ..."
Galeotti, Juan ISSTA '13: "Parallel Bounded Analysis ..."
Ghaith, Shadi ISSTA '13: "Analysis of Performance Regression ..."
Giannakopoulou, Dimitra ISSTA '13: "Hybrid Learning: Interface ..."
Gligoric, Milos ISSTA '13: "Selective Mutation Testing ..." ISSTA '13: "Comparing Non-adequate Test ..."
Govindan, Ramesh ISSTA '13: "Calculating Source Line Level ..."
Groce, Alex ISSTA '13: "Comparing Non-adequate Test ..."
Gui, Lin ISSTA '13: "Combining Model Checking and ..."
Guy, Lotem ISSTA '13: "Finding Your Way in the Testing ..."
Halfond, William G. J. ISSTA '13: "Calculating Source Line Level ..."
Han, Shi ISSTA '13: "Context-Sensitive Delta Inference ..."
Hanazumi, Simone ISSTA '13: "Generation of Java Programs ..."
Hao, Shuai ISSTA '13: "Calculating Source Line Level ..."
Harrold, Mary Jean ISSTA '13: "Griffin: Grouping Suspicious ..."
Hicks, Rebecca ISSTA '13: "Declarative Mocking ..."
Hills, Mark ISSTA '13: "An Empirical Study of PHP ..."
Howar, Falk ISSTA '13: "Hybrid Learning: Interface ..."
Jensen, Casper S. ISSTA '13: "Automated Testing with Targeted ..."
Jin, Wei ISSTA '13: "F3: Fault Localization for ..."
Khurshid, Sarfraz ISSTA '13: "Faster Mutation Testing Inspired ..."
Kifetew, Fitsum M. ISSTA '13: "Orthogonal Exploration of ..."
Klint, Paul ISSTA '13: "An Empirical Study of PHP ..."
Lal, Akash ISSTA '13: "Variable and Thread Bounding ..."
Lei, Yan ISSTA '13: "Using Automated Program Repair ..."
Li, Ding ISSTA '13: "Calculating Source Line Level ..."
Li, Mengchen ISSTA '13: "Dynamically Validating Static ..."
Liu, Yang ISSTA '13: "Combining Model Checking and ..."
Lü, Hao ISSTA '13: "Automatically Repairing Broken ..."
Luo, Qingzhou ISSTA '13: "EnforceMOP: A Runtime Property ..."
Mao, Xiaoguang ISSTA '13: "Using Automated Program Repair ..."
Marinov, Darko ISSTA '13: "Faster Mutation Testing Inspired ..." ISSTA '13: "Comparing Non-adequate Test ..."
Marron, Mark ISSTA '13: "Collecting a Heap of Shapes ..."
McMinn, Phil ISSTA '13: "Does Automated White-Box Test ..."
Millstein, Todd ISSTA '13: "Declarative Mocking ..."
Møller, Anders ISSTA '13: "Automated Testing with Targeted ..."
Nijjar, Jaideep ISSTA '13: "Data Model Property Inference ..."
Oliveto, Rocco ISSTA '13: "Orthogonal Exploration of ..."
Orso, Alessandro ISSTA '13: "F3: Fault Localization for ..."
Padberg, Frank ISSTA '13: "Does Automated White-Box Test ..."
Panichella, Annibale ISSTA '13: "Orthogonal Exploration of ..."
Park, Sangmin ISSTA '13: "Debugging Non-deadlock Concurrency ..." ISSTA '13: "Griffin: Grouping Suspicious ..."
Pereira, Cristiano ISSTA '13: "Selective Mutation Testing ..."
Pizzagalli, Lucas ISSTA '13: "Parallel Bounded Analysis ..."
Pokam, Gilles ISSTA '13: "Selective Mutation Testing ..."
Prasad, Mukul R. ISSTA '13: "Automated Testing with Targeted ..."
Purandare, Rahul ISSTA '13: "Optimizing Monitoring of Finite ..."
Qi, Dawei ISSTA '13: "Expressing and Checking Intended ..."
Qi, Yuhua ISSTA '13: "Using Automated Program Repair ..."
Radoi, Cosmin ISSTA '13: "Practical Static Race Detection ..."
Rakamarić, Zvonimir ISSTA '13: "Hybrid Learning: Interface ..."
Rosner, Nicolás ISSTA '13: "Parallel Bounded Analysis ..."
Roşu, Grigore ISSTA '13: "EnforceMOP: A Runtime Property ..."
Rothermel, Gregg ISSTA '13: "SimRacer: An Automated Framework ..."
Roychoudhury, Abhik ISSTA '13: "Expressing and Checking Intended ..."
Ryder, Barbara G. ISSTA '13: "Practical Blended Taint Analysis ..."
Samimi, Hesam ISSTA '13: "Declarative Mocking ..."
Sharma, Rohan ISSTA '13: "Comparing Non-adequate Test ..."
Si, Yuan Jie ISSTA '13: "Combining Model Checking and ..."
Singhania, Nimit ISSTA '13: "Efficient and Flexible GUI ..."
Sinha, Saurabh ISSTA '13: "Efficient and Flexible GUI ..."
Srisa-an, Witawas ISSTA '13: "SimRacer: An Automated Framework ..."
Staats, Matt ISSTA '13: "Does Automated White-Box Test ..."
Steimann, Friedrich ISSTA '13: "Threats to the Validity and ..."
Sun, Jun ISSTA '13: "Combining Model Checking and ..."
Tan, Shin Hwei ISSTA '13: "Expressing and Checking Intended ..."
Thüm, Thomas ISSTA '13: "Product-Line Verification ..."
Thummalapenta, Suresh ISSTA '13: "Efficient and Flexible GUI ..."
Tonella, Paolo ISSTA '13: "Orthogonal Exploration of ..."
Tripp, Omer ISSTA '13: "Finding Your Way in the Testing ..."
Tsankov, Petar ISSTA '13: "Semi-valid Input Coverage ..."
Vinju, Jurgen ISSTA '13: "An Empirical Study of PHP ..."
Vuduc, Richard ISSTA '13: "Griffin: Grouping Suspicious ..."
Wang, Chengsong ISSTA '13: "Using Automated Program Repair ..."
Wang, Linzhang ISSTA '13: "Dynamically Validating Static ..."
Wang, Xin Yu ISSTA '13: "Combining Model Checking and ..."
Wei, Shiyi ISSTA '13: "Practical Blended Taint Analysis ..."
Weisman, Omri ISSTA '13: "Finding Your Way in the Testing ..."
Xiao, Xusheng ISSTA '13: "Context-Sensitive Delta Inference ..."
Xie, Tao ISSTA '13: "Context-Sensitive Delta Inference ..."
Xu, Guoqing ISSTA '13: "Dynamically Validating Static ..."
Yahav, Eran ISSTA '13: "Finding Rare Numerical Stability ..."
Yi, Jooyong ISSTA '13: "Expressing and Checking Intended ..."
Yu, Tingting ISSTA '13: "SimRacer: An Automated Framework ..."
Zemín, Luciano ISSTA '13: "Parallel Bounded Analysis ..."
Zhang, Chaoqiang ISSTA '13: "Comparing Non-adequate Test ..."
Zhang, Dongmei ISSTA '13: "Context-Sensitive Delta Inference ..."
Zhang, Lingming ISSTA '13: "Selective Mutation Testing ..." ISSTA '13: "Faster Mutation Testing Inspired ..."
Zhang, Sai ISSTA '13: "Automatically Repairing Broken ..."

121 authors

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