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36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE Companion 2014), May 31 – June 7, 2014, Hyderabad, India

ICSE Companion 2014 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abrahamson, Jenny ICSE Companion '14: "Shedding Light on Distributed ..."
Aceituna, Daniel ICSE Companion '14: "A Systematic Approach to Transforming ..."
Adams, Bram ICSE Companion '14: "Collecting and Leveraging ..."
Aho, Timo ICSE Companion '14: "Knowledge Transfer in Collaborative ..."
Al Ali, Rima ICSE Companion '14: "DEECo: An Ecosystem for Cyber-Physical ..."
Aldrich, Jonathan ICSE Companion '14: "Collaborative Infrastructure ..."
Alexandron, Giora ICSE Companion '14: "Scenario-Based Programming: ..."
Al-Kofahi, Jafar ICSE Companion '14: "Fault Localization for Build ..."
Alperowitz, Lukas ICSE Companion '14: "Introduction of Continuous ..."
Alqassem, Israa ICSE Companion '14: "Privacy and Security Requirements ..."
Amir, Bilal ICSE Companion '14: "Proposing a Theory of Gamification ..."
Amor, Robert ICSE Companion '14: "Towards Designing Assistive ..."
Antkiewicz, Michał ICSE Companion '14: "Flexible Product Line Engineering ..."
Antón, Annie I. ICSE Companion '14: "Tracking Requirements Evolution ..."
Armaly, Ameer ICSE Companion '14: "Reusable Execution Replay: ..."
Armoni, Michal ICSE Companion '14: "Scenario-Based Programming: ..."
Arnold-Saritepe, Angela ICSE Companion '14: "Towards Designing Assistive ..."
Attard, Conrad ICSE Companion '14: "Leveraging P2P Networks to ..."
Attard, Sebastian ICSE Companion '14: "Leveraging P2P Networks to ..."
Babar, Muhammad Ali ICSE Companion '14: "An Inverted Classroom Experience: ..."
Baltes, Sebastian ICSE Companion '14: "RegViz: Visual Debugging of ..."
Bang, Jae young ICSE Companion '14: "ViVA: A Visualization and ..."
Baquero, Alegria ICSE Companion '14: "COASTmed: Software Architectures ..."
Barbosa, Eiji Adachi ICSE Companion '14: "Improving Exception Handling ..."
Barik, Titus ICSE Companion '14: "Compiler Error Notifications ..."
Baysal, Olga ICSE Companion '14: "DASHboards: Enhancing Developer ..."
Beck, Fabian ICSE Companion '14: "RegViz: Visual Debugging of ..."
Becker, Martin ICSE Companion '14: "Timing Challenges in Automotive ..."
Becker, Steffen ICSE Companion '14: "The MechatronicUML Method: ..."
Belaggoun, Amel ICSE Companion '14: "A World Full of Surprises: ..."
Bell, Jonathan ICSE Companion '14: "VMVM: Unit Test Virtualization ..."
Bencomo, Nelly ICSE Companion '14: "A World Full of Surprises: ..."
Bennion, Matthew ICSE Companion '14: "A Candid Industrial Evaluation ..."
Berger, Thorsten ICSE Companion '14: "Flexible Product Line Engineering ..."
Beschastnikh, Ivan ICSE Companion '14: "Mining Precise Performance-Aware ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Shedding Light on Distributed ..."
Bhat, Sushanth ICSE Companion '14: "Avoiding Deadlocks using Stalemate ..."
Bichhawat, Abhishek ICSE Companion '14: "Exception Handling for Dynamic ..."
Biegel, Benjamin ICSE Companion '14: "RegViz: Visual Debugging of ..."
Billingsley, William ICSE Companion '14: "Towards a Supercollaborative ..."
Bird, Christian ICSE Companion '14: "Analyzing Software Data: After ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Extrinsic Influence Factors ..."
Bosch, Jan ICSE Companion '14: "Automated Software Integration ..."
Bosu, Amiangshu ICSE Companion '14: "Characteristics of the Vulnerable ..."
Bradshaw, Ben ICSE Companion '14: "Cloudlet-Based Cyber-Foraging ..."
Branchaud, Josh ICSE Companion '14: "Development Context Driven ..."
Brand, Denys ICSE Companion '14: "Towards Designing Assistive ..."
Bruegge, Bernd ICSE Companion '14: "Reproducing Software Failures ..."
Brun, Yuriy ICSE Companion '14: "Mining Precise Performance-Aware ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Shedding Light on Distributed ..."
Bures, Tomas ICSE Companion '14: "DEECo: An Ecosystem for Cyber-Physical ..."
Cadar, Cristian ICSE Companion '14: "Shadow Symbolic Execution ..."
Cafeo, Bruno B. P. ICSE Companion '14: "Enhancing Feature Interfaces ..."
Camilli, Matteo ICSE Companion '14: "Formal Verification Problems ..."
Capretz, Luiz Fernando ICSE Companion '14: "Calibrating Use Case Points ..."
Chakraborty, Samarjit ICSE Companion '14: "Timing Challenges in Automotive ..."
Chen, Cong ICSE Companion '14: "Who Asked What: Integrating ..."
Chen, Manman ICSE Companion '14: "VeriWS: A Tool for Verification ..."
Chen, Mingsong ICSE Companion '14: "A Novel Quantitative Evaluation ..."
Chen, Tsong Yueh ICSE Companion '14: "Metamorphic Fault Tolerance: ..."
Chen, Wenguang ICSE Companion '14: "Nondeterminism in MapReduce ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ICSE Companion '14: "Hybrid Test Data Generation ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Quasi-Crowdsourcing Testing ..."
Cleaveland, Rance ICSE Companion '14: "Assessing Model-Based Testing: ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ICSE Companion '14: "An Inverted Classroom Experience: ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Ready-Set-Transfer: Exploring ..."
Cohen, Myra B. ICSE Companion '14: "Configurations Everywhere: ..."
CP, Rahul Raj ICSE Companion '14: "An Optimized Design Approach ..."
Craig, Michelle ICSE Companion '14: "Lessons Learned Managing Distributed ..."
Czarnecki, Krzysztof ICSE Companion '14: "Flexible Product Line Engineering ..."
Czerwonka, Jacek ICSE Companion '14: "Active Files as a Measure ..."
Damian, Daniela ICSE Companion '14: "Ready-Set-Transfer: Exploring ..."
Deering, Tom ICSE Companion '14: "Atlas: A New Way to Explore ..."
Desrosiers, Patrick ICSE Companion '14: "Software Feature Location ..."
Deursen, Arie van ICSE Companion '14: "Software Engineering for the ..." ICSE Companion '14: "How to Build a Good Practice ..."
Di Martino, Catello ICSE Companion '14: "Characterization of Operational ..."
Ding, Rui ICSE Companion '14: "Where Do Developers Log? An ..."
Ding, Zuohua ICSE Companion '14: "Modeling Self-Adaptive Software ..."
Dit, Bogdan ICSE Companion '14: "ImpactMiner: A Tool for Change ..."
Do, Hyunsook ICSE Companion '14: "A Systematic Approach to Transforming ..."
Dong, Jin Song ICSE Companion '14: "VeriWS: A Tool for Verification ..."
Du, Dehui ICSE Companion '14: "A Novel Quantitative Evaluation ..."
Dubey, Alpana ICSE Companion '14: "Deploying an Online Software ..."
Duesterwald, Evelyn ICSE Companion '14: "New Opportunities for Extracting ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Characterizing Defect Trends ..."
Dwyer, Matthew B. ICSE Companion '14: "Development Context Driven ..." ICSE Companion '14: "A Framework to Advise Tests ..."
Dziwok, Stefan ICSE Companion '14: "The MechatronicUML Method: ..."
Echeverría, Sebastian ICSE Companion '14: "Cloudlet-Based Cyber-Foraging ..."
Edwards, Stephen H. ICSE Companion '14: "Comparing Test Quality Measures ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ICSE Companion '14: "A Framework to Advise Tests ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ICSE Companion '14: "Shedding Light on Distributed ..."
Falessi, Davide ICSE Companion '14: "On Failure Classification: ..."
Fang, Chunrong ICSE Companion '14: "Hybrid Test Data Generation ..."
Ferrario, Maria Angela ICSE Companion '14: "Software Engineering for 'Social ..."
Ferris, Casey ICSE Companion '14: "Reusable Execution Replay: ..."
Fitzgerald, Brian ICSE Companion '14: "Evidence-Based Decision Making ..."
Forshaw, Stephen ICSE Companion '14: "Software Engineering for 'Social ..."
Fox, Armando ICSE Companion '14: "Using MOOCs to Reinvigorate ..."
Fritz, Thomas ICSE Companion '14: "Automatic Search Term Identification ..."
Fu, Qiang ICSE Companion '14: "Where Do Developers Log? An ..."
Fucci, Davide ICSE Companion '14: "Understanding the Dynamics ..."
Fukuyasu, Naoki ICSE Companion '14: "Quantitative Assessment with ..."
Ganesan, Dharmalingam ICSE Companion '14: "Assessing Model-Based Testing: ..."
Ganesan, Rajeshwari ICSE Companion '14: "Characterization of Operational ..."
Ganesha Venkatesha, Srinivasa ICSE Companion '14: "Empirical Insights into the ..."
Garcia, Joshua ICSE Companion '14: "ViVA: A Visualization and ..."
Gay, Gregory ICSE Companion '14: "Steering Model-Based Oracles ..."
Geier, Martin ICSE Companion '14: "Timing Challenges in Automotive ..."
Gerkin, Richard C. ICSE Companion '14: "Collaborative Infrastructure ..."
Gerking, Christopher ICSE Companion '14: "The MechatronicUML Method: ..."
German, Daniel M. ICSE Companion '14: "Quantifying Programmers' ..."
Gerostathopoulos, Ilias ICSE Companion '14: "DEECo: An Ecosystem for Cyber-Physical ..."
Ghaisas, Smita ICSE Companion '14: "Ready-Set-Transfer: Exploring ..."
Gias, Alim Ul ICSE Companion '14: "An Adaptive Bayesian Approach ..."
Godfrey, Michael W. ICSE Companion '14: "DASHboards: Enhancing Developer ..."
Goel, Geetika ICSE Companion '14: "Characterization of Operational ..."
Goffi, Alberto ICSE Companion '14: "Automatic Generation of Cost-Effective ..."
Goldman, Daniel ICSE Companion '14: "Assessing Model-Based Testing: ..."
Goldstein, Maayan ICSE Companion '14: "Improving Software through ..."
Gordon, Michal ICSE Companion '14: "Scenario-Based Programming: ..."
Grünbacher, Paul ICSE Companion '14: "A Case Study on Testing, Commissioning, ..."
Gulan, Stefan ICSE Companion '14: "RegViz: Visual Debugging of ..."
Guo, Zhenyu ICSE Companion '14: "Nondeterminism in MapReduce ..."
Gupta, Monika ICSE Companion '14: "Nirikshan: Process Mining ..."
Gupta, Shrinath ICSE Companion '14: "An Automated Approach to Detect ..."
Habli, Ibrahim ICSE Companion '14: "A Candid Industrial Evaluation ..."
Haller, Philipp ICSE Companion '14: "Functional Programming For ..."
Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab ICSE Companion '14: "Software Feature Location ..."
Harel, David ICSE Companion '14: "Scenario-Based Programming: ..."
Hassan, Ahmed E. ICSE Companion '14: "Collecting and Leveraging ..."
Hata, Hideaki ICSE Companion '14: "Bugarium: 3D Interaction for ..."
Haupt, Brigitte ICSE Companion '14: "Collecting and Leveraging ..."
Heikkilä, Ville ICSE Companion '14: "Teaching Students Scrum using ..."
Heimdahl, Mats P. E. ICSE Companion '14: "Steering Model-Based Oracles ..."
Heinemann, Lars ICSE Companion '14: "Teamscale: Software Quality ..."
Heinzemann, Christian ICSE Companion '14: "The MechatronicUML Method: ..."
Herbsleb, James ICSE Companion '14: "Socio-Technical Coordination ..."
Heymann, Juergen ICSE Companion '14: "Empirical Insights into the ..."
Hnetynka, Petr ICSE Companion '14: "DEECo: An Ecosystem for Cyber-Physical ..."
Ho, Danny ICSE Companion '14: "Calibrating Use Case Points ..."
Hoda, Rashina ICSE Companion '14: "Towards Designing Assistive ..."
Holmes, Reid ICSE Companion '14: "DASHboards: Enhancing Developer ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Integrating Software Project ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Lessons Learned Managing Distributed ..."
Hoseini, Salman ICSE Companion '14: "Software Feature Location ..."
Hu, Songlin ICSE Companion '14: "APISynth: A New Graph-Based ..."
Hu, Wenlu ICSE Companion '14: "Where Do Developers Log? An ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang ICSE Companion '14: "Writing Bidirectional Model ..."
Huang, Shihong ICSE Companion '14: "Brainware: Synergizing Software ..."
Hudepohl, John ICSE Companion '14: "Deploying an Online Software ..."
Huffman Hayes, Jane ICSE Companion '14: "On Failure Classification: ..."
Huijgens, Hennie ICSE Companion '14: "How to Build a Good Practice ..."
Hummel, Benjamin ICSE Companion '14: "Teamscale: Software Quality ..."
Iftikhar, M. Usman ICSE Companion '14: "Assuring System Goals under ..."
Igaki, Hiroshi ICSE Companion '14: "Quantitative Assessment with ..."
Iimura, Yukako ICSE Companion '14: "Tracking Requirements Evolution ..."
Infante, Alejandro ICSE Companion '14: "Identifying Caching Opportunities, ..."
Inozemtseva, Laura ICSE Companion '14: "Integrating Software Project ..."
Iyer, Ravishankar K. ICSE Companion '14: "Characterization of Operational ..."
Jacobellis, John ICSE Companion '14: "Cookbook: In Situ Code Completion ..."
Jain, Manasvi ICSE Companion '14: "An Optimized Design Approach ..."
Ji, Wenbin ICSE Companion '14: "Flexible Product Line Engineering ..."
Jiang, Wei ICSE Companion '14: "APISynth: A New Graph-Based ..."
Jin, Dongpu ICSE Companion '14: "Configurations Everywhere: ..."
Jing, Xiao-Yuan ICSE Companion '14: "Software Defect Prediction ..."
Johnson, Brittany ICSE Companion '14: "Compiler Error Notifications ..."
Juergens, Elmar ICSE Companion '14: "Collecting and Leveraging ..."
Kagdi, Huzefa ICSE Companion '14: "ImpactMiner: A Tool for Change ..."
Kaiser, Gail ICSE Companion '14: "VMVM: Unit Test Virtualization ..."
Kalbarczyk, Zbigniew ICSE Companion '14: "Characterization of Operational ..."
Kamei, Yasutaka ICSE Companion '14: "Quantifying Programmers' ..."
Kamma, Damodaram ICSE Companion '14: "Study of Task Processes for ..."
Kevic, Katja ICSE Companion '14: "Automatic Search Term Identification ..."
Keznikl, Jaroslav ICSE Companion '14: "DEECo: An Ecosystem for Cyber-Physical ..."
Kidwell, Bill ICSE Companion '14: "On Failure Classification: ..."
Kilamo, Terhi ICSE Companion '14: "Knowledge Transfer in Collaborative ..."
Kim, Miryung ICSE Companion '14: "Cookbook: In Situ Code Completion ..."
Kit, Michal ICSE Companion '14: "DEECo: An Ecosystem for Cyber-Physical ..."
Klinger, Tim ICSE Companion '14: "Characterizing Defect Trends ..."
Knudson, Dean ICSE Companion '14: "Investigating the Skill Gap ..."
Kochhar, Pavneet Singh ICSE Companion '14: "BOAT: An Experimental Platform ..."
Kononenko, Oleksii ICSE Companion '14: "DASHboards: Enhancing Developer ..."
Koontz, Ronald J. ICSE Companion '14: "Architectural Dependency Analysis ..."
Koskinen, Johannes ICSE Companion '14: "Knowledge Transfer in Collaborative ..."
Kothari, Suresh ICSE Companion '14: "Atlas: A New Way to Explore ..."
Kotonya, Gerald ICSE Companion '14: "Teaching Reuse-Driven Software ..."
Kramer, Jeff ICSE Companion '14: "LTSA-PCA: Tool Support for ..."
Krstić, Srđan ICSE Companion '14: "Quantitative Properties of ..."
Krusche, Stephan ICSE Companion '14: "Introduction of Continuous ..."
Kusumoto, Shinji ICSE Companion '14: "Quantitative Assessment with ..."
Lämmel, Ralf ICSE Companion '14: "Flexible Product Line Engineering ..."
Lassenius, Casper ICSE Companion '14: "Teaching Students Scrum using ..."
Lautamäki, Janne ICSE Companion '14: "Knowledge Transfer in Collaborative ..."
Lawall, Julia ICSE Companion '14: "SEWordSim: Software-Specific ..."
Leavens, Gary T. ICSE Companion '14: "Verily: A Web Framework for ..."
Lee, Jaejoon ICSE Companion '14: "Teaching Reuse-Driven Software ..."
Lee, Youn Kyu ICSE Companion '14: "ViVA: A Visualization and ..."
Lewis, Grace A. ICSE Companion '14: "Cloudlet-Based Cyber-Foraging ..."
Li, Shanping ICSE Companion '14: "BOAT: An Experimental Platform ..."
Lin, Qingwei ICSE Companion '14: "Where Do Developers Log? An ..."
Lin, Wei ICSE Companion '14: "Nondeterminism in MapReduce ..."
Linares-Vásquez, Mario ICSE Companion '14: "ImpactMiner: A Tool for Change ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Supporting Evolution and Maintenance ..."
Lindvall, Mikael ICSE Companion '14: "Assessing Model-Based Testing: ..."
Litoiu, Marin ICSE Companion '14: "A Runtime Cloud Efficiency ..."
Liu, Huai ICSE Companion '14: "Metamorphic Fault Tolerance: ..."
Liu, Xiao ICSE Companion '14: "A Novel Quantitative Evaluation ..."
Liu, Yang ICSE Companion '14: "VeriWS: A Tool for Verification ..."
Liu, Yue ICSE Companion '14: "APISynth: A New Graph-Based ..."
Liu, Zicong ICSE Companion '14: "Hybrid Test Data Generation ..."
Lo, David ICSE Companion '14: "SEWordSim: Software-Specific ..." ICSE Companion '14: "BOAT: An Experimental Platform ..."
Lou, Jian-Guang ICSE Companion '14: "Where Do Developers Log? An ..."
Luo, Bin ICSE Companion '14: "Quasi-Crowdsourcing Testing ..."
Luo, Guiming ICSE Companion '14: "Modeling and Model Checking ..."
Lupu, Emil ICSE Companion '14: "LTSA-PCA: Tool Support for ..."
Lv, Chen ICSE Companion '14: "APISynth: A New Graph-Based ..."
Ma, Zhiyi ICSE Companion '14: "Model-Driven Development of ..."
Mangion, Andrea ICSE Companion '14: "Leveraging P2P Networks to ..."
Mani, Senthil ICSE Companion '14: "Improving Enterprise Software ..."
Maplesden, David ICSE Companion '14: "Performance Analysis of Object-Oriented ..."
Martinez, Matias ICSE Companion '14: "Do the Fix Ingredients Already ..."
Masrur, Alejandro ICSE Companion '14: "Timing Challenges in Automotive ..."
Massey, Aaron K. ICSE Companion '14: "Tracking Requirements Evolution ..."
Mathews, Jon ICSE Companion '14: "Atlas: A New Way to Explore ..."
Matsumoto, Kenichi ICSE Companion '14: "Quantifying Programmers' ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Bugarium: 3D Interaction for ..."
Matsumoto, Shinsuke ICSE Companion '14: "Quantitative Assessment with ..."
Mattavelli, Andrea ICSE Companion '14: "Understanding the Redundancy ..."
Mayr, Alois ICSE Companion '14: "Objective Safety Compliance ..."
McDirmid, Sean ICSE Companion '14: "Nondeterminism in MapReduce ..."
McIntosh, Shane ICSE Companion '14: "Collecting and Leveraging ..."
McMillan, Collin ICSE Companion '14: "Reusable Execution Replay: ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Teaching Students to Understand ..."
Medvidovic, Nenad ICSE Companion '14: "ViVA: A Visualization and ..."
Meng, Na ICSE Companion '14: "Cookbook: In Situ Code Completion ..."
Menghi, Claudio ICSE Companion '14: "Verifying Incomplete and Evolving ..."
Menzies, Tim ICSE Companion '14: "Analyzing Software Data: After ..."
Mesbah, Ali ICSE Companion '14: "Software Engineering for the ..."
Metson, Samuel ICSE Companion '14: "Towards Designing Assistive ..."
Meyer, Matthias ICSE Companion '14: "The MechatronicUML Method: ..."
Micallef, Mark ICSE Companion '14: "Leveraging P2P Networks to ..."
Mikkonen, Tommi ICSE Companion '14: "Knowledge Transfer in Collaborative ..."
Miller, Heather ICSE Companion '14: "Functional Programming For ..."
Mirakhorli, Mehdi ICSE Companion '14: "An Inverted Classroom Experience: ..."
Mittal, Megha ICSE Companion '14: "Process Mining Software Repositories ..."
Mockus, Audris ICSE Companion '14: "Product Assignment Recommender ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Collecting and Leveraging ..."
Moisy, Sylvie ICSE Companion '14: "Deploying an Online Software ..."
Monden, Akito ICSE Companion '14: "Quantifying Programmers' ..."
Monperrus, Martin ICSE Companion '14: "Do the Fix Ingredients Already ..."
Morales-Ramirez, Itzel ICSE Companion '14: "Who is the Expert? Combining ..."
Morandini, Mirko ICSE Companion '14: "Who is the Expert? Combining ..."
Moreno, Laura ICSE Companion '14: "Summarization of Complex Software ..."
Moshkovich, Dany ICSE Companion '14: "Improving Software through ..."
Mukherjee, Debdoot ICSE Companion '14: "API as a Social Glue ..."
Murphy-Hill, Emerson ICSE Companion '14: "Compiler Error Notifications ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Experiences Gamifying Developer ..."
Musiał, Mariusz ICSE Companion '14: "Evidence-Based Decision Making ..."
Nagappan, Nachiappan ICSE Companion '14: "Extrinsic Influence Factors ..."
Nair, Anil R. ICSE Companion '14: "Experiences Gamifying Developer ..."
Nakagawa, Takao ICSE Companion '14: "Quantifying Programmers' ..."
Nassif, Ali Bou ICSE Companion '14: "Calibrating Use Case Points ..."
Nederlof, Alex ICSE Companion '14: "Software Engineering for the ..."
Newman, Peter ICSE Companion '14: "Software Engineering for 'Social ..."
Nguyen, Anh Tuan ICSE Companion '14: "Migrating Code with Statistical ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Statistical Learning of API ..."
Nguyen, Hoan Anh ICSE Companion '14: "Statistical Learning of API ..."
Nguyen, Hung Viet ICSE Companion '14: "Fault Localization for Build ..."
Nguyen, Tien N. ICSE Companion '14: "Migrating Code with Statistical ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Characterizing Defect Trends ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Fault Localization for Build ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Statistical Learning of API ..."
Nguyen, Tung Thanh ICSE Companion '14: "Migrating Code with Statistical ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Characterizing Defect Trends ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Statistical Learning of API ..."
Niederer, Hans-Martin ICSE Companion '14: "Deploying an Online Software ..."
Nieminen, Antti ICSE Companion '14: "Knowledge Transfer in Collaborative ..."
Nord, Robert L. ICSE Companion '14: "Architectural Dependency Analysis ..."
Odersky, Martin ICSE Companion '14: "Functional Programming For ..."
Ohmann, Tony ICSE Companion '14: "Mining Precise Performance-Aware ..."
Omar, Cyrus ICSE Companion '14: "Collaborative Infrastructure ..."
Oosterhoff, Richard ICSE Companion '14: "Teaching Students to Understand ..."
Ozkaya, Ipek ICSE Companion '14: "Architectural Dependency Analysis ..."
Paasivaara, Maria ICSE Companion '14: "Teaching Students Scrum using ..."
Pacheco, Hugo ICSE Companion '14: "Writing Bidirectional Model ..."
Padhye, Rohan ICSE Companion '14: "API as a Social Glue ..."
Palikareva, Hristina ICSE Companion '14: "Shadow Symbolic Execution ..."
Palviainen, Jarmo ICSE Companion '14: "Knowledge Transfer in Collaborative ..."
Pandey, Surabhi ICSE Companion '14: "Avoiding Deadlocks using Stalemate ..."
Parachuri, Deepti ICSE Companion '14: "An Empirical Study of Structural ..."
Péraire, Cécile ICSE Companion '14: "State-Based Monitoring and ..."
Perini, Anna ICSE Companion '14: "Who is the Expert? Combining ..."
Person, Suzette ICSE Companion '14: "Development Context Driven ..." ICSE Companion '14: "A Framework to Advise Tests ..."
Picardo, Valerie ICSE Companion '14: "Towards Designing Assistive ..."
Plasil, Frantisek ICSE Companion '14: "DEECo: An Ecosystem for Cyber-Physical ..."
Plesse, François ICSE Companion '14: "Deriving Requirements Model ..."
Plösch, Reinhold ICSE Companion '14: "Objective Safety Compliance ..."
Poehlmann, Martin ICSE Companion '14: "Collecting and Leveraging ..."
Pohlmann, Uwe ICSE Companion '14: "The MechatronicUML Method: ..."
Ponzanelli, Luca ICSE Companion '14: "Holistic Recommender Systems ..."
Poshyvanyk, Denys ICSE Companion '14: "ImpactMiner: A Tool for Change ..."
Prechelt, Lutz ICSE Companion '14: "Distributed-Pair Programming ..."
Qu, Xiao ICSE Companion '14: "Configurations Everywhere: ..."
Rabiser, Rick ICSE Companion '14: "A Case Study on Testing, Commissioning, ..."
Radermacher, Alex ICSE Companion '14: "Investigating the Skill Gap ..."
Ralph, Paul ICSE Companion '14: "Lab-Based Action Design Research ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Proposing a Theory of Gamification ..."
Ranganath, Venkatesh-Prasad ICSE Companion '14: "Extrinsic Influence Factors ..."
Rayadurgam, Sanjai ICSE Companion '14: "Steering Model-Based Oracles ..."
Rayside, Derek ICSE Companion '14: "A Compiler Project with Learning ..."
Redmiles, David ICSE Companion '14: "New Opportunities for Extracting ..."
Reid, Karen ICSE Companion '14: "Lessons Learned Managing Distributed ..."
Rizzi, Alessandro Maria ICSE Companion '14: "Incremental Reachability Checking ..."
Robinson, Brian ICSE Companion '14: "Configurations Everywhere: ..."
Rodrigues, Pedro ICSE Companion '14: "LTSA-PCA: Tool Support for ..."
Roehm, Tobias ICSE Companion '14: "Reproducing Software Failures ..."
Root, James ICSE Companion '14: "Cloudlet-Based Cyber-Foraging ..."
Roy, Suman ICSE Companion '14: "Deriving Requirements Model ..."
Roy Choudhary, Shauvik ICSE Companion '14: "Cross-Platform Testing and ..."
Rungta, Neha ICSE Companion '14: "Development Context Driven ..."
Rytz, Lukas ICSE Companion '14: "Functional Programming For ..."
Saft, Matthias ICSE Companion '14: "Objective Safety Compliance ..."
Saiki, Sachio ICSE Companion '14: "Quantitative Assessment with ..."
Saito, Shinobu ICSE Companion '14: "Tracking Requirements Evolution ..."
Sajeev, A. S. M. ICSE Companion '14: "An Empirical Study of Structural ..." ICSE Companion '14: "Deriving Requirements Model ..."
Sajnani, Hitesh ICSE Companion '14: "Active Files as a Measure ..."
Sakib, Kazi ICSE Companion '14: "An Adaptive Bayesian Approach ..."
Salinger, Stephan ICSE Companion '14: "Distributed-Pair Programming ..."
Sangwan, Raghvinder S. ICSE Companion '14: "Architectural Dependency Analysis ..."
Santhanam, P. ICSE Companion '14: "Characterizing Defect Trends ..."
Santos, Rodrigo Pereira dos ICSE Companion '14: "ReuseSEEM: An Approach to ..."
Sarkar, Santonu ICSE Companion '14: "Characterization of Operational ..."
Sarma, Anita ICSE Companion '14: "Development Context Driven ..."
Sauceda, Jeremias ICSE Companion '14: "Atlas: A New Way to Explore ..."
Sawant, Kiran Prakash ICSE Companion '14: "Deriving Requirements Model ..."