CC 2022
31st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2022)
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31st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2022), April 02–03, 2022, Seoul, South Korea

CC 2022 – Author Index

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Baghdadi, Riyadh CC '22: "Caviar: An E-Graph Based TRS ..."
Barua, Prithayan CC '22: "Memory Access Scheduling to ..."
Bassett, Justin CC '22: "Graph Transformations for ..."
Behroozi, Armand CC '22: "Loner: Utilizing the CPU Vector ..."
Benbouzid-Si Tayeb, Fatima CC '22: "Caviar: An E-Graph Based TRS ..."
Bhat, Siddharth CC '22: "QSSA: An SSA-Based IR for ..."
Bond, Michael D. CC '22: "Cape: Compiler-Aided Program ..."
Bondhugula, Uday CC '22: "MLIR-Based Code Generation ..."
Canesche, Michael CC '22: "A Polynomial Time Exact Solution ..."
Cummins, Chris CC '22: "Caviar: An E-Graph Based TRS ..." CC '22: "Automating Reinforcement Learning ..."
Damani, Sana CC '22: "Memory Access Scheduling to ..."
Dubach, Christophe CC '22: "Mapping Parallelism in a Functional ..."
Elsesser, Gary CC '22: "Software Pre-execution for ..."
Ferreira, Ricardo CC '22: "A Polynomial Time Exact Solution ..."
Gerard, Blake CC '22: "QRANE: Lifting QASM Programs ..."
Gilray, Thomas CC '22: "Seamless Deductive Inference ..."
Greyzck, Terry CC '22: "Software Pre-execution for ..."
Groce, Alex CC '22: "Making No-Fuss Compiler Fuzzing ..."
Grosser, Tobias CC '22: "QRANE: Lifting QASM Programs ..." CC '22: "QSSA: An SSA-Based IR for ..."
Hazelwood, Kim CC '22: "Caviar: An E-Graph Based TRS ..."
Heffernan, Mark CC '22: "Graph Transformations for ..."
Hoag, Ellis CC '22: "Efficient Profile-Guided Size ..."
Kalburgi, Goutamkumar Tulajappa CC '22: "Making No-Fuss Compiler Fuzzing ..."
Katel, Navdeep CC '22: "MLIR-Based Code Generation ..."
Kerbow, Austin CC '22: "Graph Transformations for ..."
Khandelwal, Vivek CC '22: "MLIR-Based Code Generation ..."
Kim, Sun Hyoung CC '22: "BinPointer: Towards Precise, ..."
Kong, Martin CC '22: "QRANE: Lifting QASM Programs ..."
Kourta, Smail CC '22: "Caviar: An E-Graph Based TRS ..."
Leather, Hugh CC '22: "Caviar: An E-Graph Based TRS ..." CC '22: "Automating Reinforcement Learning ..."
Lee, Kyungwoo CC '22: "Efficient Profile-Guided Size ..."
Le Goues, Claire CC '22: "Making No-Fuss Compiler Fuzzing ..."
Li, Lu CC '22: "Mapping Parallelism in a Functional ..."
Lisper, Björn CC '22: "On the Computation of Interprocedural ..."
Mahlke, Scott CC '22: "Loner: Utilizing the CPU Vector ..."
Masud, Abu Naser CC '22: "On the Computation of Interprocedural ..."
Mehta, Sanyam CC '22: "Software Pre-execution for ..."
Micinski, Kristopher CC '22: "Seamless Deductive Inference ..."
Mogers, Naums CC '22: "Mapping Parallelism in a Functional ..."
Nacif, José Augusto CC '22: "A Polynomial Time Exact Solution ..."
Namani, Adel Abderahmane CC '22: "Caviar: An E-Graph Based TRS ..."
Ozen, Guray CC '22: "Performant Portable OpenMP ..."
Park, Eunhyeok CC '22: "One-Shot Tuner for Deep Learning ..."
Park, Sunghyun CC '22: "Loner: Utilizing the CPU Vector ..."
Peduri, Anurudh CC '22: "QSSA: An SSA-Based IR for ..."
Quintão Pereira, Fernando Magno CC '22: "A Polynomial Time Exact Solution ..."
Radu, Valentin CC '22: "Mapping Parallelism in a Functional ..."
Raje, Saurabh CC '22: "Training of Deep Learning ..."
Rand, Robert CC '22: "Writing and Verifying a Quantum ..."
Rountev, Atanas CC '22: "Training of Deep Learning ..."
Ryu, Jaehun CC '22: "One-Shot Tuner for Deep Learning ..."
Sabin, Gerald CC '22: "Training of Deep Learning ..."
Sadayappan, P. CC '22: "Training of Deep Learning ..."
Sahebolamri, Arash CC '22: "Seamless Deductive Inference ..."
Sarkar, Vivek CC '22: "Memory Access Scheduling to ..."
Shobaki, Ghassan CC '22: "Graph Transformations for ..."
Sukumaran-Rajam, Aravind CC '22: "Training of Deep Learning ..."
Sun, Cong CC '22: "BinPointer: Towards Precise, ..."
Sung, Hyojin CC '22: "One-Shot Tuner for Deep Learning ..."
Tan, Gang CC '22: "BinPointer: Towards Precise, ..."
Tang, Zhanyong CC '22: "Automating Reinforcement Learning ..."
Tillmann, Nikolai CC '22: "Efficient Profile-Guided Size ..."
Van Tonder, Rijnard CC '22: "Making No-Fuss Compiler Fuzzing ..."
Wang, Huanting CC '22: "Automating Reinforcement Learning ..."
Wang, Zheng CC '22: "Automating Reinforcement Learning ..."
Wolfe, Michael CC '22: "Performant Portable OpenMP ..."
Xu, Yufan CC '22: "Training of Deep Learning ..."
Zeng, Dongrui CC '22: "BinPointer: Towards Precise, ..."
Zhang, Cheng CC '22: "Automating Reinforcement Learning ..."
Zhang, Rui CC '22: "Cape: Compiler-Aided Program ..."
Zhang, Yinqian CC '22: "Cape: Compiler-Aided Program ..."
Zhao, Jiaqi CC '22: "Automating Reinforcement Learning ..."

72 authors

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