Workshop WEA 2013 – Author Index |
Contents -
Abstracts -
Amorim, Simone da Silva |
![]() Simone da Silva Amorim, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, and John D. McGregor (UFBA, Brazil; Clemson University, USA) Organizations that build software-intensive products participate in socio-technical ecosystems that encompass their collaborators, competitors, customers, and suppliers. STREAM, an ecosystem modeling method, provides three views of that ecosystem: business, software, and innovation. In the software view the architecture is the primary structuring element. It is our hypothesis that certain quality attributes of the architecture, such as expressiveness and extensibility, are important factors in the success of the ecosystem. Extensibility is normally presented through the API. We examine the APIs of three platforms, one that is increasing in use, one that is in steady use, and one that is declining in use. We use these initial results to generate hypotheses for further exploration. ![]() |
Biffl, Stefan |
![]() Juergen Musil, Angelika Musil, and Stefan Biffl (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) User-contribution driven software service platforms like crowdsourcing and social media services represent an efficient way of aggregating and distributing knowledge. However, only little research has been reported on early-stage design of software ecosystems (SECOs) for software service platforms, in particular in the collective intelligence (CI) domain. In this work we analyze needs for CI-centered SECOs leading to new research challenges. We have identified self-organization and feedback mechanisms as essential characteristics in CI-centered SECOs and thus introduce design elements for structuring them properly at an early stage of design. We discuss the concept with a real-world use case from a widely used CI-centered SECO, Wikipedia. A major result is the successful mapping of the design elements to the specific SECO elements. ![]() |
De Almeida, Eduardo Santana |
![]() Simone da Silva Amorim, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, and John D. McGregor (UFBA, Brazil; Clemson University, USA) Organizations that build software-intensive products participate in socio-technical ecosystems that encompass their collaborators, competitors, customers, and suppliers. STREAM, an ecosystem modeling method, provides three views of that ecosystem: business, software, and innovation. In the software view the architecture is the primary structuring element. It is our hypothesis that certain quality attributes of the architecture, such as expressiveness and extensibility, are important factors in the success of the ecosystem. Extensibility is normally presented through the API. We examine the APIs of three platforms, one that is increasing in use, one that is in steady use, and one that is declining in use. We use these initial results to generate hypotheses for further exploration. ![]() |
Falkenthal, Michael |
![]() Alfred Zimmermann, Kurt Sandkuhl, Michael Pretz, Michael Falkenthal, Dierk Jugel, and Matthias Wissotzki (Reutlingen University, Germany; University of Rostock, Germany; Daimler, Germany) New business information systems are integrating emerging cloud infrastructures with service-oriented platforms and intelligent user-centered mobile systems. Both architecture engineering and management of service-oriented enterprise architectures is complex and has to integrate synergistic disciplines like EAM - Enterprise Architecture and Management for Services & Cloud Computing, Semantic-based Decision Support through Ontologies and Knowledge-based Systems, Big Data Management, as well as Mobility and Collaboration Systems. It is necessary to identify affected decisions by runtime changes of a service-oriented runtime environment and architecture. We have to make transparent the impact of these changes over the integral landscape of affected EAM-capabilities, like directly and transitively impacted business categories, processes, applications, services, platforms and infrastructures. The paper describes a new Metamodel-based integration approach for Service-oriented Reference Enterprise Architectures. ![]() |
Gutierrez, Claudio |
![]() Claudio Gutierrez and Romain Robbes (University of Chile, Chile) The natural distributed character of software ecosystems calls for a shared conceptualization and language to describe their architecture and their evolution. In this regards, ontologies play a central role. In this paper: we argue in favor of such an approach by showing that there is succesful experience applying ontologies to the fields of software engineering and software architecture; show the issues arising in ecosystem evolution and the needs for higher levels of formalization of the description of such processes; finally, we present a roadmap to develop an ontology for this area. ![]() |
Haenni, Nicole |
![]() Nicole Haenni, Mircea Lungu, Niko Schwarz, and Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern, Switzerland) We present the results of an investigation into the nature of the information needs of software developers who work in projects that are part of larger ecosystems. In an open-question survey we asked framework and library developers about their information needs with respect to both their upstream and downstream projects. We investigated what kind of information is required, why is it necessary, and how the developers obtain this information. The results show that the downstream needs are grouped into three categories roughly corresponding to the different stages in their relation with an upstream: selection, adoption, and co-evolution. The less numerous upstream needs are grouped into two categories: project statistics and code usage. The current practices part of the study shows that to satisfy many of these needs developers use non-specific tools and ad hoc methods. We believe that this is a largely unexplored area of research. ![]() |
Jansen, Slinger |
![]() Slinger Jansen (Utrecht University, Netherlands) When developing commercial applications, developers seldomly start from scratch. Generally, they use software platforms and extend them, joining an ever growing software ecosystem surrounding the platform. In this paper, the relationships between architecture and platform adoption are explored by analyzing the results of interviews and document study of five case studies of platform extenders. It is found that platform architecture plays a minor role in platform adoption by platform extenders, but that quality attributes strongly influence an architect's design choices when extending a platform. The findings of this work can be used by platform developers to improve platform extendibility and usability. ![]() |
Jugel, Dierk |
![]() Alfred Zimmermann, Kurt Sandkuhl, Michael Pretz, Michael Falkenthal, Dierk Jugel, and Matthias Wissotzki (Reutlingen University, Germany; University of Rostock, Germany; Daimler, Germany) New business information systems are integrating emerging cloud infrastructures with service-oriented platforms and intelligent user-centered mobile systems. Both architecture engineering and management of service-oriented enterprise architectures is complex and has to integrate synergistic disciplines like EAM - Enterprise Architecture and Management for Services & Cloud Computing, Semantic-based Decision Support through Ontologies and Knowledge-based Systems, Big Data Management, as well as Mobility and Collaboration Systems. It is necessary to identify affected decisions by runtime changes of a service-oriented runtime environment and architecture. We have to make transparent the impact of these changes over the integral landscape of affected EAM-capabilities, like directly and transitively impacted business categories, processes, applications, services, platforms and infrastructures. The paper describes a new Metamodel-based integration approach for Service-oriented Reference Enterprise Architectures. ![]() |
Lungu, Mircea |
![]() Nicole Haenni, Mircea Lungu, Niko Schwarz, and Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern, Switzerland) We present the results of an investigation into the nature of the information needs of software developers who work in projects that are part of larger ecosystems. In an open-question survey we asked framework and library developers about their information needs with respect to both their upstream and downstream projects. We investigated what kind of information is required, why is it necessary, and how the developers obtain this information. The results show that the downstream needs are grouped into three categories roughly corresponding to the different stages in their relation with an upstream: selection, adoption, and co-evolution. The less numerous upstream needs are grouped into two categories: project statistics and code usage. The current practices part of the study shows that to satisfy many of these needs developers use non-specific tools and ad hoc methods. We believe that this is a largely unexplored area of research. ![]() |
McGregor, John D. |
![]() Simone da Silva Amorim, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, and John D. McGregor (UFBA, Brazil; Clemson University, USA) Organizations that build software-intensive products participate in socio-technical ecosystems that encompass their collaborators, competitors, customers, and suppliers. STREAM, an ecosystem modeling method, provides three views of that ecosystem: business, software, and innovation. In the software view the architecture is the primary structuring element. It is our hypothesis that certain quality attributes of the architecture, such as expressiveness and extensibility, are important factors in the success of the ecosystem. Extensibility is normally presented through the API. We examine the APIs of three platforms, one that is increasing in use, one that is in steady use, and one that is declining in use. We use these initial results to generate hypotheses for further exploration. ![]() |
Musil, Angelika |
![]() Juergen Musil, Angelika Musil, and Stefan Biffl (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) User-contribution driven software service platforms like crowdsourcing and social media services represent an efficient way of aggregating and distributing knowledge. However, only little research has been reported on early-stage design of software ecosystems (SECOs) for software service platforms, in particular in the collective intelligence (CI) domain. In this work we analyze needs for CI-centered SECOs leading to new research challenges. We have identified self-organization and feedback mechanisms as essential characteristics in CI-centered SECOs and thus introduce design elements for structuring them properly at an early stage of design. We discuss the concept with a real-world use case from a widely used CI-centered SECO, Wikipedia. A major result is the successful mapping of the design elements to the specific SECO elements. ![]() |
Musil, Juergen |
![]() Juergen Musil, Angelika Musil, and Stefan Biffl (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) User-contribution driven software service platforms like crowdsourcing and social media services represent an efficient way of aggregating and distributing knowledge. However, only little research has been reported on early-stage design of software ecosystems (SECOs) for software service platforms, in particular in the collective intelligence (CI) domain. In this work we analyze needs for CI-centered SECOs leading to new research challenges. We have identified self-organization and feedback mechanisms as essential characteristics in CI-centered SECOs and thus introduce design elements for structuring them properly at an early stage of design. We discuss the concept with a real-world use case from a widely used CI-centered SECO, Wikipedia. A major result is the successful mapping of the design elements to the specific SECO elements. ![]() |
Nierstrasz, Oscar |
![]() Nicole Haenni, Mircea Lungu, Niko Schwarz, and Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern, Switzerland) We present the results of an investigation into the nature of the information needs of software developers who work in projects that are part of larger ecosystems. In an open-question survey we asked framework and library developers about their information needs with respect to both their upstream and downstream projects. We investigated what kind of information is required, why is it necessary, and how the developers obtain this information. The results show that the downstream needs are grouped into three categories roughly corresponding to the different stages in their relation with an upstream: selection, adoption, and co-evolution. The less numerous upstream needs are grouped into two categories: project statistics and code usage. The current practices part of the study shows that to satisfy many of these needs developers use non-specific tools and ad hoc methods. We believe that this is a largely unexplored area of research. ![]() |
Pretz, Michael |
![]() Alfred Zimmermann, Kurt Sandkuhl, Michael Pretz, Michael Falkenthal, Dierk Jugel, and Matthias Wissotzki (Reutlingen University, Germany; University of Rostock, Germany; Daimler, Germany) New business information systems are integrating emerging cloud infrastructures with service-oriented platforms and intelligent user-centered mobile systems. Both architecture engineering and management of service-oriented enterprise architectures is complex and has to integrate synergistic disciplines like EAM - Enterprise Architecture and Management for Services & Cloud Computing, Semantic-based Decision Support through Ontologies and Knowledge-based Systems, Big Data Management, as well as Mobility and Collaboration Systems. It is necessary to identify affected decisions by runtime changes of a service-oriented runtime environment and architecture. We have to make transparent the impact of these changes over the integral landscape of affected EAM-capabilities, like directly and transitively impacted business categories, processes, applications, services, platforms and infrastructures. The paper describes a new Metamodel-based integration approach for Service-oriented Reference Enterprise Architectures. ![]() |
Robbes, Romain |
![]() Claudio Gutierrez and Romain Robbes (University of Chile, Chile) The natural distributed character of software ecosystems calls for a shared conceptualization and language to describe their architecture and their evolution. In this regards, ontologies play a central role. In this paper: we argue in favor of such an approach by showing that there is succesful experience applying ontologies to the fields of software engineering and software architecture; show the issues arising in ecosystem evolution and the needs for higher levels of formalization of the description of such processes; finally, we present a roadmap to develop an ontology for this area. ![]() |
Sandkuhl, Kurt |
![]() Alfred Zimmermann, Kurt Sandkuhl, Michael Pretz, Michael Falkenthal, Dierk Jugel, and Matthias Wissotzki (Reutlingen University, Germany; University of Rostock, Germany; Daimler, Germany) New business information systems are integrating emerging cloud infrastructures with service-oriented platforms and intelligent user-centered mobile systems. Both architecture engineering and management of service-oriented enterprise architectures is complex and has to integrate synergistic disciplines like EAM - Enterprise Architecture and Management for Services & Cloud Computing, Semantic-based Decision Support through Ontologies and Knowledge-based Systems, Big Data Management, as well as Mobility and Collaboration Systems. It is necessary to identify affected decisions by runtime changes of a service-oriented runtime environment and architecture. We have to make transparent the impact of these changes over the integral landscape of affected EAM-capabilities, like directly and transitively impacted business categories, processes, applications, services, platforms and infrastructures. The paper describes a new Metamodel-based integration approach for Service-oriented Reference Enterprise Architectures. ![]() |
Schwarz, Niko |
![]() Nicole Haenni, Mircea Lungu, Niko Schwarz, and Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern, Switzerland) We present the results of an investigation into the nature of the information needs of software developers who work in projects that are part of larger ecosystems. In an open-question survey we asked framework and library developers about their information needs with respect to both their upstream and downstream projects. We investigated what kind of information is required, why is it necessary, and how the developers obtain this information. The results show that the downstream needs are grouped into three categories roughly corresponding to the different stages in their relation with an upstream: selection, adoption, and co-evolution. The less numerous upstream needs are grouped into two categories: project statistics and code usage. The current practices part of the study shows that to satisfy many of these needs developers use non-specific tools and ad hoc methods. We believe that this is a largely unexplored area of research. ![]() |
Wissotzki, Matthias |
![]() Alfred Zimmermann, Kurt Sandkuhl, Michael Pretz, Michael Falkenthal, Dierk Jugel, and Matthias Wissotzki (Reutlingen University, Germany; University of Rostock, Germany; Daimler, Germany) New business information systems are integrating emerging cloud infrastructures with service-oriented platforms and intelligent user-centered mobile systems. Both architecture engineering and management of service-oriented enterprise architectures is complex and has to integrate synergistic disciplines like EAM - Enterprise Architecture and Management for Services & Cloud Computing, Semantic-based Decision Support through Ontologies and Knowledge-based Systems, Big Data Management, as well as Mobility and Collaboration Systems. It is necessary to identify affected decisions by runtime changes of a service-oriented runtime environment and architecture. We have to make transparent the impact of these changes over the integral landscape of affected EAM-capabilities, like directly and transitively impacted business categories, processes, applications, services, platforms and infrastructures. The paper describes a new Metamodel-based integration approach for Service-oriented Reference Enterprise Architectures. ![]() |
Zimmermann, Alfred |
![]() Alfred Zimmermann, Kurt Sandkuhl, Michael Pretz, Michael Falkenthal, Dierk Jugel, and Matthias Wissotzki (Reutlingen University, Germany; University of Rostock, Germany; Daimler, Germany) New business information systems are integrating emerging cloud infrastructures with service-oriented platforms and intelligent user-centered mobile systems. Both architecture engineering and management of service-oriented enterprise architectures is complex and has to integrate synergistic disciplines like EAM - Enterprise Architecture and Management for Services & Cloud Computing, Semantic-based Decision Support through Ontologies and Knowledge-based Systems, Big Data Management, as well as Mobility and Collaboration Systems. It is necessary to identify affected decisions by runtime changes of a service-oriented runtime environment and architecture. We have to make transparent the impact of these changes over the integral landscape of affected EAM-capabilities, like directly and transitively impacted business categories, processes, applications, services, platforms and infrastructures. The paper describes a new Metamodel-based integration approach for Service-oriented Reference Enterprise Architectures. ![]() |
19 authors
proc time: 0.73