FSE 2024 CoLos
32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2024)
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1st ACM International Conference on AI-Powered Software (AIware 2024), July 15–16, 2024, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil

Workshop AIware 2024 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Ahmed, Tasnim AIware '24: "Automated Scheduling for Thematic ..."
Aleithan, Reem AIware '24: "Effectiveness of ChatGPT for ..."
Ali, Shaukat AIware '24: "AI-Based Digital Twins: A ..."
Alipour, Mohammad Amin AIware '24: "Measuring Impacts of Poisoning ..."
Andonov, Jovan AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Azizian, Sasan AIware '24: "Leveraging Machine Learning ..."
Bagheri, Hamid AIware '24: "Neuro-Symbolic Approach to ..." AIware '24: "Leveraging Machine Learning ..."
Bajpai, Yasharth AIware '24: "RUBICON: Rubric-Based Evaluation ..."
Barbosa, Caio AIware '24: "Unveiling the Potential of ..."
Belle, Alvine Boaye AIware '24: "Effectiveness of ChatGPT for ..."
Biyani, Param AIware '24: "RUBICON: Rubric-Based Evaluation ..."
Brown, Adam AIware '24: "Identifying the Factors That ..."
Budiselić, Ivan AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Cai, Jiahao AIware '24: "Agents for Data Science: From ..."
Carin, Juanjo AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Castelluccio, Marco AIware '24: "Unveiling the Potential of ..."
Chandra, Satish AIware '24: "AI in Software Engineering ..."
Choudhury, Salimur AIware '24: "Automated Scheduling for Thematic ..."
Cook, Michael AIware '24: "The Art of Programming: Challenges ..."
Correia, João AIware '24: "Unveiling the Potential of ..."
Coutinho, Daniel AIware '24: "Unveiling the Potential of ..."
Coutinho, Mariana AIware '24: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Cruz, Luís AIware '24: "Green AI in Action: Strategic ..."
Dahia, Marcio AIware '24: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
D'Amorim, Marcelo AIware '24: "A Case Study of LLM for Automated ..."
D'Angelo, Sarah AIware '24: "Identifying the Factors That ..."
De Conto, Eduardo AIware '24: "Function+Data Flow: A Framework ..."
De Moor, Aral AIware '24: "A Transformer-Based Approach ..."
De Oliveira Neto, Francisco Gomes AIware '24: "From Human-to-Human to Human-to-Bot ..." AIware '24: "Unveiling Assumptions: Exploring ..."
Deshpande, Rucha AIware '24: "Conference Program Scheduling ..."
De Souza Santos, Ronnie AIware '24: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Dharmalingam, Vigneshwaran AIware '24: "Conference Program Scheduling ..."
Dvivedi, Shubhang Shekhar AIware '24: "A Comparative Analysis of ..."
Easwaran, Arvind AIware '24: "Function+Data Flow: A Framework ..."
Emu, Mahzabeen AIware '24: "Automated Scheduling for Thematic ..."
Eskandani, Nafise AIware '24: "Towards AI for Software Systems ..."
Fazelnia, Mohamad AIware '24: "Neuro-Symbolic Approach to ..."
França, Cesar AIware '24: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Garcia, Alessandro AIware '24: "Unveiling the Potential of ..."
Genest, Blaise AIware '24: "Function+Data Flow: A Framework ..."
Gerosa, Marco AIware '24: "Unveiling the Potential of ..."
Green, Collin AIware '24: "Identifying the Factors That ..."
Gulwani, Sumit AIware '24: "RUBICON: Rubric-Based Evaluation ..."
Harzevili, Nima Shiri AIware '24: "Effectiveness of ChatGPT for ..."
Hasan, Md Rashedul AIware '24: "Neuro-Symbolic Approach to ..."
Hussain, Aftab AIware '24: "Measuring Impacts of Poisoning ..."
Ivanković, Marko AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Izadi, Maliheh AIware '24: "A Transformer-Based Approach ..."
Jaspan, Ciera AIware '24: "Identifying the Factors That ..."
Jobson, Deddy AIware '24: "Investigating the Potential ..."
Just, René AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Karanjai, Rabimba AIware '24: "SolMover: Smart Contract Code ..."
Khojah, Ranim AIware '24: "From Human-to-Human to Human-to-Bot ..."
Khomh, Foutse AIware '24: "Chain of Targeted Verification ..."
Kouemo Ngassom, Sylvain AIware '24: "Chain of Targeted Verification ..."
Kulsum, Ummay AIware '24: "A Case Study of LLM for Automated ..."
Kumar, Dhruv AIware '24: "A Comparative Analysis of ..."
Lahiri, Shuvendu K. AIware '24: "AI-Assisted User Intent Formalization ..."
Lamblin, Pascal AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Leitner, Philipp AIware '24: "From Human-to-Human to Human-to-Bot ..."
Lewko, Mateusz AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Li, Yilin AIware '24: "Investigating the Potential ..."
Lodh, Shoumik AIware '24: "A Comparative Analysis of ..."
Lu, Qinghua AIware '24: "An AI System Evaluation Framework ..."
Maniatis, Petros AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Marques, Lorena AIware '24: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Mirakhorli, Mehdi AIware '24: "Neuro-Symbolic Approach to ..."
Mohajer, Mohammad Mahdi AIware '24: "Effectiveness of ChatGPT for ..."
Moradi Dakhel, Arghavan AIware '24: "Chain of Targeted Verification ..."
Mujhid, Ibrahim AIware '24: "Neuro-Symbolic Approach to ..."
Murillo, Ambar AIware '24: "Identifying the Factors That ..."
Nicholson, Morgan C. AIware '24: "Unveiling the Potential of ..."
Nijkamp, Nienke AIware '24: "Green AI in Action: Strategic ..."
Noble, James AIware '24: "Automatic Programming vs. ..."
Pandian, Aishwarya Devi Akila AIware '24: "Conference Program Scheduling ..."
Petrović, Goran AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Pham, Hung Viet AIware '24: "Effectiveness of ChatGPT for ..."
Pujari, Sai Leela Rahul AIware '24: "A Comparative Analysis of ..."
Rabin, Md Rafiqul Islam AIware '24: "Measuring Impacts of Poisoning ..."
Radhakrishna, Arjun AIware '24: "RUBICON: Rubric-Based Evaluation ..."
Rastegari, Elham AIware '24: "Leveraging Machine Learning ..."
Salawa, Małgorzata AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Sallou, June AIware '24: "Green AI in Action: Strategic ..."
Salvaneschi, Guido AIware '24: "Towards AI for Software Systems ..."
Santos, Anderson AIware '24: "The Role of Generative AI ..."
Shi, Weidong AIware '24: "SolMover: Smart Contract Code ..."
Soares, Gustavo AIware '24: "RUBICON: Rubric-Based Evaluation ..."
Sokolov, Andrey AIware '24: "AI Assistant in JetBrains ..."
Steinmacher, Igor AIware '24: "Unveiling the Potential of ..."
Tambon, Florian AIware '24: "Chain of Targeted Verification ..."
Tarlow, Daniel AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Van der Heijden, Niels AIware '24: "Green AI in Action: Strategic ..."
Van Deursen, Arie AIware '24: "A Transformer-Based Approach ..."
Vijay, Vyshnav AIware '24: "A Comparative Analysis of ..."
Vijayvergiya, Manushree AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Wang, Song AIware '24: "Effectiveness of ChatGPT for ..."
Wei, Moshi AIware '24: "Effectiveness of ChatGPT for ..."
Xia, Boming AIware '24: "An AI System Evaluation Framework ..."
Xing, Zhenchang AIware '24: "An AI System Evaluation Framework ..."
Xu, Bowen AIware '24: "A Case Study of LLM for Automated ..."
Xu, Lei AIware '24: "SolMover: Smart Contract Code ..."
Zheng, Dan AIware '24: "AI-Assisted Assessment of ..."
Zhu, Haotian AIware '24: "A Case Study of LLM for Automated ..."
Zhu, Liming AIware '24: "An AI System Evaluation Framework ..."

106 authors

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