CPP 2016
5th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2016)
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5th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2016), January 18–19, 2016, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

CPP 2016 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Åman Pohjola, Johannes CPP '16: "Bisimulation Up-To Techniques ..."
Anderson, Thomas CPP '16: "Planning for Change in a Formal ..."
Anton, Steve CPP '16: "Planning for Change in a Formal ..."
Bernard, Sophie CPP '16: "Formal Proofs of Transcendence ..."
Bertot, Yves CPP '16: "Formal Proofs of Transcendence ..."
Bickford, Mark CPP '16: "A Nominal Exploration of Intuitionism ..."
Blazy, Sandrine CPP '16: "Formal Verification of Control-Flow ..."
Charguéraud, Arthur CPP '16: "Higher-Order Representation ..."
Cohen, Cyril CPP '16: "Formalization of a Newton ..."
Czajka, Łukasz CPP '16: "Improving Automation in Interactive ..."
De Moura, Leonardo CPP '16: "Dependent Type Practice (Invited ..."
Djalal, Boris CPP '16: "Formalization of a Newton ..."
Doorn, Floris van CPP '16: "Constructing the Propositional ..."
Ernst, Michael D. CPP '16: "Planning for Change in a Formal ..."
Felty, Amy P. CPP '16: "A Verified Algorithm for Detecting ..."
Friedman, Harvey M. CPP '16: "Perspectives on Formal Verification ..."
Fulton, Nathan CPP '16: "A Logic of Proofs for Differential ..."
Kaliszyk, Cezary CPP '16: "Towards a Mizar Environment ..."
Kotelnikov, Evgenii CPP '16: "The Vampire and the FOOL ..."
Kovács, Laura CPP '16: "The Vampire and the FOOL ..."
Lammich, Peter CPP '16: "Refinement Based Verification ..."
Lethin, Richard CPP '16: "A Unified Coq Framework for ..."
Li, Wenda CPP '16: "A Modular, Efficient Formalisation ..."
Meister, Benoît CPP '16: "A Unified Coq Framework for ..."
Mountcastle, Paul CPP '16: "A Unified Coq Framework for ..."
Pąk, Karol CPP '16: "Towards a Mizar Environment ..."
Parrow, Joachim CPP '16: "Bisimulation Up-To Techniques ..."
Paulson, Lawrence C. CPP '16: "A Modular, Efficient Formalisation ..."
Platzer, André CPP '16: "A Logic of Proofs for Differential ..."
Rahli, Vincent CPP '16: "A Nominal Exploration of Intuitionism ..."
Ramananandro, Tahina CPP '16: "A Unified Coq Framework for ..."
Reger, Giles CPP '16: "The Vampire and the FOOL ..."
Rideau, Laurence CPP '16: "Formal Proofs of Transcendence ..."
Schäfer, Steven CPP '16: "Axiomatic Semantics for Compiler ..."
Schneider, Sigurd CPP '16: "Axiomatic Semantics for Compiler ..."
Smolka, Gert CPP '16: "Axiomatic Semantics for Compiler ..."
St-Martin, Michel CPP '16: "A Verified Algorithm for Detecting ..."
Strub, Pierre-Yves CPP '16: "Formal Proofs of Transcendence ..."
Tatlock, Zachary CPP '16: "Planning for Change in a Formal ..."
Thiemann, René CPP '16: "Formalizing Jordan Normal ..."
Trieu, Alix CPP '16: "Formal Verification of Control-Flow ..."
Urban, Josef CPP '16: "Towards a Mizar Environment ..."
Voronkov, Andrei CPP '16: "The Vampire and the FOOL ..."
Wilcox, James R. CPP '16: "Planning for Change in a Formal ..."
Woos, Doug CPP '16: "Planning for Change in a Formal ..."
Yamada, Akihisa CPP '16: "Formalizing Jordan Normal ..."

46 authors

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