ICSE 2012
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), June 2–9, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

ICSE 2012 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Adams, Bram ICSE '12: "Using the GPGPU for Scaling ..." ICSE '12: "Five Days of Empirical Software ..."
Adve, Vikram ICSE '12: "Understanding Integer Overflow ..."
Aldrich, Jonathan ICSE '12: "Statically Checking API Protocol ..."
Alkhalaf, Muath ICSE '12: "Verifying Client-Side Input ..."
Al-Kofahi, Jafar ICSE '12: "Graph-Based Pattern-Oriented, ..."
Alrajeh, Dalal ICSE '12: "Generating Obstacle Conditions ..."
Alshahwan, Nadia ICSE '12: "Augmenting Test Suites Effectiveness ..."
Alves, Péricles ICSE '12: "ConcernReCS: Finding Code ..."
Anckaerts, Guy ICSE '12: "Efficient Reuse of Domain-Specific ..."
Andronick, June ICSE '12: "Large-Scale Formal Verification ..."
Antoniol, Giuliano ICSE '12: "Five Days of Empirical Software ..."
Antunes, Bruno ICSE '12: "SDiC: Context-Based Retrieval ..."
Apel, Sven ICSE '12: "Predicting Performance via ..."
April, Alain ICSE '12: "Integrating Tools and Frameworks ..."
Arcuri, Andrea ICSE '12: "Sound Empirical Evidence in ..."
Artzi, Shay ICSE '12: "Automated Repair of HTML Generation ..."
Astesiano, Egidio ICSE '12: "SOA Adoption in the Italian ..."
Astromskis, Saulius ICSE '12: "Egidio: A Non-Invasive Approach ..."
Atkinson, Colin ICSE '12: "Symbiotic General-Purpose ..."
Avancini, Andrea ICSE '12: "Security Testing of Web Applications: ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto ICSE '12: "Content Classification of ..."
Bagnato, Alessandra ICSE '12: "FastFix: Monitoring Control ..."
Bailey, Brian P. ICSE '12: "Use, Disuse, and Misuse of ..."
Bailey, Christopher ICSE '12: "Application of Self-Adaptive ..."
Balan, Rajesh Krishna ICSE '12: "Overcoming the Challenges ..."
Balasubramaniam, Dharini ICSE '12: "An Automated Approach to Generating ..."
Barais, Olivier ICSE '12: "Towards Flexible Evolution ..."
Barr, Earl T. ICSE '12: "On the Naturalness of Software ..."
Batory, Don ICSE '12: "Predicting Performance via ..."
Bauvin, Renaud ICSE '12: "Efficient Reuse of Domain-Specific ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ICSE '12: "Using Structural and Semantic ..." ICSE '12: "Evaluating the Specificity ..." ICSE '12: "Teaching Software Engineering ..." ICSE '12: "Supporting Extract Class Refactoring ..."
Begel, Andrew ICSE '12: "Facilitating Communication ..."
Bergel, Alexandre ICSE '12: "Object-Centric Debugging ..."
Berre, Arne J. ICSE '12: "Refounding Software Engineering: ..."
Bhattacharya, Pamela ICSE '12: "Graph-Based Analysis and Prediction ..."
Bianculli, Domenico ICSE '12: "Specification Patterns from ..."
Bieman, James M. ICSE '12: "Repository for Model Driven ..."
Billingsley, William ICSE '12: "Using Continuous Integration ..."
Blincoe, Kelly ICSE '12: "Timely and Efficient Facilitation ..." ICSE '12: "Timely Detection of Coordination ..."
Bnayahu, Jonathan ICSE '12: "Making Sense of Healthcare ..."
Böhme, Marcel ICSE '12: "Software Regression as Change ..."
Boos, Kevin ICSE '12: "Brace: An Assertion Framework ..."
Borchers, Jan ICSE '12: "Blaze ..."
Bosnić, Ivana ICSE '12: "Ten Tips to Succeed in Global ..."
Bott, Jared N. ICSE '12: "Code Bubbles: A Practical ..."
Bragdon, Andrew ICSE '12: "Debugger Canvas: Industrial ..."
Braithwaite, Keith ICSE '12: "Software as an Engineering ..."
Brereton, Pearl ICSE '12: "What Scope Is There for Adopting ..."
Brügge, Bernd ICSE '12: "FastFix: Monitoring Control ..."
Brun, Yuriy ICSE '12: "Improving IDE Recommendations ..."
Budgen, David ICSE '12: "What Scope Is There for Adopting ..."
Budi, Aditya ICSE '12: "Active Refinement of Clone ..."
Bultan, Tevfik ICSE '12: "Verifying Client-Side Input ..."
Burge, Janet E. ICSE '12: "Exploring Techniques for Rationale ..."
Buse, Raymond P. L. ICSE '12: "Synthesizing API Usage Examples ..." ICSE '12: "Information Needs for Software ..."
Butler, Simon ICSE '12: "Mining Java Class Identifier ..."
Cadar, Cristian ICSE '12: "make test-zesti: A Symbolic ..."
Cai, Yan ICSE '12: "MagicFuzzer: Scalable Deadlock ..."
Camilli, Matteo ICSE '12: "Petri Nets State Space Analysis ..."
Carbin, Michael ICSE '12: "Automatic Input Rectification ..."
Carzaniga, Antonio ICSE '12: "A Self-Healing Technique for ..."
Casati, Fabio ICSE '12: "Towards Business Processes ..."
Čavrak, Igor ICSE '12: "Collaboration Patterns in ..."
Ceccato, Mariano ICSE '12: "An Empirical Study about the ..."
Champagne, Roger ICSE '12: "Integrating Tools and Frameworks ..."
Chan, W. K. ICSE '12: "MagicFuzzer: Scalable Deadlock ..."
Chandra, Satish ICSE '12: "Automating Test Automation ..."
Chapman, Clovis ICSE '12: "Towards a Federated Cloud ..."
Chatti, Mohamed Amine ICSE '12: "Teaching Collaborative Software ..."
Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander ICSE '12: "Trends in Object-Oriented ..."
Chauvel, Franck ICSE '12: "Towards Flexible Evolution ..."
Chechik, Marsha ICSE '12: "Partial Models: Towards Modeling ..."
Chen, Nicholas ICSE '12: "Use, Disuse, and Misuse of ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ICSE '12: "Multi-label Software Behavior ..."
Cheng, Betty H. C. ICSE '12: "Repository for Model Driven ..."
Chioaşcă, Erol-Valeriu ICSE '12: "Using Machine Learning to ..."
Cinar, Murat ICSE '12: "A Tactic-Centric Approach ..."
Cirilo, Elder ICSE '12: "On the Proactive and Interactive ..."
Classen, Andreas ICSE '12: "Simulation-Based Abstractions ..."
Cleland-Huang, Jane ICSE '12: "A Tactic-Centric Approach ..." ICSE '12: "Recommending Source Code for ..." ICSE '12: "Toward Actionable, Broadly ..." ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
Clesle, Frank-Dieter ICSE '12: "Supporting Sustainability ..."
Colanzi, Thelma Elita ICSE '12: "Search Based Design of Software ..."
Cook, Charles T. ICSE '12: "Specification Engineering ..."
Cordeiro, Joel ICSE '12: "SDiC: Context-Based Retrieval ..."
Cordy, Maxime ICSE '12: "Simulation-Based Abstractions ..."
Corrigan, James M. ICSE '12: "Augmented Intelligence - The ..."
Cowling, Tony ICSE '12: "Stages in Teaching Software ..."
Crnković, Ivica ICSE '12: "Ten Tips to Succeed in Global ..." ICSE '12: "Collaboration Patterns in ..."
Cugola, Gianpaolo ICSE '12: "Writing Dynamic Service Orchestrations ..."
Cunha, Jácome ICSE '12: "A Bidirectional Model-Driven ..." ICSE '12: "MDSheet: A Framework for Model-Driven ..."
Czarnecki, Krzysztof ICSE '12: "Generating Range Fixes for ..."
Czauderna, Adam ICSE '12: "Toward Actionable, Broadly ..." ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
Dagenais, Barthélémy ICSE '12: "Recovering Traceability Links ..." ICSE '12: "Temporal Analysis of API Usage ..."
Dal Sasso, Tommaso ICSE '12: "Content Classification of ..."
D'Ambros, Marco ICSE '12: "Content Classification of ..."
Dang, Yingnong ICSE '12: "Performance Debugging in the ..." ICSE '12: "ReBucket: A Method for Clustering ..."
Daniel, Florian ICSE '12: "Towards Business Processes ..."
Dantas, Francisco ICSE '12: "On the Proactive and Interactive ..."
Dantchev, Guenadi ICSE '12: "Towards Business Processes ..."
Dekhtyar, Alex ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
DeLine, Robert ICSE '12: "Debugger Canvas: Industrial ..."
De Lucia, Andrea ICSE '12: "Evaluating the Specificity ..." ICSE '12: "Teaching Software Engineering ..." ICSE '12: "Supporting Extract Class Refactoring ..."
Demuth, Andreas ICSE '12: "Enabling Dynamic Metamodels ..."
Deprez, Jean-Christophe ICSE '12: "Efficient Reuse of Domain-Specific ..."
Deursen, Arie van ICSE '12: "Test Confessions: A Study ..." ICSE '12: "Detecting and Visualizing ..."
Devanbu, Premkumar ICSE '12: "On the Naturalness of Software ..."
Devos, Nicolas ICSE '12: "Efficient Reuse of Domain-Specific ..."
Dewey-Vogt, Michael ICSE '12: "A Systematic Study of Automated ..."
Dietz, Will ICSE '12: "Understanding Integer Overflow ..."
Dilshener, Tezcan ICSE '12: "Improving Information Retrieval-Based ..."
Di Penta, Massimiliano ICSE '12: "Five Days of Empirical Software ..."
D'Ippolito, Nicolás ICSE '12: "Synthesis of Event-Based Controllers: ..."
Di Ruscio, Davide ICSE '12: "EVOSS: A Tool for Managing ..."
Dit, Bogdan ICSE '12: "Integrated Impact Analysis ..."
Dong, Jin Song ICSE '12: "Analyzing Multi-agent Systems ..."
Dorn, Christoph ICSE '12: "Co-adapting Human Collaborations ..."
Downs, John ICSE '12: "Ambient Awareness of Build ..."
Drummond, Sarah ICSE '12: "What Scope Is There for Adopting ..."
Duala-Ekoko, Ekwa ICSE '12: "Asking and Answering Questions ..."
DuBose, Quinton L. ICSE '12: "Reconciling Manual and Automatic ..."
Duesterwald, Evelyn ICSE '12: "Inferring Developer Expertise ..."
Eder, Sebastian ICSE '12: "How Much Does Unused Code ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ICSE '12: "Amplifying Tests to Validate ..."
Elvesæter, Brian ICSE '12: "Refounding Software Engineering: ..."
Elyasov, Alexander ICSE '12: "Log-Based Testing ..."
Eriksson, Joakim ICSE '12: "Towards Business Processes ..."
Ernst, Michael D. ICSE '12: "CBCD: Cloned Buggy Code Detector ..." ICSE '12: "Improving IDE Recommendations ..."
Estefó, Pablo ICSE '12: "Restructuring Unit Tests with ..."
Esteve, Marie-Aude ICSE '12: "Formal Correctness, Safety, ..."
Faghih, Fathiyeh ICSE '12: "Model Translations among Big-Step ..."
Faloutsos, Michalis ICSE '12: "Graph-Based Analysis and Prediction ..."
Famelis, Michalis ICSE '12: "Partial Models: Towards Modeling ..."
Fan, Jing ICSE '12: "Automatic Parameter Recommendation ..."
Fasano, Fausto ICSE '12: "Teaching Software Engineering ..."
Feng, Yang ICSE '12: "Multi-label Software Behavior ..."
Fernandes, João Paulo ICSE '12: "A Bidirectional Model-Driven ..." ICSE '12: "MDSheet: A Framework for Model-Driven ..."
Ferrari, Fabiano Cutigi ICSE '12: "Development of Auxiliary Functions: ..."
Figueiredo, Eduardo ICSE '12: "ConcernReCS: Finding Code ..."
Finne, Niclas ICSE '12: "Towards Business Processes ..."
Fleurey, Franck ICSE '12: "Towards Flexible Evolution ..."
Fok, Chien-Liang ICSE '12: "Brace: An Assertion Framework ..."
Forbes, Christopher ICSE '12: "When Open Source Turns Cold ..."
Forrest, Stephanie ICSE '12: "A Systematic Study of Automated ..." ICSE '12: "Using Dynamic Analysis to ..."
Foster, Jeffrey S. ICSE '12: "iTree: Efficiently Discovering ..."
Foster, Stephen R. ICSE '12: "WitchDoctor: IDE Support for ..."
France, Robert B. ICSE '12: "Repository for Model Driven ..."
Fraser, Gordon ICSE '12: "Sound Empirical Evidence in ..." ICSE '12: "EXSYST: Search-Based GUI Testing ..."
Fu, Chen ICSE '12: "Automatically Finding Performance ..."
Fuhrman, Christopher ICSE '12: "Integrating Tools and Frameworks ..."
Fukuda, Akira ICSE '12: "Using the GPGPU for Scaling ..."
Gabel, Mark ICSE '12: "On the Naturalness of Software ..."
Gagnon, Martin ICSE '12: "Locating Features in Dynamically ..."
Gallegos, Jose L. ICSE '12: "Verifying Client-Side Input ..."
Gambi, Alessio ICSE '12: "Modeling Cloud Performance ..."
Ganesh, Vijay ICSE '12: "Automatic Input Rectification ..."
Garcia, Alessandro ICSE '12: "Development of Auxiliary Functions: ..." ICSE '12: "On the Proactive and Interactive ..."
Garretón, Gilda ICSE '12: "Combining Functional and Imperative ..."
Gärtner, Stefan ICSE '12: "ConTexter Feedback System ..."
Gay, Gregory ICSE '12: "Automated Oracle Creation ..."
Ge, Song ICSE '12: "Performance Debugging in the ..."
Ge, Xi ICSE '12: "Reconciling Manual and Automatic ..."
Gerbig, Ralph ICSE '12: "Symbiotic General-Purpose ..."
Germán, Daniel M. ICSE '12: "Five Days of Empirical Software ..."
Gethers, Malcom ICSE '12: "Integrated Impact Analysis ..." ICSE '12: "Toward Actionable, Broadly ..." ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
Ghardallou, Wided ICSE '12: "Using Invariant Relations ..."
Ghezzi, Carlo ICSE '12: "Behavioral Validation of JFSL ..." ICSE '12: "Specification Patterns from ..." ICSE '12: "Writing Dynamic Service Orchestrations ..." ICSE '12: "Runtime Monitoring of Component ..."
Glaser, Axel ICSE '12: "Methodology for Migration ..."
Glesner, Sabine ICSE '12: "Slicing MATLAB Simulink Models ..."
Goeb, Andreas ICSE '12: "The Quamoco Product Quality ..."
Goedicke, Michael ICSE '12: "Refounding Software Engineering: ..."
Goldstein, Maayan ICSE '12: "Making Sense of Healthcare ..."
Gomes, Paulo ICSE '12: "SDiC: Context-Based Retrieval ..."
Gore, Ross ICSE '12: "Reducing Confounding Bias ..."
Gorla, Alessandra ICSE '12: "A Self-Healing Technique for ..."
Gorman, Patrick ICSE '12: "WorkItemExplorer: Visualizing ..."
Grammel, Lars ICSE '12: "WorkItemExplorer: Visualizing ..."
Grechanik, Mark ICSE '12: "Automatically Finding Performance ..." ICSE '12: "Detecting Similar Software ..."
Greenwood, Phil ICSE '12: "UDesignIt: Towards Social ..."
Greiler, Michaela ICSE '12: "Test Confessions: A Study ..."
Griswold, William G. ICSE '12: "WitchDoctor: IDE Support for ..."
Gross, Florian ICSE '12: "EXSYST: Search-Based GUI Testing ..."
Gross, Thomas R. ICSE '12: "Leveraging Test Generation ..." ICSE '12: "BALLERINA: Automatic Generation ..." ICSE '12: "Statically Checking API Protocol ..."
Gu, Zhongxian ICSE '12: "Capturing and Exploiting Fine-Grained ..."
Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël ICSE '12: "Five Days of Empirical Software ..."
Guimarães, Mário Luís ICSE '12: "Improving Early Detection ..."
Gung, James ICSE '12: "Exploring Techniques for Rationale ..."
Guo, Philip J. ICSE '12: "Characterizing and Predicting ..."
Gupta, Arbind Kumar ICSE '12: "FOCUS: An Adaptation of a ..."
Guzzi, Anja ICSE '12: "Documenting and Sharing Knowledge ..." ICSE '12: "Facilitating Communication ..."
Haiduc, Sonia ICSE '12: "Evaluating the Specificity ..."
Hammouda, Imed ICSE '12: "Teaching Collaborative Software ..."
Han, Shi ICSE '12: "Performance Debugging in the ..."
Hao, Dan ICSE '12: "On-Demand Test Suite Reduction ..."
Hao, Jianye ICSE '12: "Analyzing Multi-agent Systems ..."
Hariri, Negar ICSE '12: "Recommending Source Code for ..."
Harman, Mark ICSE '12: "Augmenting Test Suites Effectiveness ..."
Harton, Heather ICSE '12: "Specification Engineering ..."
Hata, Hideaki ICSE '12: "Bug Prediction Based on Fine-Grained ..."
Hauptmann, Benedikt ICSE '12: "How Much Does Unused Code ..."
Hearn, Derek ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
Heimdahl, Mats P. E. ICSE '12: "Automated Oracle Creation ..."
Heinemann, Lars ICSE '12: "The Quamoco Product Quality ..."
Henderson, Eric ICSE '12: "Engineering and Verifying ..."
Hendren, Laurie ICSE '12: "Automated Repair of HTML Generation ..."
Henß, Stefan ICSE '12: "Semi-automatically Extracting ..."
Hermans, Felienne ICSE '12: "Detecting and Visualizing ..."
Heymans, Patrick ICSE '12: "Simulation-Based Abstractions ..."
Hidaka, Soichiro ICSE '12: "Maintaining Invariant Traceability ..."
Hindle, Abram ICSE '12: "On the Naturalness of Software ..." ICSE '12: "Green Mining: Investigating ..."
Hisazumi, Kenji ICSE '12: "Using the GPGPU for Scaling ..."
Holland, Nikki ICSE '12: "What Scope Is There for Adopting ..."
Holmes, Reid ICSE '12: "Improving IDE Recommendations ..."
Hosking, John G. ICSE '12: "Ambient Awareness of Build ..."
Hossein, Shervin ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
Hu, Zhenjiang ICSE '12: "Maintaining Invariant Traceability ..."
Huang, Sheng ICSE '12: "Mining Application Repository ..."
Huang, Shihong ICSE '12: "Refounding Software Engineering: ..."
Hubaux, Arnaud ICSE '12: "Generating Range Fixes for ..."
Huffman Hayes, Jane ICSE '12: "Toward Actionable, Broadly ..." ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
Ifrah, Sagi ICSE '12: "Crosscutting Revision Control ..."
Iliofotou, Marios ICSE '12: "Graph-Based Analysis and Prediction ..."
Imtiaz, Salma ICSE '12: "Architectural Task Allocation ..."
Inoue, Katsuro ICSE '12: "Where Does This Code Come ..."
Iwama, Futoshi ICSE '12: "Constructing Parser for Industrial ..."
Jaafar, Fehmi ICSE '12: "On the Analysis of Evolution ..."
Jacobsen, Jens ICSE '12: "Debugger Canvas: Industrial ..."
Jacobson, Ivar ICSE '12: "Refounding Software Engineering: ..."
Janes, Andrea ICSE '12: "Egidio: A Non-Invasive Approach ..."
Jang, Yoonkyu ICSE '12: "Industrial Application of ..."
Jaspan, Ciera ICSE '12: "Statically Checking API Protocol ..."
Jefferson, Christopher ICSE '12: "An Automated Approach to Generating ..."
Jeffery, Ross ICSE '12: "Large-Scale Formal Verification ..."
Jensen, Adam C. ICSE '12: "Repository for Model Driven ..."
Jézéquel, Jean-Marc ICSE '12: "Towards Flexible Evolution ..."
Jiang, He ICSE '12: "Developer Prioritization in ..."
Jiang, Lingxiao ICSE '12: "Active Refinement of Clone ..."
Jin, Dongyun ICSE '12: "JavaMOP: Efficient Parametric ..."
Jin, Wei ICSE '12: "BugRedux: Reproducing Field ..."
Johnson, Brittany ICSE '12: "A Study on Improving Static ..."
Johnson, Ralph E. ICSE '12: "Use, Disuse, and Misuse of ..."
Jones, James A. ICSE '12: "WhoseFault: Automatic Developer-to-Fault ..."
Joosen, Wouter ICSE '12: "Does Organizing Security Patterns ..."
Juan, Miguel A. ICSE '12: "FastFix: Monitoring Control ..."
Julien, Christine ICSE '12: "Brace: An Assertion Framework ..."
Junker, Maximilian ICSE '12: "How Much Does Unused Code ..."
Jürgens, Elmar ICSE '12: "How Much Does Unused Code ..."
Kagdi, Huzefa ICSE '12: "Integrated Impact Analysis ..."
Kajko-Mattsson, Mira ICSE '12: "Refounding Software Engineering: ..."
Kalumbilo, Monde ICSE '12: "Effective Specification of ..."
Kamei, Yasutaka ICSE '12: "Using the GPGPU for Scaling ..."
Kapur, Deepak ICSE '12: "Using Dynamic Analysis to ..."
Karnouskos, Stamatis ICSE '12: "Towards Business Processes ..."
Karrer, Thorsten ICSE '12: "Blaze ..."
Kästner, Christian ICSE '12: "Predicting Performance via ..."
Kato, Hiroyuki ICSE '12: "Maintaining Invariant Traceability ..."
Katoen, Joost-Pieter ICSE '12: "Formal Correctness, Safety, ..."
Keenan, Ed ICSE '12: "Toward Actionable, Broadly ..." ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
Keivanloo, Iman ICSE '12: "When Open Source Turns Cold ..." ICSE '12: "Online Sharing and Integration ..."
Kennel, Bastian ICSE '12: "Symbiotic General-Purpose ..."
Khoo, Siau-Cheng ICSE '12: "Inferring Class Level Specifications ..."
Khoshnevis, Sedigheh ICSE '12: "An Approach to Variability ..."
Kikuno, Tohru ICSE '12: "Bug Prediction Based on Fine-Grained ..."
Kilamo, Terhi ICSE '12: "Teaching Collaborative Software ..."
Kim, Miryung ICSE '12: "Brace: An Assertion Framework ..."
Kim, Moonzoo ICSE '12: "Industrial Application of ..."
Kim, YoungJoo ICSE '12: "Industrial Application of ..."
Kim, Yunho ICSE '12: "Industrial Application of ..."
Kläs, Michael ICSE '12: "The Quamoco Product Quality ..."
Klein, Gerwin ICSE '12: "Large-Scale Formal Verification ..."
Klein, Jacques ICSE '12: "Towards Flexible Evolution ..."
Klinge, Titus ICSE '12: "Engineering and Verifying ..."
Klinger, Tim ICSE '12: "Inferring Developer Expertise ..."
Kolanski, Rafal ICSE '12: "Large-Scale Formal Verification ..."
Kolesnikov, Sergiy S. ICSE '12: "Predicting Performance via ..."
Kontogiannis, Kostas ICSE '12: "Partial Evaluation of Model ..."
Koschke, Rainer ICSE '12: "How Do Professional Developers ..."
Kotthoff, Lars ICSE '12: "An Automated Approach to Generating ..."
Krämer, Jan-Peter ICSE '12: "Blaze ..."
Kramer, Jeff ICSE '12: "Whither Software Architecture? ..." ICSE '12: "Generating Obstacle Conditions ..."
Kuhn, Adrian ICSE '12: "CodeTimeline: Storytelling ..."
Kukreja, Nupul ICSE '12: "Winbook: A Social Networking ..."
Kumar, Sandeep ICSE '12: "Inferring Class Level Specifications ..."
Kurz, Joachim ICSE '12: "Blaze ..."
Lamsweerde, Axel van ICSE '12: "Generating Obstacle Conditions ..."
Lanza, Michele ICSE '12: "Content Classification of ..."
Lathrop, James ICSE '12: "Engineering and Verifying ..."
LaToza, Thomas D. ICSE '12: "Active Code Completion ..."
Lavallée, Mathieu ICSE '12: "The Impacts of Software Process ..."
LaViola, Jr., Joseph J. ICSE '12: "Code Bubbles: A Practical ..."
Lawall, Julia ICSE '12: "Identifying Linux Bug Fixing ..."
Leach, Greg ICSE '12: "Toward Actionable, Broadly ..." ICSE '12: "TraceLab: An Experimental ..."
Lee, Choonghwan ICSE '12: "JavaMOP: Efficient Parametric ..."
Legay, Axel ICSE '12: "Simulation-Based Abstractions ..."
Le Goues, Claire ICSE '12: "A Systematic Study of Automated ..."
Leitner, Andreas ICSE '12: "Summary of the ICSE 2012 Tutorials ..."
Lemos, Otávio Augusto Lazzarini ICSE '12: "Development of Auxiliary Functions: ..."
Leotta, Maurizio ICSE '12: "SOA Adoption in the Italian ..."
Lerner, Sorin ICSE '12: "WitchDoctor: IDE Support for ..."
Le Traon, Yves ICSE '12: "Towards Flexible Evolution ..."
Leung, Ho-Fung ICSE '12: "Analyzing Multi-agent Systems ..."
Li, Jingyue ICSE '12: "CBCD: Cloned Buggy Code Detector ..."
Li, Peng ICSE '12: "Understanding Integer Overflow ..."
Li, Wenbin ICSE '12: "Toward Actionable, Broadly ..."
Lima, Caio ICSE '12: "On the Proactive and Interactive ..."
Lin, Mengxiang ICSE '12: "An Integrated Bug Processing ..."