31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023)
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31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023), December 3–9, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA

ESEC/FSE 2023 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Abreu, Rui ESEC/FSE '23: "Dead Code Removal at Meta: ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Modeling the Centrality of ..."
Acharya, Birendra ESEC/FSE '23: "A Case Study of Developer ..."
Adams, Bram ESEC/FSE '23: "IoPV: On Inconsistent Option ..."
Agarwal, Shubham ESEC/FSE '23: "Outage-Watch: Early Prediction ..."
Ahmad, Wasi ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Greener Yet Powerful ..."
Ahmed, Khaled ESEC/FSE '23: "ViaLin: Path-Aware Dynamic ..."
Ahmed, Shibbir ESEC/FSE '23: "Design by Contract for Deep ..."
Ahmed, Syed Yusuf ESEC/FSE '23: "MASC: A Tool for Mutation-Based ..."
Aktas, Ethem Utku ESEC/FSE '23: "Issue Report Validation in ..."
Ali, Shaukat ESEC/FSE '23: "KDDT: Knowledge Distillation-Empowered ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Automated Test Generation ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "EvoCLINICAL: Evolving Cyber-Cyber ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Testing Real-World Healthcare ..."
Alimadadi, Saba ESEC/FSE '23: "Code Coverage Criteria for ..."
Allamanis, Miltiadis ESEC/FSE '23: "AdaptivePaste: Intelligent ..."
Alon, Uri ESEC/FSE '23: "Contextual Predictive Mutation ..."
Ami, Amit Seal ESEC/FSE '23: "MASC: A Tool for Mutation-Based ..."
Asthana, Sumit ESEC/FSE '23: "A Case Study of Developer ..."
Athiwaratkun, Ben ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Greener Yet Powerful ..."
Aura, Tuomas ESEC/FSE '23: "Analyzing Microservice Connectivity ..."
Bacchelli, Alberto ESEC/FSE '23: "EvaCRC: Evaluating Code Review ..."
Bach, Thomas ESEC/FSE '23: "A Multidimensional Analysis ..."
Bagheri, Hamid ESEC/FSE '23: "𝜇Akka: Mutation Testing ..."
Bagherzadeh, Mehdi ESEC/FSE '23: "𝜇Akka: Mutation Testing ..."
Bai, Haonan ESEC/FSE '23: "BiasAsker: Measuring the Bias ..."
Bajpai, Yasharth ESEC/FSE '23: "Grace: Language Models Meet ..."
Banerjee, Subarno ESEC/FSE '23: "Compositional Taint Analysis ..."
Bansal, Aakash ESEC/FSE '23: "A Language Model of Java Methods ..."
Bansal, Chetan ESEC/FSE '23: "Detection Is Better Than Cure: ..."
Bardin, Sébastien ESEC/FSE '23: "Scalable Program Clone Search ..."
Bavand, Amir Hossein ESEC/FSE '23: "Accelerating Continuous Integration ..."
Bavota, Gabriele ESEC/FSE '23: "CONAN: Statically Detecting ..."
Bell, Jonathan ESEC/FSE '23: "npm-follower: A Complete Dataset ..."
Bendimerad, Anes ESEC/FSE '23: "On-Premise AIOps Infrastructure ..."
Benoit, Tristan ESEC/FSE '23: "Scalable Program Clone Search ..."
Berger, Thorsten ESEC/FSE '23: "A Vision on Intentions in ..."
Bezemer, Cor-Paul ESEC/FSE '23: "Prioritizing Natural Language ..."
Bhatia, Parminder ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Greener Yet Powerful ..."
Bhuiyan, Masudul Hasan Masud ESEC/FSE '23: "The Call Graph Chronicles: ..."
Bianchi, Antonio ESEC/FSE '23: "Crystallizer: A Hybrid Path ..."
Bisht, Sumit ESEC/FSE '23: "Outage-Watch: Early Prediction ..."
Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. ESEC/FSE '23: "Natural Language to Code: ..."
Biswas, Sumon ESEC/FSE '23: "Fix Fairness, Don’t Ruin ..."
Björkman, Mårten ESEC/FSE '23: "Diffusion-Based Time Series ..."
Blouin, Arnaud ESEC/FSE '23: "HyperDiff: Computing Source ..."
Böhme, Marcel ESEC/FSE '23: "Statistical Reachability Analysis ..."
Bruck, Lucas ESEC/FSE '23: "Test Case Generation for Drivability ..."
Brun, Yuriy ESEC/FSE '23: "Baldur: Whole-Proof Generation ..."
Bufalino, Jacopo ESEC/FSE '23: "Analyzing Microservice Connectivity ..."
Burnett, Margaret ESEC/FSE '23: "Getting Outside the Bug Boxes ..."
Caballero, Juan ESEC/FSE '23: "LibKit: Detecting Third-Party ..."
Cabra-Acela, Laura ESEC/FSE '23: "On Using Information Retrieval ..."
Cai, Chang ESEC/FSE '23: "LightF3: A Lightweight Fully-Process ..."
Cai, Shaowei ESEC/FSE '23: "CAmpactor: A Novel and Effective ..."
Cai, Yan ESEC/FSE '23: "Discovering Parallelisms in ..."
Cakmak, Ebru ESEC/FSE '23: "Issue Report Validation in ..."
Camtepe, Seyit ESEC/FSE '23: "Mate! Are You Really Aware? ..."
Cao, Jialun ESEC/FSE '23: "Testing Coreference Resolution ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Understanding the Bug Characteristics ..."
Cao, Junming ESEC/FSE '23: "Demystifying Dependency Bugs ..."
Carlson, Chris ESEC/FSE '23: "Ownership in the Hands of ..."
Cassano, Federico ESEC/FSE '23: "npm-follower: A Complete Dataset ..."
Cha, Sang Kil ESEC/FSE '23: "FunProbe: Probing Functions ..."
Chakraborty, Saikat ESEC/FSE '23: "Grace: Language Models Meet ..."
Chakraborty, Sarthak ESEC/FSE '23: "Outage-Watch: Early Prediction ..."
Chang, Alison ESEC/FSE '23: "Building and Sustaining Ethnically, ..."
Chaparro, Oscar ESEC/FSE '23: "On the Relationship between ..."
Chatterjee, Preetha ESEC/FSE '23: "Exploring Moral Principles ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Understanding Emotions ..."
Chechik, Marsha ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Feature-Based Analysis ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "A Vision on Intentions in ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "DecompoVision: Reliability ..."
Chen, Bihuan ESEC/FSE '23: "Demystifying Dependency Bugs ..."
Chen, Chaoyi ESEC/FSE '23: "Appaction: Automatic GUI Interaction ..."
Chen, Chengjun ESEC/FSE '23: "OOM-Guard: Towards Improving ..."
Chen, Chunyang ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Efficient Record and ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Automated and Context-Aware ..."
Chen, Hongxu ESEC/FSE '23: "Software Architecture Recovery ..."
Chen, Hongyang ESEC/FSE '23: "Nezha: Interpretable Fine-Grained ..."
Chen, Jinfu ESEC/FSE '23: "IoPV: On Inconsistent Option ..."
Chen, Junjie ESEC/FSE '23: "Enhancing Coverage-Guided ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "SJFuzz: Seed and Mutator Scheduling ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Statfier: Automated Testing ..."
Chen, Kunqiu ESEC/FSE '23: "Enhancing Coverage-Guided ..."
Chen, Lingchao ESEC/FSE '23: "Last Diff Analyzer: Multi-language ..."
Chen, Muhao ESEC/FSE '23: "Knowledge-Based Version Incompatibility ..."
Chen, Ningjiang ESEC/FSE '23: "Log Parsing with Generalization ..."
Chen, Pengfei ESEC/FSE '23: "Nezha: Interpretable Fine-Grained ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "DiagConfig: Configuration ..."
Chen, Qingjun ESEC/FSE '23: "TraceDiag: Adaptive, Interpretable, ..."
Chen, Ruiling ESEC/FSE '23: "llvm2CryptoLine: Verifying ..."
Chen, Sen ESEC/FSE '23: "Automated and Context-Aware ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Comparison and Evaluation ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Software Composition Analysis ..."
Chen, Sophie ESEC/FSE '23: "Reflecting on the Use of the ..."
Chen, Tao ESEC/FSE '23: "Predicting Software Performance ..."
Chen, Ting ESEC/FSE '23: "DeepInfer: Deep Type Inference ..."
Chen, Xiao ESEC/FSE '23: "LazyCow: A Lightweight Crowdsourced ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Understanding the Bug Characteristics ..."
Chen, Yang ESEC/FSE '23: "xASTNN: Improved Code Representations ..."
Chen, Yifen ESEC/FSE '23: "Modeling the Centrality of ..."
Chen, Yixiang ESEC/FSE '23: "Comparison and Evaluation ..."
Chen, Yu ESEC/FSE '23: "LightF3: A Lightweight Fully-Process ..."
Chen, Zhenyu ESEC/FSE '23: "Dynamic Data Fault Localization ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Benchmarking Robustness of ..."
Chen, Zhiming ESEC/FSE '23: "DiagConfig: Configuration ..."
Chen, Zimin ESEC/FSE '23: "MuRS: Mutant Ranking and Suppression ..."
Cheng, Siyuan ESEC/FSE '23: "PEM: Representing Binary Program ..."
Cheng, Xi ESEC/FSE '23: "xASTNN: Improved Code Representations ..."
Cheng, Yueqiang ESEC/FSE '23: "Input-Driven Dynamic Program ..."
Cheng, Yutong ESEC/FSE '23: "Hue: A User-Adaptive Parser ..."
Cheung, Shing-Chi ESEC/FSE '23: "Testing Coreference Resolution ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Understanding the Bug Characteristics ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Can Machine Learning Pipelines ..."
Chew, Francis ESEC/FSE '23: "Ownership in the Hands of ..."
Chi, Xiaye ESEC/FSE '23: "An Automated Approach to Extracting ..."
Chimalakonda, Sridhar ESEC/FSE '23: "DENT: A Tool for Tagging Stack ..."
Choi, Sangheon ESEC/FSE '23: "NaNofuzz: A Usable Tool for ..."
Cito, Jürgen ESEC/FSE '23: "Understanding Hackers’ Work: ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Getting pwn’d by AI: Penetration ..."
Clapp, Lazaro ESEC/FSE '23: "Last Diff Analyzer: Multi-language ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Practical Inference of Nullability ..."
Cohn-Gordon, Katriel ESEC/FSE '23: "Dead Code Removal at Meta: ..."
Cooper, Nathan ESEC/FSE '23: "MASC: A Tool for Mutation-Based ..."
Cordy, Maxime ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Strengthening Formal ..."
Correnson, Arthur ESEC/FSE '23: "Engineering a Formally Verified ..."
Cruz, Breno Dantas ESEC/FSE '23: "Design by Contract for Deep ..."
Csallner, Christoph ESEC/FSE '23: "D2S2: Drag ’n’ Drop Mobile ..."
Cui, Heming ESEC/FSE '23: "Enhancing Coverage-Guided ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "SJFuzz: Seed and Mutator Scheduling ..."
Cui, Siwei ESEC/FSE '23: "Compositional Taint Analysis ..."
Dagan, Ella ESEC/FSE '23: "Building and Sustaining Ethnically, ..."
Damevski, Kostadin ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Understanding Emotions ..."
Dang, Don ESEC/FSE '23: "D2S2: Drag ’n’ Drop Mobile ..."
Dang, Yingnong ESEC/FSE '23: "Assess and Summarize: Improve ..."
D’Angelo, Sarah ESEC/FSE '23: "Building and Sustaining Ethnically, ..."
Dao, Tung ESEC/FSE '23: "Triggering Modes in Spectrum-Based ..."
Davis, James C. ESEC/FSE '23: "Reflecting on the Use of the ..."
Davis, Matthew C. ESEC/FSE '23: "NaNofuzz: A Usable Tool for ..."
De la Cruz, Alejandro ESEC/FSE '23: "LibKit: Detecting Third-Party ..."
Deng, Yuetang ESEC/FSE '23: "A Unified Framework for Mini-game ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Efficient Record and ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "How Practitioners Expect Code ..."
Derakhshanfar, Pouria ESEC/FSE '23: "BFSig: Leveraging File Significance ..."
Dhaouadi, Mouna ESEC/FSE '23: "A Data Set of Extracted Rationale ..."
Diao, Zulong ESEC/FSE '23: "Beyond Sharing: Conflict-Aware ..."
Dicker, Jill ESEC/FSE '23: "Building and Sustaining Ethnically, ..."
Di Francesco, Mario ESEC/FSE '23: "Analyzing Microservice Connectivity ..."
Ding, Ruomeng ESEC/FSE '23: "TraceDiag: Adaptive, Interpretable, ..."
Ding, Zishuo ESEC/FSE '23: "IoPV: On Inconsistent Option ..."
Domínguez-Álvarez, Daniel ESEC/FSE '23: "LibKit: Detecting Third-Party ..."
Dong, Jin Song ESEC/FSE '23: "DeepDebugger: An Interactive ..."
Dong, Tian ESEC/FSE '23: "Mate! Are You Really Aware? ..."
Dong, Yibo ESEC/FSE '23: "LightF3: A Lightweight Fully-Process ..."
Dong, Yiwen ESEC/FSE '23: "Ad Hoc Syntax-Guided Program ..."
Dou, Shihan ESEC/FSE '23: "Gitor: Scalable Code Clone ..."
Du, Xiaohu ESEC/FSE '23: "Understanding the Bug Characteristics ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "An Extensive Study on Adversarial ..."
Du, Xiaoning ESEC/FSE '23: "CodeMark: Imperceptible Watermarking ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "DistXplore: Distribution-Guided ..."
Du, Xueying ESEC/FSE '23: "KG4CraSolver: Recommending ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Recommending Analogical APIs ..."
Du, Yali ESEC/FSE '23: "Pre-training Code Representation ..."
Duan, Zhenhua ESEC/FSE '23: "Detecting Atomicity Violations ..."
Dvornik, Nikita ESEC/FSE '23: "DecompoVision: Reliability ..."
Dwyer, Matthew B. ESEC/FSE '23: "Deeper Notions of Correctness ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Neural-Based Test Oracle Generation: ..."
Eberlein, Martin ESEC/FSE '23: "Semantic Debugging ..."
Ehsani, Ramtin ESEC/FSE '23: "Exploring Moral Principles ..."
Eisele, Max ESEC/FSE '23: "Revisiting Neural Program ..."
Elbaum, Sebastian ESEC/FSE '23: "Deeper Notions of Correctness ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Neural-Based Test Oracle Generation: ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Pitfalls in Experiments with ..."
Emmi, Michael ESEC/FSE '23: "Compositional Taint Analysis ..."
Endres, Madeline ESEC/FSE '23: "A Four-Year Study of Student ..."
Escobar-Velásquez, Camilo ESEC/FSE '23: "CONAN: Statically Detecting ..."
Espitia-Acero, Juan ESEC/FSE '23: "CONAN: Statically Detecting ..."
Estep, Sam ESEC/FSE '23: "NaNofuzz: A Usable Tool for ..."
Evtikhiev, Mikhail ESEC/FSE '23: "BFSig: Leveraging File Significance ..."
Fallahzadeh, Emad ESEC/FSE '23: "Accelerating Continuous Integration ..."
Fan, Hao ESEC/FSE '23: "TraceDiag: Adaptive, Interpretable, ..."
Fan, Lingling ESEC/FSE '23: "Automated and Context-Aware ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Comparison and Evaluation ..."
Fan, Zhenye ESEC/FSE '23: "A Generative and Mutational ..."
Fang, Hongbo ESEC/FSE '23: "Matching Skills, Past Collaboration, ..."
Fang, Zihan ESEC/FSE '23: "A Four-Year Study of Student ..."
Feldman, Kobi ESEC/FSE '23: "On the Relationship between ..."
Feng, Botao ESEC/FSE '23: "STEAM: Observability-Preserving ..."
Feng, Ruitao ESEC/FSE '23: "Comparison and Evaluation ..."
Feng, Shiwei ESEC/FSE '23: "PEM: Representing Binary Program ..."
Feng, Sidong ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Efficient Record and ..."
Feng, Siyue ESEC/FSE '23: "Tritor: Detecting Semantic ..."
Feng, Yang ESEC/FSE '23: "Dynamic Data Fault Localization ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Benchmarking Robustness of ..."
Feng, Zixuan ESEC/FSE '23: "The State of Survival in OSS: ..."
Filieri, Antonio ESEC/FSE '23: "Compositional Taint Analysis ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "Neural-Based Test Oracle Generation: ..."
First, Emily ESEC/FSE '23: "Baldur: Whole-Proof Generation ..."
Ford, Denae ESEC/FSE '23: "A Four-Year Study of Student ..."
Formica, Federico ESEC/FSE '23: "Test Case Generation for Drivability ..."
Franz, Michael ESEC/FSE '23: "A Highly Scalable, Hybrid, ..."
Fronchetti, Felipe ESEC/FSE '23: "Do CONTRIBUTING Files Provide ..."
Fu, Qiuai ESEC/FSE '23: "Hue: A User-Adaptive Parser ..."
Gall, Harald C. ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Top-Down Automated ..."
Ganatra, Vaibhav ESEC/FSE '23: "Detection Is Better Than Cure: ..."
Ganji, Mohammad ESEC/FSE '23: "Code Coverage Criteria for ..."
Gao, Cuiyun ESEC/FSE '23: "A Unified Framework for Mini-game ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "How Practitioners Expect Code ..."
Gao, Haoyu ESEC/FSE '23: "Evaluating Transfer Learning ..."
Gao, Xin ESEC/FSE '23: "TraceDiag: Adaptive, Interpretable, ..."
Gao, Xinyu ESEC/FSE '23: "Benchmarking Robustness of ..."
Gao, Xuedong ESEC/FSE '23: "TraceDiag: Adaptive, Interpretable, ..."
Gao, Yongqiang ESEC/FSE '23: "AG3: Automated Game GUI Text ..."
Garg, Shaddy ESEC/FSE '23: "Outage-Watch: Early Prediction ..."
Gauthier, François ESEC/FSE '23: "Crystallizer: A Hybrid Path ..."
Geng, Mingyang ESEC/FSE '23: "Natural Language to Code: ..."
Gens, David ESEC/FSE '23: "A Highly Scalable, Hybrid, ..."
Gerosa, Marco Aurélio ESEC/FSE '23: "Do CONTRIBUTING Files Provide ..."
Ghanavati, Sepideh ESEC/FSE '23: "A Language Model of Java Methods ..."
Ghosh, Supriyo ESEC/FSE '23: "Detection Is Better Than Cure: ..."
Gill, James ESEC/FSE '23: "Dead Code Removal at Meta: ..."
Gligoric, Milos ESEC/FSE '23: "Multilingual Code Co-evolution ..."
Gong, Jingzhi ESEC/FSE '23: "Predicting Software Performance ..."
Gonugondla, Sujan Kumar ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Greener Yet Powerful ..."
Gonuguntla, Ashritha ESEC/FSE '23: "Outage-Watch: Early Prediction ..."
Gorla, Alessandra ESEC/FSE '23: "LibKit: Detecting Third-Party ..."
Gotmare, Akhilesh Deepak ESEC/FSE '23: "Efficient Text-to-Code Retrieval ..."
Gousios, Georgios ESEC/FSE '23: "Dynamic Prediction of Delays ..."
Greuter, Eric ESEC/FSE '23: "Dynamic Prediction of Delays ..."
Grishina, Anastasiia ESEC/FSE '23: "The EarlyBIRD Catches the ..."
Groce, Alex ESEC/FSE '23: "Contextual Predictive Mutation ..."
Grundy, John ESEC/FSE '23: "LazyCow: A Lightweight Crowdsourced ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "C³: Code Clone-Based Identification ..."
Grunske, Lars ESEC/FSE '23: "Semantic Debugging ..."
Gu, Jian ESEC/FSE '23: "Towards Top-Down Automated ..."
Gu, Jiazhen ESEC/FSE '23: "Appaction: Automatic GUI Interaction ..." ESEC/FSE '23: "BiasAsker: Measuring the Bias ..."
Gu, Qiuhan ESEC/FSE '23: "LLM-Based Code Generation ..."
Gu, Xiaodong ESEC/FSE '23: "Self-Supervised Query Reformulation ..."
Guha, Arjun ESEC/FSE '23: "npm-follower: A Complete Dataset ..."
Gulwani, Sumit ESEC/FSE '23: "Grace: Language Models Meet ..."
Gulzar, Muhammad Ali ESEC/FSE '23: "Co-dependence Aware Fuzzing ..."
Guo, Hanwen ESEC/FSE '23: "Statistical Type Inference ..."
Guo, Qing ESEC/FSE '23: "DistXplore: Distribution-Guided ..."
Guo, Shengjian ESEC/FSE '23: "BigDataflow: A Distributed ..."
Guo, Shiyu ESEC/FSE '23: "Appaction: Automatic GUI Interaction ..."
Gupta, Priyanshu ESEC/FSE '23: "Grace: Language Models Meet ..."